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Power on fault with 333ES

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Hello, I have a MDS-JA333ES that I had not used in several months, when I turned it on, none of the buttons lit up and the screen was dead, but it did accept and play a disc then after about 10 seconds the screen lit up and flicked then the machine shut down and now will not come back on and is completely dead.


The power relay click once when I power it off after its been on but does NOT click when I first re power it.

I opened it up and found nothing obvious, damaged or burnt etc, are there any fuses or things I could check? anyone had these symptoms before?

I am in Perth Australia and there are no service centres for MD in my area, any help appreciated.

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From sympthom i see that problem is on display power section at regulator/reset gen IC. But it need inspection to say for sure. Maybe some solder joint cracks - thats normal for old units. Maybe solder joints on power transformer. Maybe some capacitor went bad. But first is visual inspection, then measurement inspection etc... 

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