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Where do you buy your blank minidisc or used minidisc

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I have been using MD for 10+ years now and it seems after sony stopped production of MD all the prices on blanks and even the used MD went up to almost 3$ a pop and the HI-MD which I used to get for 6.99 now go for 20$ or more so I am asking where is a better place to get MD and HI-MD online? I have tried amazon but they are now starting to get just as pricy so anyone? :help:

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There are plenty of 10-packs (and other packs too!) for between $20 and $25 on Ebay. There's an almost unlimited supply of TDK disks in England, sorry if this seems like an ad (by me) - it isn't:


As well Babz media had over 3000 10-packs but they seem to have disappeared. Someone bought them, I feel sure, maybe the guy in the link above. His price includes shipping, but only within the UK.

There are plenty of deals in the US, if you search ebay for "blank minidisc" you will immediately see this:


Agreed, HiMD 1GB disks are getting very scarce. Sony never sold enough Hi-MD units for them to be sufficiently common. Almost no other manufacturer made HiMD units (the exception is Onkyo) and no other manufacturer made the 1GB disks.

However if you keep your eyes open, the best way to buy lots of (used) disks may be with someone disposing of their RECORDER.

Good luck!

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I just blew some savings on a bunch of new MD blanks.

I bought 80 of these: TDK Color

And 40 of these: Sony Gold

Another 120 disks to add to my stash should keep me in business for a long time to come. Once I get this new shipment, I'll line everything up for a family reunion picture!

Interestingly, I ordered the TDKs, which I love, from this same retailer in the UK a year ago and they have increased in price by about 50% since that time. The cost of blanks sure is rising fast.

I dropped about $315 USD on 120 blanks, $2.62 per disc on average, that includes shipping. Outrageous!!

I am dying to pick up these blanks: Sony ES, but at $6.00 USD per disk, it is simply not a good value in my opinion.

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I don't know of any retail outlet in Australia that sells MD media now days, A few years ago the supermarkets stopped stocking them here, up until 2010 you could buy them new at Sony Centres here, Prism80's and HiMD, you could also buy "laser " blanks at Jaycar. These days i get blank discs by buying them from people I know, or eBay, or gumtree. I'll pick up recorders and decks on online auction sites, often these will come with a number of used blanks. Seems to be ok. I'm building up a fair stockpile of discs, who knows how we will manage in the years to come.

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