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Encoder rotary for JA555ES

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I bought not working  JA555ES  as a parts donor for JA555ES and JA333ES. It even didn't  power up. Broken shaft of AMS encoder.

Inside I noiticed some flat wires unpluged. Missing loading belt and  lever (lock) assy  X-4949-790-1 (not available anymore).

But I gave it a try.   After pluging all wires it powers up and display shines as new one.

I managed to create lever lock. First  I wanted to print it 3D but with no luck so I did it manually and it works. 

Next I tried  to repair broken encoder. I bought one encoder from Alps and second from Bourns but the old was from Panasonic ;-(  . Anyway I put Bourns encoder because it has longer shaft and works smooth and can stand more cycles. The only drawback is that it rotates in different direction than original but does its job. Maybe anyone knows what  Pansonic encoder should I get or have spare one.

After  assembling it turned out that this  MDS-JA555ES  has played only  for 131 hours and recorded for  64 hours so seems pretty new one. 20171227_202713.thumb.jpg.dfd454059c0c9a6e9e0caf6537754ef9.jpg20171227_202637.thumb.jpg.3fe31ad0d1158eb72a879c4bf96236aa.jpg








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12 hours ago, kris01 said:

Am afraid it is not the same as in JA333ES.

Have you looked at the connections in detail? If they ARE the same (I haven't had time to analyse) then the only possible thing would be if there's a firmware in the big chip. But I have a feeling there isn't.

There's not that much difference between 940 and 333ES, honestly. The BD board is likely identical with the same ATRAC/DSP chip (CXD-2662). The tray is definitely one distinguishing feature, and possibly beefed up Power supply and noise suppression. Jim had scathing words about the difference between 780 and 980QS, for example. Just about nothing except a couple of brass screws, he said.

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10 minutes ago, sfbp said:

Jim had scathing words about the difference between 780 and 980QS, for example. Just about nothing except a couple of brass screws, he said.

phamcu consider the QS to be better built thant the ES and told me to keep my JB980 (I did not think of selling mine) when I asked about his 780ES for sale.

Here in Vietnam,  JE and JA are easier to find than JB (I did not find any).

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5 hours ago, PhilippeC said:

phamcu consider the QS to be better built thant the ES

I fully agree. I had to repair mechanical issues of both my JA333ES and JA20ES after a couple of years. Never had a problem with my JB920s or JB930, that have been running day and night for much more than 10 years now.

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3 hours ago, PhilippeC said:

Salut Philippe,

And the W...1 ?

The MDS-W1 is less robust. I own half a dozen of them, use them intensively for moving tracks and duplicating/defragmenting discs.

I fully trust three of them, that always operate as expected.  Other units sometimes fail to duplicate full discs at once, but succeed if tracks are copied one at a time.

The W1 is a symmetric machine, that can copy from disc A to disc B, as well as from disc B to disc A. A machine that fails to copy in one direction will often copy correctly in the opposite direction, preserving the feature.

My intuition regarding failures is that the W1 does not retry when it fails to read a frame. The missed frames are rather replaced by silent frames, causing very short sound drops in the copy.

In other words, I need not check the copies made by reliable W1s, but I always listen to copies made by W1s I do not trust. Usually, erasing the damaged copy, and copying it again suffices to recover.

That being said, let me repeat here that without the W1, I would never have invested in minidiscs, as I did 16 years ago. What does digital recording mean, if you cannot backup your own recordings?

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On 12/27/2017 at 8:27 PM, kris01 said:

The only drawback is that it rotates in different direction than original but does its job. Maybe anyone knows what  Pansonic encoder should I get or have spare one.


Looking at the SM p55 CN701 (which mates to CN800 on p43).I don't know what type if loom this is, but as it looks to be double row from the PCB layout, maybe the connector is pin-in-body type. If it is, is it possible to swap around pins 7 and 9 in the CN701 mating connector? This will swap JOG0/JOG1 and possibly could correct your rotation direction issue.

I've recently replaced a similar encoder in my Tascam MD-CD1, and also had to use a Bournes part because the Alps part with the correct shaft length is discontinued. Fortunately the Bournes was pretty much an exact replacement and works correctly (if maybe a little stiffer).



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