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Everything posted by rayzray

  1. like would a DAB Radio have an "Optical" out? or will they follow the useless path of XM radio.!
  2. i keep mine on; gives me piece of mind; and they kind of anchor my cable to the PC table; eisier to find.
  3. Yngwie Malmsteem "trilogy" *i (rayzray) really think i can play my synths as fast as him; but for why?*
  4. are you talking to me (rayzray)? or; to someone else. i really can take this thread ok; i can take anything; i've done everything; all i am doing now is waithing for MD/Hi-MD to go onto a "New Plain" (sp);; that is;; to do something except "Die". perhaps Sony should record "corn" poping with the Hi-MD and get it onto some commercial; yes; it can be called the "Corn Commercials" ((Porn your music with Corn)) of something like that. the only thing MD's can't do is "smell"; perhaps if Sony can make the "Corn Music" smell on thier units; it would revive and out run i-pods and the likes.
  5. atrain, is the "no" for the "Double Punctuation" , or for the nap? *don't be irratable" (sp). is it getting cold down there?
  6. guys; you ruined my supper; oh well; maybe a nap,, now! ps;; if yous allow this;; can i do "Double Punctuations??
  7. turn OFF the "Quick" thinggy on the 900 and you'll get more power;; IMO ((it's sucking the power from the unit all the time)) even when you are not using it; just like Sony is sucking our patience with their wonders and blunders! ((i quickly read the above posts to see if someone said this; but because i never read a book in my life and hate reading ; i may have missed someting; if i wrongged then gong me!))
  8. ok;; i have the TWO Sony Hi-MD900's one without the button problem and one with the button problem. it's fweaken aggrivating to be in a hurry;; press a button; and sit there WONDERING if the unit will respond. that with all the other antics Sony pulls on us cost them $1,500.00.. IMO.. i (rayzray am in the market for a Digital DVD Camcorder;; and Sony has a nice big one; but i will be damned if i will buy the Sony one; WONDERING ((((IF)))) i will have that "Button PRoblem" with the camcorder. so i am favoring the Panasonic model; and probably gonna get the Pana; all because of that stupid button problem; AND all the "Clown-like" antics Sony pulls on us; and their willingness to just "Walk-out" on a product!!!!
  9. a secret band that i cannot devulge with now; a son of a guy i met on the T-Board and we have been e-mailing over the year. seems like i will be doing an A/V shoot for them locally (in concert);; oh yeah;; they live in my back yard; in the woods! for young kids they sound good; and that's what i am listening to; yous do this and i do's that! scatt the katt really was impressed too! ps;; oh,, and i likes thier covers of Californication, Free Falling; and Hollywood (who did Hollywood,, now??) late late edit: Oh thanks Los Lonely Boys for the reply!
  10. that guy scares me!!!! i am listeining to Rush "Counterparts" . (picked it up for $2 at the Salvation Army Thrift Store yesterday. how much heaven can you find in a dusty store!
  11. man,, stuge;; those stamps are GREAT!! i (rayzray) used to collect stamps;; make me yearn for to collect them again. they are awefully fine!!!! i am in the market for a "Digital Camcorder";; to ad to my A/V project. (money is not object; as long as it's not more that $1,500 lol..!!
  12. listening to my "Pick-up Standard MD # 22; i'm freaked out here; i really hate all this "music Choice" s**t that they put on the R&B/HH channel;; a lot of nothing just to waste time; then i caught the song i wanted; "Ms. New Booty"; but i can't find it; (it's the nice digital optical version); where the sweak is it. what's this "song Cry"!!!! - Jay-Z; what happened to My song!!!! i really hate being a DJ now; i wanna be an A/V star; i want my Mapo!
  13. i keep driving by and can't seem to find them open; i want to start a recording class with MD/Hi-MD!!!!
  14. ', yes, stuge, it's my room; my studio; and my dog-house when i am a bad boy. *and sometimes i am such a bad boy*.!!!!it's the closest thing to a Disney store on wheels; w/o the wheels. the looney tune heads are my pride and joy ; i paid $400 for them. (well. almost 400). *my nose started to get longer*.! i fit EVERYTHING in here; almost; and now it is an A/V room/studio sans guinie-pigs.
  15. hey guys; i'm re-doing my room; almost drastically; IF; i can get the wires to co-oporate. most of the wires trasent (sp) between the legs/openings of my triple keyboard tripod. do i un-hook EVERY wire; or hack-saw the leg of the tripod to get the wires free? i can almost swivel my computer chair now without kocking something down! lol.!
  16. listened to WGBN Boston (all night JAZZ) with headphones all night; i don't think i ever slept; got up at 3:30 AM and put the Pyshedelic Furs on "Talk Talk Talk". they put me to sleep for a while until my wife slammed the French doors cause i let the cats into the living room! moral of the story; wait for my wife to go to work; and put on "The Smiths" and Morrissayyyy; yeay yeay; ray; day-o-daaay-o!
  17. that's why half my studio is "Old Gear" and the other cheap digital. and, when you buy your Nagra reel-to-reel, i have about 20 reel-2-reel tapes; deal? or, no reel. in reality; i understand your concern; and good luck in the reel world.
  18. rayzray

    Almost ready!

    i WUV my two 900's; they are so old school but so so cool; like a tool;only a fool would not rule and drool over a nine-hundred (inspired by Liverpool). ((have no intention on further buying Sony blunders; no wonders such confusion and delusion over this matter, hatter! late edit; go with the 900; it just does more IMO.!
  19. ok, my A/V field project going great visually; but the audio is giving me problems. the "audience" is behind the mic/singer; the monitor they are looking at would be the TV with the speakers in it. in order for the audience to hear the singer; the sound must pass through the singer's position!!!! (feedback).. i put head phones on singer; turn down the audio sound and audience complains. so; i must bring in my DJing speakers (small ones) and place them in back of the singer; facing the audience; right? and, maybe bring the monitor to their right and angle the singer to face to right corner. this sucks. it wasn't suppose to be this complicated! anyone got any ideas? oh, i am using my Sony MXD-D3 to play their cd's AND also i (rayzray) have my case of 500 MD's which have all the latest and the greatest songs eva. the Sony MXD-D3 is build into my A/V Rackmount roadcase,
  20. some ppl associate other ppl with animals; some with fruit; can you associalte yourself with a cartoon charater; (also a TV sitcom charater will do) too, i guess! rules are made to be broken eventually; why not now! myself; i think the Nickelodian cartoon charater from "My Father is a Rock Star" (or something like that); i would be the Rock Star Father; he is exactly me (rayzray) with the elevating pot belly;; and the flowing hair. the attitude is right; and of course; the looks is definately ME! (( i don't wear lipstic though)) but have worn it on occational fundraisers; well maybe even a "Red Dress"; i was duped by the lady's auxilary; they made me do it!
  21. this is tooooo important; i forgot i had this; it is the GREATEST1 eva! the bootlet version (Re-Mastered) of: Magic Mystery Tour by the Beatles; remastered by the famouf Dr. Ebbett. this has gotta be the best re-master i EVER heard; i usually don't like remasters. with a good pair of headphones, you can hear things and riffs formerly un-heard. he brings out instruments in a differend L/R configuration. link (http://www.fabfour.de/drebbet.htm)
  22. what was that commercial that Sonny Rollins plays of the Bridge? good stuff; i always liked Sonny. listening to Adam Sandler's "They're all gonna laugh at you" ( I (rayzray) need a good laugh after spending hours rewiring the house just to get my wife's NEW B/W tv playing better in the bathroom. ) that little TV is so annoying! and now she wants to know if i can split HER Cable line 5 ways and add the old B/W tv to her laundry room !!!!!! thank god i have my own cable feed and i can listen to my digital music and hopefully catch Sonny Rollins on the Smoothe Jazz Channel!
  23. you can't go wrong on this Board; smorgish or not. i (rayzray) DO learn a lot here; or re-learn a lot of things i forgot. oh, and one more tid bit; i out duped; and cooped Sony at their own game; the reason i am not quivering and shivering is that i had forsite a few years ago to "Backup" all or most of my Standard MD's to CD-R's. i can just abandon the MD's as i wish; and use the same "Index" book cause the CD-R's have the same titles and numbering system. i out foxed the fox; and out lapped the lap-dancer at the Sony headbanging session. i am always one step ahead of them. check the "for sale" section of this board; and when you see 500 MD's for sale; you know i have abandoned Sony. but, till then; and i hope it's not soon; i DO haave a LOT of FUN editing on Standard MD's they ARE the greatest recording/editing format i ever workied with. late edit]] and jaylen; you should force yourself to read a bit more here and there on this board; even though you don't understand; it gives you a backdrop of info to recollect on when reading all the rants between the members. sometimes i concider myself an ganitor in the middle of a conference room full of gurus; and sometimes i concider myself as their mentor; well; anyone can "dream"; it keeps my ulcer inactive and contractive. re-live and forgive just a bit; sit; just watch you back. stack.
  24. the guys and gals here will get you to "Electronic Guru" in months; IF you read most of the Posts. i stand my ground; and of course would NEVER buy anything withoug trying it a bit. theyre must be ppl like me to counter-act all the positiveness going on here; after all; it's not like i don't know what i am doing; i do own a massive MD collection; and use it EVERYDAY; like 4 or 5 units at a time. i watch these things work; fall apart; re-born; die; get lost in the corners of my one room studio/dungeon. i NEVER lie; it's all experience; and even though i am at a technical hyatus; i make up for it with bulk of bling blings; some new; some old;; some borrowed; and many blue. late edit; i just spent $2000 on sprucing up the Video editing part of my studio; notice, i didn't buy any NEW Hi-MD stuff; or a Lap-Top; not even the bottom. i go for the "fun" of it; no matter what it costs or takes. MD/HiMD is a necessity for me; not a pleasure; so i can speak any way i want about it; but since i have about 10,000 songs invested in Standard MD's; i'am kinda stuck in quicksand here; without units to play them; i'm sunk. skunk punks like Sony just ruin my day. and of course; my NEW Venture in A/V utilizes my massive MD song collection via my MXD-D3 CD/MD Deck into the "aux-in" of my non-sony Sima A/V Mixer. like jumping out of the pot into the fire; or is it jumping out of the boiling water into the fire; or is it something else! and it's not that i HATE Sony; i just dispise their actions and decisions.!!!!.!!!!.!!!!.!!!!
  25. re-reading this thread is sure entertaining me tonight; lol. i would roll all over the floor; but there is not room for it. with Sony's track record; only a "fool" would spend that much money on a iffy product. i am will to eat my words; when and if they get the proce down a drastic bit; ok. i'll go in the hallway and roll.
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