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always looking for new musical grounds?

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The Low Volta

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I love to learn from my friends when it comes to getting to know new music... but for the moment I'm (temporarily) living at the other side of the country from most of my friends so I had to look elsewhere for inspiration and tips...

playing around on the net, I stumbled upon this funny gadget: music map (the tourist map of music)

you enter the name of a band you like and press search and it shows a number of other bands that ppl who listen to your selection also like... they are even spread out in the two dimensional space of your screen according to the number of ppl who connected those bands

here's a sample with 'The Mars Volta' (one of my fav bands) as a query:


every band name can be clicked again so you get a new map centered on that one... so you can travel through ppl's tastes

it's a shame that there's no description/sample of any of the bands or links to dedicated sites... but we all can use a search engine and tabbed browsing can't we? so that's actually a minor inconvenience

The mapping is based on the info from the GNOD database:

Gnod is a self-adapting system that learns about the outer world by asking its visitors what they like and what they don't like. In this instance of gnod all is about music. Gnod is kind of a search engine for music you don't know about. It will ask you what music you like and then think about what you might like too. When I set gnod online its database was completely empty. Now it contains thousands of bands and quite some knowledge about who likes what. And gnod learns more every day

and if you travel to this site you can add your tastes and likings to the database...

I had some fun with this and got interested in a couple of bands... so I just thought I'd share it with the rest of you... but if anyone out there has better/funnier/more complete options/ideas/gadgets for getting inspired, please share as well


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