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Everything posted by yamagatacamille

  1. i'll wait after this episode to give my input for possible winners. i'm quite surprised that it's another 90min episode; i wouldn't mind the episodes being 90 mins because there is more content for the tasks and boardroom. i'm on the pacific so it doesnt start for another 2 hours.
  2. ashlee simpson!! NOOOO! somebody gouge my eyes!! i dont think this thread will turn into that, atrain...
  3. i noticed that too. even w/ re-editing, it'll stay the same...
  4. so, anyone actually using the Rooq + MDCF skin? i really like this skin for now; i'm sure there are more changes to this skin later on, but it's still good!
  5. ^chris, do you think the high amount of users online yesterday caused MDCF to go down for a short period of time???
  6. as far as i'm aware, the animations (on the 33EL/35ELK) will not work on the N1, but as nismo said everything else is good to go.
  7. yamagatacamille


    hmm, i assume you meant "N10" instead of nz10.. so do you have the remote for that? because it will work for your R909. if not, audiocubes is selling the 11EL for about £27; here is the link: http://www.audiocubes.com/product_info.php...&products_id=93 or you can always try ebay. happy hunting!
  8. i know this kind of info is in the profiles, adding someone anonymously is odd; so if anyone wants to freely display their AIM, MSN handle they are more than welcome to here. if anyone wants to add me this is for MSN messenger users: camilles_new_friend [a t] hotmail dot com please respect others and not spam their email address with useless junk among other things. thanks.
  9. indeed, those are my kind of girls, though the second one looks like a guy
  10. blanks like the high-quality sony ES discs and the uber-high-quality MD2000 magnesium blank has a slight increased difference of sound and build quality -- but beware to fork over a lot, especially for the MD2000 blank.
  11. yamagatacamille


    never heard this SON106 remote before, but here is a pic of the RM-MC11EL: the guy from sony said the SON106 is the same as the 11EL, but the price for it is quite expensive chek this site regarding the 11EL. sorry if i'm not of any help.
  12. the unit is tuner-enabled, but w/o the tuner remote you can't use the radio. so as nismo said, a 33EL would work fine (hell, try to find the tuner remote (37LT) on ebay as well).
  13. the world-tourist (japanese) model is supplied with the RM-MC40ELK (3-line) remote and not the RM-MC38EL, i believe that's the only difference in the NH900
  14. you'd be spending more money on cosmetic changes, you're right. the NH900 and NH1 are almost exact in terms of features (HD digital amp, etc.). well, except the remote but audiocubes sells both units with the 3-line (40ELK) remote.
  15. exactly, give the ipod/mini a break, a big break, and welcome this piece of garbage -- known as the iPod shuffle
  16. zero, so much i forgot about the N510's netMD features, among other things...thanks for adding to the list! glad you chose the N510 moka. cheers!
  17. it's that time again to hear those glorious words from The Donald: YOU'RE FIRED! http://www.nbc.com/nbc/The_Apprentice_3/ anyone catch the show on thursday? predictions? i think street smarts is going to take the book smarts to school (pun definitely intended ). discuss. cheers!
  18. bah, american idol. i think the only one who got "moderate success" was kelly clarkson; hell, i dont even know who won american idol 3. less said about AI 2, the better. there was this guy on AI 4 who held this terrible note for more than 15 seconds, simply unbearable. i'm really picky on reality shows; i'm happy 'the apprentice3' started (hah, those college grads got what they deserved!), and amazing race6 is just getting better and better.
  19. i'm still hoping that a trip to S. Korea this year is still feasible; first things first is to get a JOB! Also, a trip down to California and/or New York would be great.
  20. well, w/ precision editing eliminating any seconds of dead silence, you could do it in SP. an 80min blank is actually 80:59; in case you didnt know
  21. hmm, i'd suggest the N510, because though both units are almost the same feature-wise, the N510 has ATRAC DSP Type-S, compared to the N505s Type-R. what that means is that in Type-S, it improves playback in MDLP discs
  22. i believe the 33EL, as you stated, is the correct remote for the D-NE900; you can also look into the RM-MC35ELK as well (it has Kanji [chinese character] display).
  23. i dont think sony will ever make a tuner remote that has a backlight in it; it's so damn bulky to begin with. aside from the S1, the only portable unit sony has w/ a backlight was the MZ-1 (first ever unit)
  24. MZ-N10 -- $420CDN MDR-EX71SL -- $65CDN MDR-D66SL -- $120CDN MZ-NF610 -- $130CDN various TDK blanks -- $20CDN keeping my sanity under-control -- priceless.
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