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Everything posted by jadeclaw

  1. Actually, no. I've tried converting a 64k-tagged AAL into 352k-Atrac file, then deleted the AAL-file. Result: It sounded like Hi-LP@64k. When converting or transferring onto HiMD, only the lossy part is used. No, as only the lossy part is used. Go via PCM, then convert, then delete the PCM-File in the track-properties.
  2. A link: http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/10/s...tal-rights.html The gory details. Btw, Sony/BMGs behaviour is possibly illegal in Germany and would carry a serious monetary penalty or prison sentence. Let's see, when the first virus uses the Sony-Rootkit to hide itself from a virus-scanner. PS: I found it on the Heise-Newsticker, so now atleast one third of germans computerusers knows about that now.
  3. It was a quick test for now, but I will do a more thorough test tomorrow. It is now 3:15 am over here, so I better hit the sack now...
  4. A few words from this side of the ocean. Atrac Advanced Lossless actually stores the music twice. First really lossless, then in parallel in the datarate you have selected before ripping. When transferring onto MD, only the lossy part is transferred. If you selected 64k at import, then Hi-LP@64k ends up on the disc. The bad thing: When forcing SonicStage to convert such a lossless file during transfer, only the lossy part is converted. Tried it with one tagged at 64k and converted it to 352k - still sounds like 64k on the MD. But sounds CD-Like, when played from the HDD. So, if you want to make full use of the 352k of your HiMD, import to PCM, then convert to 352k during transfer. However, I'm still wondering, why Sony didn't went the whole way and offers the 352k on import as well. (Maybe on SS 3.4?) Another notable point: Sony finally listened. You can now select the coding quality during import. Set it to high. CD-Import takes noticeably longer, but especially the lower datarates profit here. So, remember to select 'High' on the recording quality, it is well worth the wait. Soundwise, I can recommend to upgrade. Tried WMA just for fun too, it can't compete. But as we all know, Microsoft can't compete on technical merits... 352k works on the european NH700 as well.
  5. Nature sounds are still free to use. I would say, either the RH910 or the RH10. If you use it a night, take the RH10. If you use a Mac for Editing, take the MZ-M100.
  6. Hi-MD-recorders conform to the USB-mass storage standard. Therefor no drivers are needed for Windows ME or later, MacOSX 10 or later or Linux Kernel revision 2.4 or later. For all other Operating systems/Versions, if an USB-Stick works, Hi-MD will too. One recommendation: If you have a lot of small files to copy, pack them into a Zip-File before transferring, saves a lot of space and the transfer is much faster.
  7. Illiads take on this: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20051023
  8. Was today at the local branch of a nationwide retailer chain and took a look at the iPod nano. Aside from the fact, that this overpriced thing is a fingerprint catcher, the unit on display already had caught a number of scratches. What I don't understand, TDK developed a coating for blueray-discs, that makes the discs extremely scratch resistant. You could treat a disc with steel wool and it would still be playable. The same coating on the iPod or the RH10 and scratches would be a thing of the past. While I was there, I noticed something else: They have an anti-theft system, which consists of a tear-away-sensor and a two-part holder. The two-part holder is the problem. One part is put on the display unit with double sided duct tape, the other one is on the shelf. And the one on the shelf contains a relatively strong magnet. They use that to affix all sorts of MP3-players on the shelf, including harddisk-based players. Now start thinking...
  9. Changed the distribution, it is Ubuntu now. changed the DesktopManager as well, Gnome is easier to configurate and has some nice add-ons as well. And since Ubuntu has african roots, it is only natural, that a proud lion guards the desktop. [attachmentid=962]
  10. @HockeyTown: Are you sure, it is eifl.com. That leads one only to a domain for sale notice. I guess, it is http://www.eifl.co.jp/ @PCManiac: Not necessarily. Often enough, the radio-controller is the same for a whole range of devices, with the result, that by adding or removing a solder bridge or a silicon diode opens the frequency range up to 108MHz. Sometimes even typing a magic number on the remote while being in a certain menu does the job. Audiocubes usually states this in their online catalogue. And then, there is still the converter trick possible... [EDIT] Btw, Radio does work internationally: FM : 76~108MHz (TV : 1~3ch) AM : 531~1629kHz
  11. Maybe. But seriously, it is in part the inability of the US-government to understand the concept of global warming. And especially the connection between pollution and global warming. Remember, the USA accounts for less than 6% of the worlds population, but produces about 25% of all carbon dioxide in the world. And since car traffic accounts for a good part of that, the german government did the right thing: It is no longer possible to register a SUV as a light truck. In other words, instead of paying less than 200 euros in taxes, your average gas guzzler will cost now 500 to 800 euros per year (depending on engine size ). Let's hope, that other countries follow that example...
  12. Follow the bugger here: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
  13. Sound quality. Dynamic range. You compromise on both, if the recorder offers automatic level control only, or if it doesn't even provide any form of level control. Another point to consider: What has been done to keep interference away from the analog section? And the quality of the A/D-Converter is also important.
  14. At this very moment, we need only 34 more members to take the 21000 mark
  15. It is quite different. HiMD is extended MD-tech and the High-capacity discs cannot be stamp-pressed like CDs or DVDs. UMD is miniaturized DVD-Tech and high capacity UMD-discs can be stamp-pressed like DVDs, thus allowing the mass production of prefabricated discs. Plus, the use of DVD-tech allows for a higher capacity as well - giving 1.8GB per disc.
  16. Get a german one. You can stop the flush at any time by pushing the handle back. However, seeing the poor performance of our low flow toilets here, the next one will be a pressure assisted one. I'll rather accept the higher water bill than to fight with a misfiring toilet. After seeing this, you know why.
  17. Well, it is simple: iPod == Normal Toilet Minidisc == Gerber Ultra Flush Remember: The performance counts!
  18. Looks like a defective WriteProtect-switch. The problem is, that you can not be assured, that the tape-method still works in a few months. So I say, it is better to have it exchanged/fixed. Expect to send in your unit first and then getting the other one back.
  19. Without any special software installed, your HiMD appears as USB-Drive, like any other USB-Stick, so you can install from that. RE the false password, I say PM Kurisu about that. Normally the passwort should be the same.
  20. They are playback only. You need another recorder to fill the discs. Guide to Sony-Type-designations: MZ are mobile units. MZ-R are old recorders MZ-S are old recorders, Sports-Series. MZ-B are so called 'business recorders'. These are designed to be used as dictaphones and have built-in microphones and a speaker. MZ-E are old Players MZ-N are old NetMD-Recorders. If it is an N and has a D at the end of the type number, it is a downloader only. (N420D) MZ-NE are old NetMD-Downloaders (No mic or line-in ) MZ-NF are old NetMD-Recorders with a radio remote. MZ-G are old recorders with a radio remote. MZ-EH are HiMD-capable players. MZ-NH are HiMD-capable recorders and downloaders. If it is an NH and has a D at the end of the type number, it is a downloader only. (NH600D) MZ-RH are HiMD-capable recorders. (2nd Generation) MZ-DH are HiMD-capable downloaders. (2nd Generation & the camera) Remember, E and EH cannot record in any way, they can only playback discs recorded in other units. Of course, they don't have an USB-connector either. Hope, that makes it now clear for anyone
  21. My personal feeling was always, that MD/HiMD is here to stay for quite awhile. Especially as other manufacturers keep pushing out new MD-Stuff. This time it is Denon: D-C7USB ( mech. Translation ) Designwise it reminds me of the typical german design of the 70's. Aside from having a CD and MD-drive, it has a USB-Front-socket, where you can plug in your MP3-Player and play its files through the unit. ( @Kurisu: If you think it is worth its own thread, fell free to do it. )
  22. Well, since HiMD is kept in production (see main site ), we should see MD-support in the connect-player. It couldn't be that hard to include the existing MD-drivers.
  23. @Jonagold: What type is your MD-recorder? If it is a NetMD, then WinNMD might be the right thing: http://winnmd.net/winnmd.htm Recording is still done via Soundcard, but it uses the NetMD-connection to separate the recording into individual tracks.
  24. Ok, we can end collecting predictions: http://www.apple.com/ipod/ipod.html It plays videos, comes with 30 & 60GB and iTunes still refuses to install on my machine. So, there you have it. I'll stick with Minidisc.
  25. Billyboy seems to forget something: This type of copyprevention was introduced on behalf of the Fox-studios. But what if HD-DVD ends up with the same protection? That would leave MicroSoft stranded high and dry. And speaking of temper tantrums, it is a Billyboy specialty. Just like Ballmers chair throwing exercises.
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