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Hi Otiasj,

I attached the log file.

Meanwhile I tried following:

I renamed the OMGAUDIO folder to OMGAUDIO ORG and made a fresh folder. After this I could open WinAMP and access the walkman!! So he is having problems with reading the data already stored on the walkman. But ok, you will find the details in the log-file.

Question, where can I find the playlist option? There is nothing in my screen pointing at this new feature. Could you please tell me how I can use this?

Thanks for all your great work!!

EDIT: Attement is not working ....

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I found out how to use that playlist function. You just send a playlist to the device. This works too good ;) because every song is diplayed double when the playlist is clicked.

Other thing I wanted to ask you, how can I use the drag&drop function? I could not add songs that way yet.


EDIT: Oops .... the songs were double in my play list, so this was not an error.

BTW: when I send a play list twice it makes an new list beside the already existing instead updating the playlist on the device. Don't know what is better but just an observation.

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It seems Another bug appeared when compiling in release mode,

I am going through it atm.

Drag & drop :

Open winamp browse to ml_sony

select files from windows file explorer drop them in the ml_sony window, You can drop mp3, m3u, folders

Playlist :

create a playlist in winamp, Right click on it ->send to sony walkman.

Bergmarmot : with the playlist the files appear 2 times? or are they present twice on the player?

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I just found out that the mp3's on the device causing the plugin to crash were transferred with SonicStage. I used another plugin before that was called "ml_sony_fortesting.zip". This plugin could handle these files. All otherplugins crashed with mp3's previously transferred with SonicStage. I hope you can use this info.

Cheers mate

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Guest Stuge

Sorry - still crashing for me. :sad:

After quite a wait while it scans all my files, Winamp crashes.

Otiasj, I have emailed you my log and the files it is having a problem with.

Let me know if I can give you any more info


Hey did you tried Winamp Plugin with Ver 5,2 ?..i will try it today or towmorrow .

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well.. now the problems:

why does it show twice my device on the winamp media list?? why can´t I use drag and drop ...???? ; Can I download songs recorded before when using connect software????

I am using nw-a3000

(it is going great!! but u also have to fix the settings box... - it crashes if i try to open it... - better to disable it if not using it for anything)

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Hi renato,

Could you take a screen shot of the problems you have (for the device showing twice), are you sure you don't have twice the dll in your winamp plugins directory?

Like ml_sony.dll and the old ml_base.dll ?

You can use drag&drop from the windows file explorer to the list of song( the right part of the screen where the songs are displayed)

I have not fixed yet dropping on the tree items (left part of the screen)

You can download songs you sent to your devices with connect player. However they have to be mp3's, If they are Atrac files, it will not work, probably crash or do something else.

(I never tested with atrac files)

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Hee Otiasj. Great Job.

Drag and Drop is just fantastic. It makes it just how i like it. :lol:

I have just one problem.

I have sometimes a bad database on my player. I have to delete all .DAT but 04CNTINF.DAT. put a new song on the player and it is ok again..

I think it becomes when a playlist is set on the player. I dont know why that happens. I do not select a playlist. Its looks like a bug....

another question.

Does adding new songs while the player already is adding songs still works with drag and drop. I have not tested is very good, but it seams it does not work oke.. but i am not sure yet.

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Ok. Just back and looked some more to te plugin.

I have found that i can delete the playlist, if it comes.

So i tried some more uploads.

More uploads at the same time is possible.

But.. My database is totaly fucked up now. In winamp and in my player.

So i must upload everything again. I did not backup OMGAUDIO. (no problem)

The plugin is just very buggy...

But you are thinking the good direction. If it works as you want it. Its perfect.

I will try to upload a picture....

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Hello everyone,

Indeed Auke i think

"More uploads at the same time is possible" but I advise avoiding,

I did not check this properly this time.

Nickzeff I have received your mail and I will go through it.

I will be away for a 3 days week end so there won't be anything new till monday

See you guys

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I think i know why there sudenly were playlist. I had .M3u files in the directorys (I never use them, so i delted all of them.)

Problem of a bad database on my player still happening. I have to delete all .DAT but 04CNTINF.DAT. put a new song on the player and it is ok again..

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Ok back to work ^^

I will try to fix the following problems :

1-crash at startup

2-sending playlist when already copying

3-mp3 with strange bit rates / strange headers

4-drag & drop from winamp to winamp

Edit :

Ok nickzeff I found the bug, the songs you sent me has a tag of size > 256

Which caused a buffer overflow

I will send you a version when fixed so that you can try if it works

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Ok nickzeff I found the bug, the songs you sent me has a tag of size > 256

Which caused a buffer overflow

I will send you a version when fixed so that you can try if it works

Great - look forward to it!

Otiasj - one last thing. Since I have around 10GB of mp3s on my device, it takes a LONG time to scan my files. Does your plugin scan the device every time the ML is opened, or does it cache the info in some way for next time?

Cheers for your continued hard work!


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Just tested that new plugin you sent me.

Good news:

It works! No outward error, but I did notice at the very end of the debug file the following lines appear:

error could not read file header

error could not read file header

error could not read file header

error could not read file header

Bad news:

It takes a long time to scan all my files. Admittedly I have a USB 1 connection here at work, but still! I timed Winamp from the moment I clicked the ML button to when my library opened. It took 4min 56sec. For your information, I have around 18GB of files on my device. That's 3,305 mp3 files.

What extra info are you getting from the .oma files that you can't get from the .dat files?



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I have a lot of oma files that I really really don´t wanna lose..., the thing is: they are all from my old database (Created by connect software) ...destroyed by mlsony..., ; is there any thing that I could do to save them???... - I am pretty happy with mlsony.., and everything is great now... -- it is just that things could be even better if I could save those files... - (thay are all mp3..., but without any tag ...)...

!!keep the great job!!


Ow.. and here is the link again (I keep loosing it..)


*from> Brazil

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Hello everyone,

Nickzeff :

don't worry about the "error could not read file header"

It just mean that the track number could not be found in the header of the oma file.

I am only checking the track number, there is no other file from where I can get that so yes It takes time to open everyfile.

I am planning on keeping the info in an extra file so that it will go faster. (or maybe I will add a quick scan feature that will not read the track numbers)

Renato : If you can see the files in mlsony you can download them by right clicking on the files. If not, I suggest you try to recover your database by following the faq in this forum (Did you make a backup of your database before trying ml_sony? that Is the first thing you need to do before testing anything)

About the drag & drop on the tree Item, I am having trouble finding info on how to do that;

so I am going to leave it like that for now. If any of you as info please let me know

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About the drag & drop on the tree Item, I am having trouble finding info on how to do that;

so I am going to leave it like that for now. If any of you as info please let me know

Do you meen drag&drop in winamp ore from windows explorer to ml_sony?

If you mean the last one. Than i would recommend to use Total Commander instead of windows explorer. Total Commander has a function to see the tree of a (hard)disk. So you can select and drag files from more directories at the same time.


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Ok: my situation:

hey otiasj;

I do have a backup indeed - the thing is:

mlsony crashs before it can show anything

connect software ALSO crashes!! - I don´t have the minimal Idea of why!

sonicstage works perfectly.. BUT it doesn´t allow you to backup your files....

---my NW-A3000 works pretty well with this database backup...

..mlsony doesn´t regenerate the database as said in this forum..,

...--well: any ideias???;; - I have sent you my database backup..

thank you so much for the help

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Hi Auke,

No from explorer to winamp it already works,

The one I can't figure out is :

start dragging from winamp media library,

drop on the ml_sony tree item

Renato: do this delete the c:\ml_sony.log file,

then launch ml_sony,

let it crash just once and send me the log file at saito_j at yahoo dot fr

It's probably the same problem as nickzeff, I will reply with a test version of ml_sony that you should be able to use to download your tracks.


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Hi Auke,

No from explorer to winamp it already works,

The one I can't figure out is :

start dragging from winamp media library,

drop on the ml_sony tree item


A few repleys before i had that problem whith many .DAT files. I draged songs from that plugin to a playlist in the tree. Did you fixed that problem with the many.DAT files? So yes, maybe you can use it that whay. Just a thought :unsure:

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I have studied my files and I have identified 8 files that can crash mlsony... - all of them are high-size files (bigger than 20 mb) cause they are audiobooks tranfered from .wma files.. by using S.Stage...

My problem is solved (except for the track number - as expected..)


2 questions:

1- Does MlSony create tag info for the mp3 file?

2- Can I change the download directory (c:\)

thank you!..

by the way I have just sent u my log

Great.. it does creat tag info... :-D..

well.. the following are the missing features to make it perfect so:

-config the path dir..

-ability to read the tag information on the winamp player when playing from the device

-fix track number..

-fix config box so it won´t crash

-drag and drop... (I can´t see it working anywhere here... humm -perhaps it is this computer but I thought it was working on older releases...


I am working to try to find a portable winamp that could allow us to use winamp from the player without having to install it on the computer... - I have it already but it is 5.1 - and I don´t know if it is going to conflituous to mlsony ..,

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Great news! the pmp plugin sdk will be available soon!

That means I will port ml_sony so that it can be used as any portable device.

So right now the priority is fixing the bugs, not adding features.

So I am not planning on working on the configuration panel or to add a destination dialog.

drag & drop should also be taken care of by the pmp plugin.

I really need to focus on major bugs:

1) mp3 with strange bit rates / strange headers

2) many dat files problem? Auke could you tell me how to reproduce this? I never had that bug :-(

3) more testing on bigger files

4) sending files when already copying (should be fixed by now)

Thank you for reporting the bugs!

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Sorry I am kinda busy at work AND at home this week,

so I don't have much time, but don't worry I am still fixing things ^^

Another thing is that soon we will have:

1- ml_pmp sdk release

2- sonic stage CP release

So I am kinda waiting to see how it will affect ml_sony

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Hello everyone,

quick update :

I added the save/restore track number function,

So basically only the first time the database is created the track number will be read from the oma files. Otherwise they will be loaded from TRACKS.DAT (just plain text to save time :P)

I invite you to report non working tracks (pm me to get a ftp account)

Renato : check your pm please I am still waiting for your files ^-^

Thank you for your help.

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I am so terrible sorry.. the cable that i have is on my parent´s house.. meaning that there is nothing I can do till weekend.. - all my files are in the device: All of them are big files (larger then 7mb); mp3; or wma; larger then 100 minutes; - audio books... Somewhy Connect software doesn´t work properly with those files.., - sonicstage can use SOME of them.. - I will send them this weekend..


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Hey, I'm not sure if this has been addressed already, but here's something interesting I just noticed with my NW-A608:

If I delete a song off of the device, and then send it again, there's 2 copies that are recognized in Winamp. After I unplug it, it doesn't detect anything in the database until I plug it back in and modify it somehow, so it forces a refresh of the database. Once I deleted a song off, it recognized there are 320/349 songs, for some reason. When I check the player, it recognizes duplicate copies of the songs I deleted and resent, as well.

Again, sorry if this was covered already, but I don't recall seeing anything posted.

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Hello wytefyre,

I never add this bug, thank you for reporting it.

Could you try to reproduce it?

you would need to delete c:\ml_sony.log

before you do your manipulation.

then send me the log file + database (all .Dat files in OMGAUDIO)

to saito_j at yahoo dot fr

Thank you for your help :-)

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