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The Forum Now Has 70,000 Registered Users!


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Congratulations, board! You now have 3,000 registered users. It only seems like yesterday when I first joined here and the forums were seemingly dead. Things have definitely turned around, and I'm glad that our user registrations are the highest they've ever been each month in a row! Also, congrats drwtsn32, you were the 3,000 user. I don't really have anything I could give you, but thanks for joining the forums - and that goes to everyone! :happy:

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Ahahah this is awesome!

Well done all Admin/Moderators of this FANTASIC forum!

Have you ever thought, and I don't know if this is really possible, but contacting Sony, and other MD Retailers, and letting them know about this forum, and asking them to inform new MD customers of this place, and say that if they have any questions, they can come here and no doubt get them answered professionally and quickly.

Any maybe say... if you contribute a little to this place, as in monetary rewards, then we (MD forum) would be happy to assist? tongue.gif

Just a thought

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Any maybe say... if you contribute a little to this place, as in monetary rewards, then we (MD forum) would be happy to assist? tongue.gif

You seem to be joking, but I do think it's important that this forum NOT take any $$ from Sony. That way people will know that whatever praise or criticism we offer is genuine.

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You seem to be joking, but I do think it's important that this forum NOT take any $$ from Sony. That way people will know that whatever praise or criticism we offer is genuine.

Well I was just thinking that if this Forum needed some financial assistance to keep it all up and running, then maybe this would help? I don't know how this Forum is going, but it was just a consideration...

But I do agree with your point that we should offer non-biased comments.

1. The people asking the questions wouldn't know we were getting some financial assistance from whoever gave it to us... and

2. Even if Sony did pay us a little to assist them, we shouldn't change our views all of a sudden just to make Sony look good.

If we just kept doing what we are doing, then that is fine. I wouldn’t go “Oh that is a great product! Best out there” If it wasn’t, just so we could get paid by a company….

Hope that all makes sense

But what I am trying to say, is that if I ran a electronic store or something like that... and I was a large store, and was informed that there was a well established Internet Forum, happy to help anyone in need, then I would really consider giving them some money in return of their help, so that we wouldn't have customers coming back with questions that my staff most probably wouldn't know the answer to...

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Thanks for the kind words - one thousand people in such a short time is a true accomplishment indeed.

I have considered asking Sony if they wish to advertise here, and if they wanted to I probably wouldn't stop them. I've had people already confront me and ask if this is a Sony-run forum, and it's not and never has been. Would placign their ads change that statement? No - I wouldn't hold any bias and report things just the same.

As for financial assistance, don't worry about that - we're fine. If any of you wish to contribute to the forum and get benefits [espesically for the gallery], feel free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Done, buddy. I really can't believe we accomplished this in such little time. I honestly have no doubts that growth has been fueled by the downloads section, as the Sonicstage 3.1 installer alone has nearly 1000 downloads. ohmy.gif

Brilliant! You can imagine further growth rate once the "mother" conclude its advertising with MDCF. cool.gif

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nice work you two. other mods are good, but you two are right on the game atm. seems to menot just is the no. of users up but some of them are sticking 'round a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can we have a figue of the total number of downloads to date?

And do you know how many users that have signed up, have JUST used the download section?

This place is going to be HUGE!

Will be great!

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Unfortunately I cannot determine how many people have signed up for just the downloads section, but it's obvious that the downloads section has increased the number of registrations by quite a bit (if you were here when I first started administrating, then you will realize how big the difference has become).

As for the total number of downloads, the number is 4757, but will probably be over 5000 by the time you read this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the forums, #10,000th registered and confirmed user nbokor!!!!

Wow, this truly is one of those days in my life that I will never forget- 10,000 users today. When I started in Feburary '04, there was about 2,000 members, and it had taken about a year for the forums to reach that mark - so effectively, since Feb '04, we've gained about 8000 members. I remember this place back when I started before I started to adminstrate it, and here, I'll show it to you:


Hilarious! Now what about the logos and themes? Oh my, those have changed too.

The one the webmaster had was a bit bland, but the very first logo for MDCF was:

user posted image

Being the hipster I am, I came onto the scene and made it a little more stylish.

user posted image

Unfortunately, that didn't last long as I had one of my friends make something that wasn't stolen from Sony art, and complimented the SubTrail theme that we carried for a long time.

user posted image

The Sosumi theme followed next, with a slight variation on the above logo:

user posted image

Unfortunately in December phpBB was no longer a suitable choice for the forums as employing such softwares was becoming counter-intuitive and caused massive downtime for most of the month. In January, the entire forums was converted to Invision, which you know of today. We went with the default theme for a while, but carried a familiar face:

user posted image


So, in retrospect, I want to thank each and every one of you who have been there since my beginning through all that lag, and those of you who have been there before my time. To those of you who have joined here in my time as Administrator, I hope that things have been satisfactory and I truly appreciate your patronage. It was a difficult journey to reach this point, but I feel that we have truly accomplished great things with this forum, espesically in communication with "big brother". I look forward to future development (and madness) with MDCF.

With the fall of the Minidisc T-Board and it's renaming to the Audio T-Station, the people have spoken their choice for where they wish to primarily discuss Minidisc, and to have this honor means alot to me - to have a niche in this world, to have that sort of impact. Thank you all.

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i don't like the disproportionate amount of space the avatars & sigs take up at new tboard. not that it's too much of a stress as i like it here better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done

I've been using MD since it started and am glad people are discovering it more and more --in spite of "Crappods" and Sony's best efforts to hobble the best use of the medium with D(readfully) R(ubbish) M(usic) crud.

Glad to see a place like this where intelligent discussion, and thoughtful answers are the norm and that it hasn't degenerated into a slanging match that you see so often over the Net.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Active users are important, but the number of registered users is very important as well, it really shows how MD is gaining some steam.

To True!

Maybe we should have a new thread... with a Poll, asking members what MD unit they have.. like 1st gen and/or 2nd Gen... all that kinda stuff so we all get a kind of idea?

And we also have to make it onto this web site as well!

http://www.big-boards.com/ This site has the biggest forums on the net tongue.gif

I am a member of another forum which is no. 67 biggrin.gif Whirlpool forums.

Minidisc.org is yet to make an appearance sad.gif

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