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MZ-RH10 discontined. Why?

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i'll leave it to someone based in europe at least to try to answer, i'm only speculating.

It is still listed as a current model on the Sony NL site - but I also presume that Sony knew of the impending RH1 some time before they actually announced it.

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Why was the MZ-RH10 discontinued so quickly?

It was only available for a few months and then they discontinued it without replacing it!


As said by everyone ..Sony can only RH1 if they discontinue RH10 ..s they are going in the right direction.

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Sony really does not profit a lot from making so many devices at the same time. Specializing all of their equipment on one player is most profitable, and potentially save you some money. (Since discontinued items sell for less, and it makes the RH1 a little cheaper).

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This is a very strange piece of information. Just today I visited Sony Russia web page. They used to have lots of MD and Hi-MD units advertised, but today it seemed that they moved most of them into the "discontinued" section. The main (current) MD section still contains RH10, RH910 and RH710 though (no information about RH1 yet, though there was an article about it on that site a few weeks ago).

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Every year around early summer, last year's models become discontinued. But sony is really going in the wrong direction only releasing the rh1 (which in my opinion is a big downgrade from the rh10). Hopefully they release another unit to replace the rh10.

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Every year around early summer, last year's models become discontinued. But sony is really going in the wrong direction only releasing the rh1 (which in my opinion is a big downgrade from the rh10). Hopefully they release another unit to replace the rh10.

I love my wittle RH10 too, but exactly how would the RH1 be a downgrade? Am I missing something here? Run that by me again...


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I love my wittle RH10 too, but exactly how would the RH1 be a downgrade? Am I missing something here? Run that by me again...


1. Going from a 6 line OLED to a 1 line OLED screen.

2. Loss of being able to view artist/track names on unit itself.

3. Loss of a jog dial (makes the rh1 unusable for someone with hundreds of tracks on an MD). Only solution would be buying a $70 40elk, which would still make the unit unusable when just using the unit itself.

4. Loss of AA addon, losing battery life.

Sony made some terrible mistakes when releasing this unit, it's a shame. Hopefully a unit is released as an upgrade to the rh10.

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RobA, please:

- I won't repeat all the advantages this model offers for recording...which it was intended for... been done often enough

- I for one agree with Sony releasing one 'focussed' model (as there are still enough RH10's to be sold and Sony is having a hard time with HiMD as it is, no need to try and sell numerous models if it has been proven by the previous generation it didn't turn out to be very succesful...from a business point of view)

- we have read all your thoughts/complaints about the RH1 over and over again (all those old threads still exist, you know) but: 1) you have already got an RH10 (almost for the price of a NH600 IIRC), 2) you have repeatedly told us you do not have the budget for any upgrades soon (hey perhaps there will be a next model by the time you do... I have skipped 2nd gen myself and now I can afford another one Sony offers the RH1 :lol: and I am happy about that), 3) unless we explain all sides and open up the discussion again (which I don't think we should be doing), simply stating such things might turn even more ppl away from HiMD

so bottom line: you have had your say about this (in almost every thread mentioning the RH1)... let it go, let the ones that like it, like it and you just hang on and save some money till the next model

BTW: IMHO, if you had kept your remarks sec and to the point and all bundled in one separate, clearly titled thread, Sony reps would have found/read/remembered them much sooner than now

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the advantages this model offers for recording...which it was intended for...

You are right! It is intended for recording, and seems to be very good for it (even without a sidecar). But it is not very convenient as a player. So why did Sony decide to discontinue RH10 (and, probably, RH910 as well), which is their most convenient model for playback? It is a complement, not a competitor to RH1!

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You are right! It is intended for recording, and seems to be very good for it (even without a sidecar). But it is not very convenient as a player. So why did Sony decide to discontinue RH10 (and, probably, RH910 as well), which is their most convenient model for playback? It is a complement, not a competitor to RH1!

we can look back at the history of MiniDisc/Hi-MD (or any product, really) and find things which are better in new models and some that are worse. You're never going to get all things better in new models. There are always compromises when you're a company trying to:

1) sell as much as possible

2) keep production costs low without sacrificing sales too much (ie. for the company to make a nice return on investment)

It's a 'problem' probably getting more airtime with Hi-MD seeing that Sony is the only one making portables. On top of that, only making one new Hi-MD portable (or so it seems at this stage).

All the praises and complaints are quite valid, but they're to be expected with any new-vs-old model comparison, IMO.

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I really have no problem with sony releasing a unit mainly directed at recording (they've done it before with the nh1). The problem is that they are only releasing one unit. 1st and 2nd generation units were released with units meant for playback, units meant for recording, and units meant for both. Sony missed a beat, that's why I'm hoping that the rh1 is not the only 3rd gen unit. How about a MZ-M200 or MZ-RH100? Something like that.

Edit: What do you know, just entered mz-m200 out of curiosity on google and got this: http://www.shoreviewdistribution.com/morei...modelNum=MZM200

It's on the way! Go sony!

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