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Everything posted by Mikami

  1. Now, that is interesting, although the MZ-EH70 is metal and the MZ-EH50 is plastic their weights are not that much different. They are both nice looking and sounding units and I am glad Sony is still making Hi-MD units. Enjoy that milkshake, Mikami P.S. Try looking at this link for the Ginga Tetsudou you can pay at the time of delivery, too. http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4...1247455-1337953 Here's their english home page: http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/tg/bro...1247455-1337953
  2. (1) Those are great pics. Your review is concise and clear. (2)Your MZ-EH50 looks to be a mix between a straw berry milkshake pink and a light coral and the MZ-EH70 appears to be a compromise with a mageta(+18.0" 1.2%desat) and a medium Violet red maybe just some lavenderish color. (3 the aside)However, my computer screen has deceived before concering the color of MD units, esp the navy blue sharp IM-DR80. It has a glitter like gloss in person, but just does not show up at all in digi-pics on my compture and the unit looks black rather than navy on my screen. (4) Who is the anime and/or manga character? Is this Rami from video game Keio Yugekitai, or a manga character, or just a character made up in time for the holidays? The character looks vaguely familiar, somehow. (5) Which MD unit feels the lightest to you? (6) What material do you think the back of the EH-50 is? I couldn't tell. It felt strong but flexible when I saw it in the store. (7)What do you think about the paint jobs both units have their on unique coats. The EH-50 has a nice diecast glossy coat, while the EH-70 is just a solid coat. The glossy coast of the EH-50 is very appealing and I like all the matching accessories that come with it. I was temped to buy it and had a hard time picking between the EH-50 and the EH-70, but I finally picked the Eh-70 because of it's sound options. The EH-50 really does look nice in your pics and I like the fact that there aren't any scractable chrome looking plates on it. Thank you for sharing, Mikami
  3. Assuming that: (1) One can rip the media to his/her computer via USB (2) One only cares about downloading to HI-MD (3) One has no need for recording from various sources using the optical in. then I suppose the optical in has no purpose. For me I need to or strongly want to record. Some CD's I have bought(from Sony and Avex trax) just won't play on my CD-ROM drive and therefore can not be ripped and transferd to my HI-MD other than via optical in. Also, If I am at a friends home or a relatives home and I'm watching a family DVD and I want to grab the sounds, it is much easier & faster for me to do so through optical in then to ask to borrow their computer. If you have digital tv and/or digital radio then I am sure optical would come in handy. When I first got into MiniDisc opticaling in I used it for grabing video game sounds and Laser Disc audio. I guess times are changing but I hope MD doesn't I hope it is always a tool for recording from anything, anywhere, and anytime with ot without a computer. seasons greetings, Mikami
  4. I really do like the new audio play back options of Sony's eh-70(they are great for language learning and just playing around)you can speed up or slow down music and ect, but Sharp does great things with their Auvi line and the Delta-Sigma formula. Wow, the EH-50 for 14,800 nice price if you get or have got it please write or post something about it. Hmm, you make some great points, it is hard for me to share music/recordings with others when I only have my HI-MD units with me. If, I record something with a HI-MD unit or if I only have a HI-MD disc or formated disc then I can not share unless I line in the audio to them or I let them borrow my head phones and I would never let any of my students or fellow teachers borrow my Sony eggos. Yeah, I think I should get the sharp MD-DR77. It must be a good unit it came out in 2004 and is still on sale. Season Greatings, Mikami
  5. Well, this winter biz thing didn't take off. I think they change the name to warm biz recently, but when I first heard about it I am sure it was winter biz. Sorry, if I told you the wrong name for this season's sales gimmick. Oh, I saw your new pink Sony MZ-EH70. Looks great!(I am slow, I just saw it) Now, I have to ask you: do you like Sony's or Sharp's MD units color options better? And does your Sony MZ-EH70 in your opinion stand up to the sharp MD Player units that you have? The Sony MZ-EH70 has some neat sound opitions and it is my favorite player only unit at the moment, but I know Sharps players have: four poles on their plugs, 1-bit, Delta Sgima, Sharps own slight variation on the atracs codex, various colors, and they usually always have a metal frame. What to you grab before when you are ready to walk out your door, or when you just need some portable music? see ya later, Mikami P.S. I am tempted to buy Sharps MD-DR77 recorder, unit. Althought, I know I shouldn't, it still temps me(it does not come in many colors though, although sharps player only units have more yumy colors).
  6. One, one hand it is a nice change! I was getting tired of the gray only bags. It sure has enough room for a mic, audio cables, and ect. The bottom of the bag is cushy, thick, and stronger than the rest of the bag. The only down side to the bag is: it is 'I think' made out of white nylon that could potentially attract more dirt esp the shoe string part of the bag could pick up oils from one's hand. One can always wash it, like one would wash a backback made out of simular material. sorry to get back to you so late, Mikami
  7. This is Panasonic’s 2003 “personal MD studio” just their fancy name for a MD/CD/Cassette cute boom box. People other than Panasonic usually call it MD/CD Ra-ji-Ka-se. It comes in “white/green” and “silver/blue” colors. The major neat ability of this unit is: MD-NETWORK function The MD-NETWORK function allows one to hook up their portable MD unit and transfer both audio tracks and song titles data as well. The Unit can also tilt on its stand. That is more a cute or neat ability than anything, else. The normal abilities are: 1. Speed recording from CD to MD (6X) 2. Recording from tape to MD, from MD to tape, CD to tape, from radio to tape or MD. 3. MDLP and standard SP recording modes 4. Unattended timed recording of radio to tape or MD. The unit can be set to record from any time period just like one does with a VCR. 5. The unit can be set to start playing for any timed period and also to turn it’s self off. 6. AM/FM Radio and ability to play audio from T.V. stations 7. Preset mode(PGM) 8. Live Virtualizer (L.V.) 9. Sound EQ (Heavy, Clear, Soft, Vocal, and EQ-off) 10. Speaker Position Selector (20°~60°, 50°~80°) 11. sleep button 12. scan/group/skip 13. Displays the name and station number of FM/AM and TV. 14. has some type of back up battery for it’s clock and settings 15. one can hook up external units and listen to their MD portable units, old record player, or anything else that uses the Panasonic “RP-CAPM3G15(pin mini cord) analog/stereo red/white plugs on one end and a single plug on the other, RP-CAM3G15(mini-cord)line in/line out one plug on both ends, and the RP-CAMC9G15(MD-NETWORKcord). http://prodb.matsushita.co.jp/product/info.do?pg=04&hb=RP-CAMC9G15 On, the back of this unit one will find: 1. P-MD/AUX jack 2. MIC MIC jack 3. Head phone jack 4. Extra AM ant jack 5. Typical FM ant 6. AC jack 7. A place to clip the AM ant It comes with: 1. Remote(EUR7711090) and batteries 2. Power cord(RJA0012-k) 3. AM ant (G0ZZ00002036) 4. Manual (RQT7127-6S) More information can be found at: (1) http://www.minidisc.org/part_Panasonic_RX-MDX81.html (2) http://prodb.matsushita.co.jp/product/spec...=06&hb=RX-MDX81 [attachmentid=1162][attachmentid=1161][attachmentid=1160] [attachmentid=1159][attachmentid=1158][attachmentid=1157] [attachmentid=1156][attachmentid=1155][attachmentid=1154] [attachmentid=1153][attachmentid=1150][attachmentid=1151] [attachmentid=1152][attachmentid=1149] This unit has been waking me up in the mornings with nice tunes for along time. One day, I hope, there will be a nice HI-MD boom box like this one or better. Till, then I will keep using this unit esp since I can hook up my HI-MD unit through the P-MD/AUX jack. regards, Mikami
  8. Not, everyone has a cerdit card in Japan. So, both Sony and Apple have come out with a net cash card you can buy in a store. You just enter the cards secert number just as you would for a pre-paid phone card but with card you do so on Sony Mora web page( http://mora.jp/),then you select whatever songs or albums you want and then download them. Sony's Mora site does not have so much music, yet. Still, it is neat and fun to use. Check out the net card on this page: http://mora.jp/netcash/?id=ad0202 regards, Mikami
  9. I did not spend much time looking at the EH50, I was hooked on the EH70 wich is all metal. The EH50 I saw did have a metal front but not the same metal as the EH70. The back of the EH50 almost felt like metal and was the same color as the front of the unit, but I am pretty sure it was plastic. If you are getting a unit and you want to be sure that it is all metal then go for the EH70. over and out, Mikami
  10. The spare battery pack goes on the side of the unit closest to the the Sony emblem. It's the side of the unit but it is also the bottom when it is resting in the charger stand. Yes, I will switch to the RM-MC40ELK, I like that remote a lot better than either the RM-MC35ELK or the RM-MC38EL. Too, bad the cord on the 40elk isn't white(Just joking). I know this sounds childish, but I just can't stand those white earphones that came with the unit. I enjoy the look, feel, and the sound of the mdr-d66 you told me about. Also, it's cold these days and eggo headphones help keep my ears nice and warm! Your suit in the picture doesn't look like it goes with Pink but you might find a tie or some socks to match the unit. I haven't found anything that really matches the color of the 40elk remote, yet. I have been stoped by the fashion police a few times in Japan, you really have to be careful thesedays esp with the summer cool biz thing Koizumi started, and with his new winter biz season coming, soon. nice to see you again, Mikami
  11. Thanks, it is great to feel so welcomed on the MD forums. Well, it is very hard to know just who Sony was trying to market the new Hi-MD players to. I also, think it is strange and (sad) that the top of the line 2nd generation Hi-MD recording units can do all the major formats but the new players can't and some of the former ones couldn't either. What I hope is that this means Sony was marketing these new units for and to the old school MD "push and play" and "push and record" type of people in hopes of converting them over to the better and cooler HI-MD format. Sony might have been because they also included and advertisment for the "PIT-IN" HI-MD drive. So, it would appear they anticipated that some people would by this new HI-MD player thinking that it was a just a normal MDLP player or not even awear of HI-MD. After all most people that have a HI-MD recorder do not need the "PIT-IN" but someone who might not have know about HI-MD and who bought this unit not knowing it was a HI-MD unit might want to take advantage of the new the new tech. (Also, Yodobashi's homepage did not list this new unit with the HI-MD players but with the normal MD protable players. as of a few days ago, they now list this new unit in both catagories: Hi-MD portable and in MD portable) Anyway, that type of people mentioned above might also welcome a HI-MD boom box of some sort, they probably do not use the computer very much, think it is too much trouble, or are not computer litt when it comes to converting music files. Those types of people are the same people buying all the NET-MD players and boom boxes that have not, yet stoped being brought out. If, that is the case maybe we can expect some new HI-MD boom boxes by Sony, Sharp, and maybe other companies. This all may be crazy, but I hope this is the case. If not then maybe they are thinking of droping mp3 all together and that would be very bad! Wow, it would be cool to be on the front page, but even if you are not able to have it put there I thank you for the compliment anyway. see you later, Mikami No, problem. It was my pleasure
  12. That's a good question! And this remote 'seems' to be only capable of Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji. So far All the Kanji titles that were on my HI-MDs have either been changed into Hiragana, katakana, or (.......). I will have to post some pictures of the remote, soon. The number pinted on the back of this remote is RM-MC38EL. However, the manual for this player did not give any number for this remote. thanks, Mikami P.S. Maybe, Katakana and Hiragana or just cooler than Kanji these days or maybe the by not displaying kanji it somes how helps conserve the battery power of the unit. I think my older Sharp IM-DR80's remote did this same short of thing. But, other Hi-MD remotes display kanji and work just as well with this unit.
  13. GOOD NEWS.... I have been able to use this drive to upload files to Sonic stage 3.3, alot more than once!, that I recorded via the mic input of my MZ-NH! I do not think there is a limit on how many times you can upload your own recordings made via the mic into Sonic stage 3.3. BUT, I think it is still better and safer to convert your files (out of sonic stage) using the WAV converter. Then you can convert those files to any non-DRM format or DRM format you like. You can, also, use the drag and drop feature of HI-MD as much as you like without worring about DRM, but for recorded audio you will first need to upload to Sonic stage and then use the WAV converter to take the files out of the DRM wrap and then turn that file or files to anything you would like to be draged and droped to the HI-MD drive. Sorry, I did not answer you sooner, Mikami
  14. to: AMPlitude 1.Sorry, this unit 'seems' to be only for Japan to: ingoo 2.No, there is no group button on the unit 3.You are right, EH1 is thinner to: ynos and richyhu 4. the entire shell or frame is metal and the paint finnish on the back is the same as the front 5. Sony also change the poches on the other new Hi-MD player that just came out. to: MDX-400 6. Yeah, this unit did not get much if any press from Sony to: StarknigHT 7. I like the buttons on this model better than the other new model. extra info: The body of the unit was made in Malaysia The stand was made in Indonesia The AC-ES3010k3 AC Power adaptor 3V was made in Thailand; and has an input: ca100-240v and an output: cc3v (Also and Input: AC100-240V~ 50/60Hz 5w 8-12VA output: DC3V---1A) The electronics inside where created in Japan but some where made out side of japan The remote model number is:RM-MC38EL regards, Mikami
  15. Here are some compressed digital pitures of my new Blue MZ-EH70. I used a Minolta Dimage X20 to take these pics. If this review is not clear please tell me what you want to know or want to see and I will add it. THANKS to the MiniDisc forum and Kurisu for help and letting me post. The Body of this unit consists of: A full light blue metal frame, two mirror like chrome strips (one for the name plate and one for the buttons on the back), and a white rubber or plastic molding to guard the unit from scratches while using the charger stand and while using the battery attachment. Comes with: White headphones, white remote, a white and clear plastic stand A white a grey carrying pouch, black AC adaptor, NH-14WM (A) Battery and plastic Battier case, an attachment for a double A battery, operation manual, a questionnaire about the MZ-EH70 and audio units, and a “Pit-in” advertisement. Special features or abilities: It recharges in about 3 to 4 hours Virtuaphone Technology Acoustic Engine HD Digital Amplifier Adjustable play Speed control A~B Play back 6 Band Equalizer Heavy (SND H) Pops (SND P) Jazz (SND J) Unique (SND U) Custom1 (SND 1) Custom 2 (SND 2) (It does not play MP3 or WMA!) BUT, it does play linearPCM and Atrac Studio (SUR S) Live (SUR L) Club (SUR C) Arena (SUR A) Here are two sites that provide correct and clear information about this unit: (1) TechJapan has a quick but clear read: http://www.techjapan.com/Article1153.html (2)Ishiyoshi’s awesome post provides some great info: http://forums.minidisc.org/lofiversion/index.php/t12592.html And do not forget to Check out: http://www.sony.net/Products/walkman/flash/index.html When I went to buy this unit (the blue MZ-EH70) the sale person at the Kawasaki Yodobashi was quick to point out that this was a HI-MD unit but was also able to play normal MD as well. The sale person also quickly apologized that the black and the pink version of this unit were sold out but I could place an order for them or be put on a waiting list, if I wanted those colors. That all happened before I was able to open my mouth to tell him that I wanted the blue version of the unit. This unit (MZ-EH70) is very light, in fact is feels much lighter than any of my HI-MD recorders. This unit is also much smaller than the other 2nd generation HI-MD player only unit (MZ-EH930). This unit also feels stronger than the other new player (MZ-EH50). In my opinion my old MZ-NH1 is still the best player/recorder unit around, but this new blue MZ-EH70 (player only unit) is just as light, small, strong, cool, and even more useful (as a player). This player unit will keep me from hurting and using my Hi-MD recorders too much. The universal power adapter ability is another great feature for people who travel a lot like me, or for people to whom this unit might in the future be exported, to. If you want a cheap, small, light, stylish, and dynamic HI-MD player then you should get the Sony MZ-EH70. [attachmentid=1099] [attachmentid=1083] [attachmentid=1084] [attachmentid=1085] [attachmentid=1086] [attachmentid=1087] [attachmentid=1088] [attachmentid=1089] [attachmentid=1091] [attachmentid=1092] [attachmentid=1093] [attachmentid=1094] [attachmentid=1095] [attachmentid=1097] [attachmentid=1098] [attachmentid=1100] [attachmentid=1101] [attachmentid=1102] [attachmentid=1127] [attachmentid=1128] [attachmentid=1129] [attachmentid=1130]
  16. No, Sony is not going to give up on Hi-MD. The black and pink MZ-EH70 sold out at a large store in Kawasaki today and today was only the first day! The other units have been going quickly, too. A lot of Japanese customers clearly do not care much about MP3 and have been sold on the idea of HI-MD. HI-MD is here to stay for a while. No, one in marketing would want to cut Hi-MD or MD when home and portable units are still selling, and people still have years of old MDs they still want to listen, too. I have feeling that a new Hi-mD recorder may be out before or around march of 2006 if not sooner. MD is not dead it is very much alive and kicking! regards, Mikami P.S. The units are nice, light, and metal, too! A new new sony servey was posted at the link below please check it out and take time to fill it out(it is only in Japanese, right now, but a machine translation might help you fill it out): https://mg02.e-mediagate.com/question/sonyd...8/pasp_1108.cgi
  17. HI-MD Units on the go: Two MZ-NH1’ s & one MZ-RH10 (as well as the awesome SONY mdr-D66 eggo headphones and the ECM-DS70P mic) Daily use: Recording speeches, preservation of old sermons and congregational music, recording and listing to audio books, playback of legally recorded music, background music & sounds for elementary English classes in games and skits. Favorite use: Live recording, sampling, audio restoration, recording animal sounds Professional use: Archiving valuable cassette recordings, live recording of sermons, and congregational music, producing CD’s of sermons and congregational music for distribution, recoding speeches of English students and then transferring PCM files to audio CD for the PTA. Alternatives: Portable DAT, Cassette recorders, soundcard or line in record/ up loading from tape, expensive field recorder/ up loaders (There is no alternative that records both PCM and Atracs on cheap removable media and uploads them so one can burn the to CDROM or DVDrom) Request: (1) Make all HI-MD units as aesthetic pleasing and strong as the MZ-NH1. (2) Only make high end full body magnesium HI-MD portable recorder/players (3) Advertise to musicians, reporters, school teachers, scientist, Churches, and other professionals, that need to make high end recordings. (4) Please, don’t make me go back tape. I can’t afford the expensive field recorder/up loaders and the ones I can afford or either too big or do not have much recording time on them. (5) Keep making HI-MD! We love your HI-MD products Sony, please don't pull the plug, Mikami
  18. Mikami

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    Is MD dead? This question is not unlike this one: are cassettes dead? Yes, some people wish cassettes were dead (like me)but they are very much alive. Both Sony and Panasonic (as well as others) continue to manufacture cassette players and cassettes. And occasionally improvements on the portable cassette players are still made. One can find cassette players that are far thinner, cooler, more colorful, and made out of some neat alloy. Now, MD is far far far better than cassettes ever were and ever will be.(Funny it was someone from Sony who claimed MD would kill cassettes and it has some. Now they say MD will die, maybe not.) So, does anyone really doubt that MD will not still be produced but, maybe not advanced much any more.People still want to listen to their records, cassettes, laser disc, and MiniDisc! Now, MiniDisc has far more practical uses recordingwise than the others and I doubt it is going to fade away anytime soon. To summarize I think: (1) MiniDisc will probably not evolve anymore (2) MiniDisc will also probably not die either (3) MiniDisc player models will probably still be made Don't worry be happy! It is all for good and maybe prices will go down, Mikami P.S. Actually, Sony did not say MD was going to die, yet. oops my mistake
  19. No, problem it was fun. You guys have made me think a lot more. Now, I have a question and it might be a strange one. Is there anyway I could checkout/analyze the bit rates of files that have been down loaded and burned with the DS-HMD1 without use of SonicStage/Simpleburner? So far now my 'bit rate' information has been dependent on: (1)SonicStage 3.1 (2)Simple burner 2.0 But, is there any other softwear that would allow be to access or view the bit rates? regards, Mikami
  20. Oh, I forgot to say this. It can play Hi-MD and MD when connected to a PC and through Sonic Stage, but just not away from the PC.
  21. My writting is not the best, but I am going to try to write as clearly as I can with the little I know about my new Data Drive. So here is my two cents or my try to answer you questions(If it is not clear then please ask me again): (1.) They cost about 140 USD, and actually 15,000Yen but some places have it for 14,799 and Amazom.co.jp has it for 16,092 yen. So, the price is somewhat subjected to change. ‘(2a) Yes, I have tried burning “true SP” from WAV files of Orange Range’s 1st contact CD. It is slow but not as slow as real time recording. For a 2.55 minute song it took about a minute and 27 secs and it claims 292kbs. When viewing the music file from Simple burner it also showed up as 292kbs. It sounds pretty good to me, but wither it is true or fake I am not able to tell. (2b.) there are only three ways to transfer music files using this Portable Hi-MD Drive DS-HMD1. (1)The drag and drop way is only data and thus will not play on a player. And the other ways are (2) Sonic Stage and (3) Simple burner. The transfer option that you are allowed depend upon the mode the drive is in. Wither it is in NET mode or Hi-MD mode. (1)Inserting a normal Minidisk will cause theDS-HMD1drive (under Simple burner) to register as a NET MD, only. (2)With Simple burner (with a normal MD in the DS-HMD1) you are only allowed to transfer LP2 and LP4. However, with a Hi-MD in the drive “my” Simple burner will not even allow me access to the Hi-MD in fact it will not even sow the Hi-MD as registered(It might just be a problem with my machine). (3)In Sonic Stage 3.1 one is allowed access to both their Hi-MD and their normal MD with their DS-HMD1. But, the options (bit rates) for transferring file types given for each NET mode and Hi-MD are different and there are slightly different bit rate transfer menus. (4)IN Sonic Stage 3.1 with the DS-HMD1+Hi-MD, 256Kbps is the highest bit rate of the atract codec allowed (WAV/PCM is also allowed). (5)In Sonic Stage 3.1 with the DS-HMD1+normal MD the (S) option will transfer the file the same as imported into Sonic stage or recorded in Sonic stage. (D) Option is only Lp2 and Lp4 and the © option given claims it is “Stereo” SP and will play on both MDLP and non-MDLP units. (6)It may also be possible to import true Sp into SS and then download it with the (S) option in NET mode. I hope that is clear, if not then please tell me, Mikami
  22. No problem we all make mistake sometimes. I made a few on my last thread. regards, Mikami
  23. Sorry, I made a mistake. But thanks for finding it. And Atrain is right, 205 is a typo, and it was my mistake.
  24. Any USB-Cable will work. The wire looks a little different, but the plugs are of the generic USB family. So, yes it will and does work with any USB wires. regards, Mikami
  25. 1a. "Pit-in" is the name that Sony chose to call the DS-HM1 and maybe the models that might follow it. Therefore, I think it is really the name of a line of machines. The Logo(the arrow) most likely means "in". The "n" in "Pit-in" was cut off in the picture. 1b. The phrase "pit-in" as found in the 2nd edition of Sanseido's Consise Katakana Dictionary means: a place for cars to stop in a race for gas, to gear up, or a place to stop for repairs. The katakana word "Pit" in Japanese can also be used of a place where boats stop in a race. Basically the same meaning as "Pit-stop" in English. I am guessing Sony's meaning is that the "pit in" is place to dock your Hi-MD and load it up for the road. It is just cool to borrow words and then use them in Japanese language. 2. The DS-HM1(Pit-in) manual says nothing about using the MCMD-R1 with it. I think you really have to have a computer with Windows to operate it. And I think that is the way Sony likes it. If the MCMD-R1 has a USB socket on it, then you could hook the DS-HM1 to it, but that does not mean it would work. I am sure someone with enough motivation and time on their hands might be able to make the MCM-R1 work with it. Regards, Mikami
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