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Everything posted by M1JWR

  1. might take some time, dont have a scalpel or flux
  2. looking at the pics again, melting the ends is what looks like youve done, yep got it, now where are those magnifying glasses the prof had in back to the future
  3. this one maybe more difficult than those in the pics as there is the end piece then the main part, if you have bad eyesight like me you would think the end piece is suspended sorta thing, so when you see it from the side there is a small gap that is where one of the broken bits are, wearing many sets of specs and a magnifying glass i can just see where its broken from and the end is in the plastic main part, i wonder if i could melt the end a little where it joins onto as that end is broken flush, i have removed owh now anyway as i think the only way is to get something soldered there and have the gap as close as possible match to the other side, or words to that effect thanks for giving me some good ideas
  4. hi, think ive found the problem, at the end of the owh its suspended by two thin bits of, i'll call it wire one is broken, maybe above my soldering capabilities, even then it would never be right the other details are as follows total record time 6h total play time 164h iop 58.8 laser power 0.9mw$10
  5. bought a cheap 920 off the bay to play around with, it had two broken feet on the disc drive, i have successfully fixed those, however another problem exists, and just looking for a bit of confermation, i am not fermilliar with 5a drives, more fermilliar with the 7a's as you all may know. the player plays fine, it appears to record as vu's register, when the recording is done it wont play that perticular track, it may register one second in every 20 seconds in real time, no output, when i eject disc it will erase disc after toc writing, infact if other tracks are on the disc recorded by any other machine it will erase those aswell, i take it the over wite head is shot. i take it also same units as je330/520 etc
  6. there are posts on here about availability of ribbon cables somewhere, i think it was by kevin. when you change your belt, be careful with that clip on the far end of drive unit, if you break it your stuffed.
  7. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    if you look at the power supply unit in a 470, its not much different to the 980, simple iron core jobbies
  8. i think he has become a serious collector/hoarder, he needs to talk !!
  9. well this is an interesting link, only in the usa eh ! it appears you can still get new ones, others available if you explore the site https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32994205071.html?spm=2114.12057483.0.0.5e4d3bdeOvK3Hy
  10. just got another 470 for 25 quid inc post, it came with a remote for a jb920, needed a belt, thats all, otherwise cleaned it up and cleaned laser etc and all working. cant beat that can ya
  11. i had similar problem with that 940 the other month, i could access service mode but nothing else apart from standby light only. cant really remember how i got out of it, but it did come out of it, diddent see any refrence to removing ribbons at drive itself and re inserting them. thats all i ever did with any player, discovered by accident bye the way, i know at some point that woke things up a bit, i always understood that when a md deck wont come out of standby is when there is either a disc stuck inside or it thinks a disc is stuck inside. if i remember i will post back on it.
  12. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    for any future refrence here was the circuit, you dont need to remove mainboard though you do have to unscrew it after removing back panel, to get enough room for iron, as i say no visable fault with either components or board itself, c306 was the cap i changed but did not need to. there maybe others out there with the same fault, taking it that it was factory error.
  13. wonder if he is a lurker on this forum
  14. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    in the case of the 940, i was quite fresh with its internals as i had worked on one recently, there is a lot of surface mount components on the underside of the main board aswell as whats on top side, i had to do a, dont know wether you would call it a mod or a repair, on this one which is not uk tuned version, optical input 2 did not work, i replaced a thru hole cap that did not cure it , so asked on a forum with people more knowlegable than me the way to go from there, i was warm with that cap, it ended up with a wire link from the positive end of that cap to the positive end of the cap for input 1 as no power was getting to input 2,should be approx 3v, general thoughts were it was a factory error as no damage to the track was seen in any way. yes much more inside the 940, only thing common internally with 980 is the mdm and thats not 100% either, the 930 has even better psu, so thats why it got the throne for me so to speak.
  15. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    your 530 still running kevin, if it is thats a result. a fair few things coming up on that well known auction site just now with lockdown some are feeling the pinch a bit, and go, i know ive got all that old hi fi stuff on the loft/cupboard etc time to fire it up on fleabay, and away you go.
  16. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    yes the 980 has some bells and whistles over the other two, i know the 930 and 940 is higher build, they have exellent transformers especially the 930 the 980 has a rather meek iron core transformer, i was just on about the build really and how sony dropped back on that as the years went by i diddent include the 920 as ive never owned one, just a bit of fun really. the es models are in a different league again build wise, agreed. been working on one or two things recently, i bought a 440 for next to nowt, seller said it wouldent get past standby, yep i knew whats wrong with that and had a punt, disc stuck inside , easy to get out on mdm7's, with that out (sharp md74)and a new belt its now in full working order. have another cheap 470 on the way with the same problem the other was a marantz cd63se bought cheaply because the seller thought the laser was shot, so did i at the start, looked at the laser area and there was something there that shouldent be, a bit of the magnet that goes over the spindle that magnatises it to the wheel at the top part of the drive, all i did was remove it, there was no way it was going back where it came from as 60 to 70% of the magnet is still there, cleaned laser and player is playing discs. things to keep you occupied in lockdown.
  17. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JB980

    the king, supposedly, ive had mine for a lot of years with no problem, this is just a general observation, the 980 internally is a 780 in drag. as net md is not b all and end all these days, i may try and dethrone the king, we will leave the es models out of this equasion. the 940 and 930 models, the build quality of those are night and day over the king, the 940 only really lacks net md and the 930 lacking mdlp over that. the 930 is even better inside than the 940, so in my book the 930 is the best one, no belts to bother with either, so if sp is your bag you cant loose. all hail the new king, interesting to see what you all think
  18. looks like he has bought a 980 at some point aswell, possible mortgage payment required for that !!! not messing about then !
  19. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JE470

    I had an idea about it, wasent 100%, thanks for clarifying that, i have now recorded some music via optical/pc/you may know where !!! the 470 recorded fine without issue, i did erase a track, it also did that without issue then played through the tracks recorded when prompted so all is good, i am not used to the 470, compaired to jb models its a little slower in its commands, i will put that down to it being a basic model and spec of jb models are much higher ofcourse, bigger brains etc to put it simply, so its doing what its supposed to do and thats got to be a result. we have all learned a little more about md decks and that is always good regards to all for now
  20. M1JWR

    Sony MDS-JE470

    Hi all, have fixed the 470, playing now as i write this, havent tried recording yet. i recieved the replacement drive unit, it was marketed as dosent read discs, laser fault or words to that effect, i was quick to see what was wrong with it, the thing that is above the laser was broken, dont know what its called, its held in by one screw, the one in the ex 940 drive is ok so swapped those over, dont have a screwdriver small enough for that screw, had to use a thin'ish nail, still needs a little tweak to tighten it up properley and i have still got to put the earth strap back on, there is something internal wrong with 940 drive, so will keep it as it will "hopefully not" come in handy in the future. i also replaced the eject belt while i was at it. the jb930 is still on soak test and playing and recording well, not bad end result then. so there you go boys and girls, its not always the laser.
  21. and the 940 too, buy a posh one in good nick with issues then buy a basic one that works for not a lot to fix it, then fix the cheepo one if you can and if its not the actual laser itself you are laughing. good luck will be required with the 470 !!!
  22. yes ive seen replacement lasers on a well known auction site they work out about 35 quid each, wont be interested in any of those, would rather scrap 470, as you say its a low end model, no harm in experimenting, i did not want to buy any more low end decks to fix low end decks, a guy was selling a 7a drive on the well known auction site so i thought why not, he did discribe it as not reading discs, we will see about that, fingers crossed.nowadays i need about 10- pairs of specs to see what i am doing !! anyway might be lucky , fortune favours the brave eh ! i switched the 930 on today and put a disc in that said sp1 on it, as i have recordings on both modes and usually wrote what mode on the disc, it wouldent play it, then i looked again and it had 124 mins of music on it, put another in that i knew was sp1 and away she went, when the other was in the 930 did exibit the things discribed with a mdlp disc
  23. pleased to hear about your 530, mustve stumbled on a kinda cure for some issues shame we cant stumble on a cure for the big headlines thats going on just now. well the 930 is still playing, i checked its life play time etc 10hrs record and 92hrs play its done nowt, ive recorded a track with it via optical so thats good. got it on soak test for awhile. 470 next, that will take a bit more as that ex 940 drive aint too heathy, i am sure its got a broken bit in it and thats not the laser, summat else is not right, found another on fleabay will see how i get on with that, its possible it may need lasers swapped, not for the faint hearted !! yet again its not always the laser is it !!!
  24. i have now re installed the 2 missing optical jacks and the rca coaxial jack, tested in and out with cd player and 980 and all is good. however as i may have said 1 rx optical remained originally, it did not work anyway, i replaced it too, it still dosent work, ahh well i am not messing with surface mount resistors my soldering capabilities dosent extend to those, i know how to search for faults etc betcha it will be one of those and not the thru hole cap that is inline, still ini 1 works fine. so that completes that next, i bought a 930 that apparently has no sound most of the time, out with the transport cleaned laser re inserted ribbons a couple of times and power connection its a 5d drive, no belts to bother with, re assembled and put in a sp1 disc and away she went, up to press everytime. wonder if the previous owner tried mdlp discs,as this player would read disc and appear to play as counter will go round so to speak, no sound will be emitted. if its as simple as that, bargain !! its playing as i write this.
  25. i used mono for 1 job when i had the 930, it was to record a morse code tutor coarse for a friend about 20 years ago it was on at least 4 c90 tapes, it went onto 2 74 min md's, its only spoken word and dots and dashes but it did the job the tapes died long ago the md recordings are still alive
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