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Everything posted by rayzray

  1. all i see is an ocean of cleaverly pitted runs; is there a way to smallen those pics; but nice i guess if you wanna scroll.
  2. you can do what i did once on a deck that didn't have the A-Space. i had approx 20 songs on the MD disc; so i recorded 19 tracks about 3 seconds long; of nothing/space/silence; then used the "Move" function to incert them between the songs; and then play them into your pc; // will it work? or; as i think of it now; just record ONE track of 3 second silence; and use the "Program" mode; then just keep on putting the silent track between the songs. maybe i just should go back to bed; i've been up all nite on this stupid project for my little piano student!
  3. sorry, i own 27 units; that is 22 decks (approx); one just died. i'll try to see if i own one of those; or similar; and what it takes to activalte this feature.. Ray from Away
  4. S-Space = Smart Space. if there is a long legnth of silence when you are recording with the digital/optical input; that is 4 to 30 seconds long (the space); it will cut the space to 3 seconds. try turning that off; because it saves the setting when you turn the unit on and off. "Maybe" that is stopping your automatic spaces to activate; only a thought; only my opinion. i could be wrong; i could be right; i have a right to party and flight.
  5. i prefer "Real TIme" most of the time; it's funner; and more gratifying. all this optical crap is like fake milk; you can't beat mother's milk; and you can't beat "Real Time"! and while you're at it; try "tweaking" a bit; like color your music; they do it in recording studios before they dupe you into buying it; why not un-dupe yourself and do it.
  6. listening to a wedding i am copying for my student's parents; a copywrited one lol; let the dice fall; tall & small i tried to download a Japanees to Dntglish translator (i think) once to read these pages; lol; all i got is more (?????'s)! i decided to stay american a bit longer. j'k. so, if we had this translateor; wcould we read these Japaneese albums?
  7. isn't that instrumental the greatest? - ! god, the instrumentals on all the songs are sooooo great; but there is something about XYZ ; is it my flashing horizontals and squares? no; is it the Bass licks; maybe ; now we all know great drummers solo all the time! but; the guitar solo; when they switch to the "minor mode"; the guitar is crying; than rockin; (my visuals are doing the north and south thing;and then i put eveything on fire. actually;; "My Baby" referrs to my whole DVD project with Tull Fan and SBG and KI; but we all agreed to put XYZ in; win;thin; no! win win *grin*.! i just thing the solo was just too short; but the battle of the players was sufficient to put XYZ into the rayzray hall of fame. and i'm "Pissed" that the dryers stoped at that song; dead; well at least listening to it is great and watching my visuals is great; but please put some quarters in those dryers!!!! [edit] isn't that official an "arabian scale he solos on; like they are playing a "G" chord and then alternating with an "Ab chord; thus creating the minor situation. listening is 2/3 of the quest for great music.
  8. all sony had to do is replace the "cassette" with the MD to the average consumer; maybe a cut down version; and it would have mushroomed into a "Super" medium. but they had to be greedy, so suffer, Sony; suffer; see spot run; see sony run; spot got the mutt;; sony got the butt!
  9. i never concidered this a hobby; it's more like an extention to my 43 professional music career; OR; a cure for an excentric mental condition; and cures and treatments are deductible, aren't they? all i need is a Doctor now.
  10. so , my day is going "Bad" ;; DVD project burps; farts; and balks; so i finish it and take the remains for a ride; while i re-do the project (render).. i take my Rush "Rushed" DVD remix with all my visual effects to guitar center; and takes eric clapton out of the DVD player there and puts my DVD in. all the guys there are pretty big local and Boston musicians. one said; oh, it's only Rush; he's good UNTIL my visual EFX start hammering the Rush stage. relentlessly i pulverize the screen with my visual antics; and i start getting comments. who did this; the sales person who knows me a bit says; THis uy (me). they asked how i did it;; i tell them "real Time' just give me any DVD and i'll bling it to death; or anything less. i aquired a little audience and some one said; how huch would you chare us to re-do our band video; (like this one)? sweet words to my ears; and a gleam of buying more gear and Hi-MD's. i gave my name and number to two bands; i was only there less than an hour. moral of the story; both bands use MD's (Hi-MD) too. thanks a lot to Tull Fan (from other board) SBG & KI for the advice and moral support. and i guess that's that. just think; i was gonna post in the "Pissed off" thread earlier; then decided to just take off; and now i am a Video Guru with conjunctured Hi-MD stuck to my body! i want so bad to combine Hi-MD with camcording and field recording and making bling bling money; i know i can do it; all i need is my Hi-MD to get me there and back!
  11. someone somewhere will "out-dupe" sony someday soon; and will mimick the MD/Hi-MD and we will be flying free. but since i am 63 (almost); it would be nice like to have it by christmas; i will even buy it for myself; (Don't need Santa from Atlanta;; or "Suga Babes from Exclaves. Don't need MP's and HD's just someting nice Please!
  12. i wish i coud read all those ??????'s well , i am listening to my "baby" *who says a man cannot have a baby*. yes; the finished product of my Rush - "Rushed" ((DVD)) (full of surprises and flimmicks! here's the track list: 1.. Intro Special (surprise) 2.. Overture (RIR) (edited a bit) ((audio from CD)) 3.. Red Barchetta ((audio from CD)) 4.. Between the Wheels 5.. Drum Solo #1 (R-30) 6.. Xanadu (from RIR) 7.. Trees (from RIR) 8.. Natural Science 9.. Driven 10. One Little Victory 11. La Villa 12. Encore 13. Drum Solo #2 (RIR) 14. Roll the Bones 15. XYZ 16. Force Ten 17. 2112 18. (Outro Special) edit]] after first attempt failed cause the legnth was too long; i had to eliminalte "Subdevision" to shorten DVD lenght.
  13. Ishiyoshi,, you answer more than satifies my curiosity. i guess if i owned one; i would be flaunting it at the coffee shoppes. thanks for the quick reply *as i wish my PC#2 would render a bit faster*.
  14. in my circle of friends; smallest is not good. is there anything written that states the actueal "Life' of one of these units? to make it that small; perhaps the parts and moving parts in the unit may be rampid to falls and maybe just a bit shy. so, does anyone know of a person that ownes one of these that kept if active for at least one year? a girl ; a LONG time ago said to me; gee you have cute small ears; i grew my hair long and never cut it again.!
  15. don't know if i should take this somewhere's else; it's OT , but no one complained yet; but it should be of interest to others. i take my sources from three methods. 1. i DV things in my camcorder. them to the PC#2 which has the main DVD burner. 2; i sample video off original DVD's and use them as backgounds; so i have to put them on a DVD'R of DVD-RAM. 3. i can lift video/ from TV onto DVD-RAM which works well into the PC#2's main DVD burner. i can do all this (THROUGH) my Sima SFX-9 Vedeo Effects Mixer.. and add "Real Time" effcts. so, there not much re-burning to do; it's all done at the first burning. so, you are telling us that it is GOOD to save/archive music and video on the DVD-RAMS all the time and forget about the DVDr. RW; and CDr RW etc? interesting matter; i must shove that up my famitly's rear cause they have their ways of saving their stuff; whic i don't agree with. is there a way to start all this on another thread? like bring it all there; maybe i can copy and paste and save yous and the mods some trouble.
  16. i am listening to the two Rush drum solos (tied together); one from RIR; and the other from R-30. that is;; in my DVD project; (Rush-Rushed); for the last DVD track; i (rayzray) transferred the audio of the two drum solos onto an MD (analogue); trimmed the fat off and seamed them together (flawlessly of course); and then ran that audio into the "Aux-in" on my Sima A/V Mixer;; while adding Neil's original video off the DVD ((in slow motion)); while layering all kinds of melted wax and etc effects over it; inbetween it; under it; with a sort of toy drums fading in once in a while. the original two drum solos appear in the DVD also. ((i am goin to kiss the mirror now; and take a nap))
  17. I recentcy bought 3 Panasonic DVD Recorders and 3 Panasonic Players; all for the purpose of using the SAME DVD-RAM's in one houe and recording in one room and watching in other rooms. i have begun recording music in the DVD-R's but mustly capture movies and things on DVD-RAMS to watch.. now i capture ANYTHING on DVD'RAMS at the xp (1 hour) speed; and find it amazing that i can make permanent DVD'R from those RAMS. i want to but one more Panasonic DVD-RAM Recorder to take out on "Field recording A/V projects. is that OK? or is there something better in the same priceline that i could use. i want to use my Sima SFX-9 Video Efrects Mixer with it and some Portable DVD players as monitors.. will this fly?
  18. Demons & Wizards - "Touched by the Crimson King" album.
  19. gee;; i never thought of a faulty "Y" adaptor; and me in the music business for over 40 years; i am embarrassed that i didn't even think of that! that "Y" cable is an oldy; one of those old Grey ones. after i finish my Rush A/V Project, i will try CHANGING to "Y" Cable. thanks guys for helping me; music has been my whole life; both professionally and personally. well another thing has come out of this: as i was checking the wires; i fonally to to squese my body UNDER the two PC's and to the back of PC#2 and found that my audio out of PC#2 had become disconnected; (or i think my piano students put it in the srong whole); but NOW i have an "Out" feed to my main "Rack" and "Patch Bays". i can do my editing in "Real Time" Full Volume!!!!
  20. lol; ok; but i was ok with it anyways; i am re-pissed now anyways; cause i have to make a family video in the middle of my rush A/V Remix; that pisses me of; i need a coffee; but, i am not pissed at the results of my Rush A/V remix so far; i LOVE the Fire i put onto the Drumsolo; and the lightning. now i am less pissed and fore hissed.
  21. gee; i feel bad; i have bad manners and i spell poorly; but; i acquired it in 63 years of living a pissed up pissing life withe everyone pissing me off; it started at 1 year old when i demolished the cake ; and is still going on. at my last BDParty i shoved my fist through the cake cause it was not sugar free. please forgive mee; i make up for it in other ways; like i am remixing Rush right now; it took me 3 hours just to set up my studio; i'm pissed at that; but i love the fire i layered over neils drums; and the batts i have flying all over their stage; but then i am pissed off cause one of my loops is not in sync with with the beat of Brochetta,Red. i spent my whole life pissing ppl off; but i concidered it my job; now a lot of these ppl in my town are kissing my a** cause i make good videos cheap; like i like to trade too. i teach some of their grandchidren piano; and i teach them not to take sh*t from ppl that piss you off. if i was anywhere's wlse right now; i'd be pissing ppl off oh my BD is coming up; they are NOT gonna give me a cake; i am getting a "Cup-Cake".! and i'm pissed over that!
  22. no, it's coming from the back of the unit; it's the stereo monitor out (audio; (l & R) the headset has it's own 1/8" jack in the front.
  23. yhis machine is sooooo delicious; i took one of my granddaughters shopping yesterday and we ventured into a Sony Style store; and i asked about this unit; and none of the sales ppl i taked to ever heard of it; and there was oly ONE Hi-MD unit on display! what's up sony; and my granddaughter rightfully calls our units a BIG mp3! see? be it , be that we gee whiz! i would fling and swing for the bling IF sony sings-the-thing!
  24. i kinda understand your explination; but just was wondering how the "Monitor/audio out" fits in; like i assumeed ot was separate from the main audio. using your explimation; it means the monitor out is "in" the chain of audio events. the "Y" cable i added is added to the monitor out;; and not at the bebinning of the audio chain. i only use the monitor audio to losten to the final audio mix of video "A" and video "B".. assuming i am NOT adding an "aux" audio or a "mic" audio in there too. anyways; it's all solved; i just don't know why. tonight i made a music video for one of my grandchildren;; one of 13; and we took one song out of "High School Musical" and did two takes; one lipsynking to "Bop to the Top" and the other live singing the the same song. the movie is in mono now; cause i make a copy of it while the "Y" cable was still connectin in there to the Monitor out.. no big think; i am not sending it out to MTV yet; or "American Idol"; lol. i don't think i could handle another 10 years of being a Star; after 43 years of it; i've had it.
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