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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. sadly it is difficult to get more pictures on the web http://images.mitras...r/minidisc.html : and the winner is... minidisc.org (for the very few working links) So if you have more, be welcome
  2. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/192-2877020-3934116?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=prs-t1 129€ tax free (CDG airport, Paris), red color. I just regret that the shop did not have a white color unit. Nevermind, the red color is beautiful enough. Now I know that I would have had to buy the fitted red wallet (30€). I did not test the sound quality yet.
  3. I use a Creative X-Fi sound card so for my ears real time recording sound better. Don't get a fig for time consuming as I LISTEN to the music during every recording.
  4. Why did you rip your DVD in MP3 before burning the CD audio ? Don't you have any WAV or lossless option ?
  5. As I do not use SS anymore for transfer (I record ALL my music in real time from the computer), I don't have such a problem .
  6. You need a 5.1 to stereo conversation. Many audio card can do that (check your settings) or like Stephen said, use a software able to do it. Besweet or Winamp, foobar2000 with the right audio convertissor plugin.
  7. For me it look like you got a virus instead of a Sonic Stage problem. But maybe somebody else have something else in mind.
  8. thebighotpotatojonathan, just tell me which one you want first... and then we will wait for somebody coming to France (every two months) because postage is as expensive as the cost of the lens. LaserdiscPlaza is a better place for that kind of discussion between froggies (100 platines topic).
  9. See here http://forums.sonyinsider.com/files/category/5-drivers/ and ask if you need sfbp for some more help
  10. Don't forget that IF you start a MD units collection, you will have to think about compatibility. Personnaly if you are happy with Hi-MD 132 kbps, you would ne happy also with LP2 and that one is recognized by all units, except non MDLP ones. SP is recognized by ALL units. Ok, here we are speaking with non Hi-MD discs, meaning standard disc (60,74,80). 132 kbps is for Hi-MD formatted disc.
  11. If you mean the three white points under the serial number, yes it look like.
  12. here :http://blog.paran.com/blog/detail/postBoard.kth?pmcId=hjc&blogDataId=36421388&hrefMark= thanks to The Wizard of Oz (one froggy like me) who sadly is no more a Sony Insider member.
  13. Why not if he can find a stupid buyer ? Onkyo MD-185X Minidisc Recorder - Rare for 250$ (starting price) to 500$ (buy it now) ! http://cgi.ebay.fr/Onkyo-MD-185X-Minidisc-Recorder-Rare-/260954492563?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc2198e93#ht_6447wt_1185
  14. A square of crystal... Zardoz (Sean Connery)
  15. Sony DHC-MD515 MiniDisc / CD (3MD + 3CD) Mini Hi-Fi System *Excellent Condition* http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-DHC-MD515-MiniDisc-CD-3MD-3CD-Mini-Hi-Fi-System-Excellent-Condition--/220948235042?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33718a8322 Nice Unit
  16. MZ-NH1 : while a spanish fellow sell his unit 99 € (no cables & cradle / charging stand), an american guy sell his unit 500 US$ (no pictures !), both on eBay http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-MINIDISC-MD-MZ-NH1-MZNH1-/320845270552?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_186&hash=item4ab3de4e18 http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-MZ-NH1-Net-MD-Hi-MD-Walkman-Minidisc-Player-Recorder-Portable-/270756827743?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0a5d525f#ht_852wt_899
  17. Je ne la trouve pas très utile pour mon usage perso en tout cas. Not very useful for me, not a sampler machine.
  18. I have already gave it back to Pham Cu. Like you say TWO of this unit are necessary to practice as a MDJ .
  19. Je ne sais pas personnellement comment faire mais j'ai une personne - Pham Cu (phamcu sur ce forum) - dans ma ville (Hô Chi Minh ville, Viêt-Nam) qui répare les minidiscs. Donc je donnerai mon MZ-NH900 à réparer. En France, je serais à ta place je m'adresserais à Johnatan Dupré (johnatapatate sur Laserdisc Plaza, johnatanpotato sur ce forum) pour qu'il le prenne en charge.
  20. Nothing special about the DRE1 sound, this is a MD recorder & player with the same features than all MD decks. Just gave access to a more sensible editing and above all a fast access to tracks, variable pitch and speed, fast forward and rewind, etc. I don't think I will keep it after all. I am not that crazy to buy this deck just ONLY because it is a collector.
  21. There is one CMT-CP33MD for sale 45 euros (same price than in Vietnam!) right now in France here : http://www.leboncoin...1075.htm?ca=8_s
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