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Hi everybody.

Here comes a new release of SWEX, couldn't keep away from the computer before I left for holiday.

The things I have done in this release is:

1. Progress for the upload, so you can see how much that is uploaded and when the upload is finished.

2. The problem that nothing happend when uploading.(I hope it's fixed)

3. It's now pissible to delete files.

Things to do.

1. Upload directories with MP3.

2. Use cut and paste to move around the MP3-files.

3. Popup menu with cut/paste/delete.

The same goes for this as for the first release, I cant be hold responsible if anything goes wrong.

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Great that you are going on.....

Oke SWEX it is :D

my first look at it.

1. Uploading works oke.

2. Progress works oke

3. Deleting works oke

4. When uploading is ready, the window does not refresh. There is nothing in it. I have to click on a other drive (C: D: or whatever. Click again on Sony Walkman. and then it is oke.

5. There is no progress thing when you download some files to the computer. downloading works oke and fast.

6. No database problem still happening. But that we know...

When you can upload directories and if problem 6. (no database can be fixed) this program is great...

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It's getting better all the time!

Great work. All files are loading and playing fine, and when folder support is added, this will replace Sonicstage - no question. As already noted, if the MP3 player device directory in SWEX refreshed when a track or album has loaded it would be good.

Would it be possible to have a pre-transfer window, to stack up various albums, to see how many albums can be made to fit, to order them, then hit a transfer button whilst off to shower or make a cup of tea? This is a big ask from a tech-idiot - I'm grateful for what you've done already. Cheers!


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It only works when you do it whitin the program. Do not drag it from the program to windows explorer.

Thanks. I did it within the program, drag from K (HD5) drive to C drive, after that I use my Windows Explorer to play the file using Winamp or windows media player but it prompt cannot recognise the format.

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Thanks. I did it within the program, drag from K (HD5) drive to C drive, after that I use my Windows Explorer to play the file using Winamp or windows media player but it prompt cannot recognise the format.

Oke, than i do not know what the problem is. Maybe you can find a answer here: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1623

maybe this:

# If you have a NWA1000, NAW3000 or any player that is not protected: create a file named "nocode.txt" (still in the OMGAUDIO directory); or

If you have a protected player make sure you have at least ONE of the following:

1) MP3FM correctly installed with a MP3FM/DvId.dat file: see the official Sony page about MP3 File Manager; or

2) the decodeKey.dat from the keywizard in the directory "GYM": see "Grab Your Music" for more info at: http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym/index.htm

You can also try GYM. I realy like it for downloading to pc.

Edited by Auke
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Hi everybody!

I've got some problem with ML_SONY and my NW-A608. Some track sets cause "WinAmp Critical Error", but there is no regularity -

for a example, i've got folder with some Mike Shinoda songs, sometimes i can transfer them to unit, sometimes - no. Error is appearing when i drag'n'drop folder with songs on ML window.

MP3FM causes no trouble, but i think, ML_SONY is MUCH convenient.

OS - XP with SP2.

and a little question - it there any way to transfer ONLY .m3u files? I can upload tracks with MP3FM, and then just upload m3u. But, as far as i know, uploading m3u file with ML_SONY means uploading all songs in this playlist.

thank you for your attention :)

PS: sorry for probable mistakes

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Hi everybody!

I've got some problem with ML_SONY and my NW-A608. Some track sets cause "WinAmp Critical Error", but there is no regularity -

for a example, i've got folder with some Mike Shinoda songs, sometimes i can transfer them to unit, sometimes - no. Error is appearing when i drag'n'drop folder with songs on ML window.

MP3FM causes no trouble, but i think, ML_SONY is MUCH convenient.

OS - XP with SP2.

and a little question - it there any way to transfer ONLY .m3u files? I can upload tracks with MP3FM, and then just upload m3u. But, as far as i know, uploading m3u file with ML_SONY means uploading all songs in this playlist.

thank you for your attention :)

PS: sorry for probable mistakes

Backup your OMGAUDIO directory and try with a new OMGAUDIO. See the F.A.Q.

And do not use Sonicstage, if you want to use ML_SONY

hopefuly it works than.

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For the errors : try to clear the logs, (c:\Debug_ml_sony.log)

and then try to reproduce the error,

If anything shows in the log post it please :)

and a little question - it there any way to transfer ONLY .m3u files? I can upload tracks with MP3FM, and then just upload m3u. But, as far as i know, uploading m3u file with ML_SONY means uploading all songs in this playlist.

uploading m3u means creating a playlist and then uploading the missing mp3's,

if they are on the device (and correctly recognized) then they should not be uploaded again

See ya

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Hi Otiasj. If you've got a spare minute at some point I need your help. I finally took the plunge to use the ml_sony plugin after getting thoroughly annoyed with Sonicstage. Created a fresh database. I have a model NW E405 which i wasn't sure was protected or not so installed GYM anyway and I think I have the datakeys properly in a GYM folder in the C drive. Fired up Winamp and everything seemed to be working perfectly. I could send tracks to the player, remove them again, through Winamp play the tracks I'd added. I unplugged the player and could see the track details of the first track. But when I tried to play that or any of the tracks all I saw on the display was a cross with "MG Error" and the tracks won't play. Any ideas what the problem is or how i can fix it. Thanks a lot in advance.

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Hello Seth,

-Playing from device through winamp means the tracks are not encoded (by the key)

-Correct navigation through database "should" mean that your player is compatible

-can not play tracks when selected probably means the key is not correct

So to summerize : ml_sony is NOT encoding the tracks using the key, and apparently your device need encoded tracks.

So make sure you have a correctly generated key, see gym page on how to do it (you need sonicstage once)

and make sure you DON'T have the file "nocode.txt" file in the OMGAUDIO directory

Please let us know if your device is compatible!

Good luck!

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some times this error occurs when i'm just adding new mp3s to device (no upload, just dragndrop to the winamp window),

here is the logfile



error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT

sometimes - when uploading is in progress.



error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DAT+++++++++++++


error could not read file header (fileheader)

error can't open file 03GINF22.DATsending Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 01 - Feels Just Like It Should.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000001.OMA

error can't open file Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 01 - Feels Just Like It Should.mp3

Could not write file : Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 01 - Feels Just Like It Should.mp3

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 01 - Feels Just Like It Should.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000001.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 02 - Dynamite.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000002.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 03 - Seven Days In Sunny June.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000003.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 04 - Electric Mistress.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000004.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 05 - Starchild.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000005.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 06 - Loveblind.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000006.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 07 - Talulah.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000007.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 08 - (Don't) Give Hate A Chance.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000008.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 09 - World That He Wants.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000009.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 10 - Black Devil Car.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\1000000a.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 11 - Hot Tequila Brown.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\1000000b.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Dynamite\Jamiroquai - Dynamite - 12 - Time Won't Wait.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\1000000c.OMA

sending E:\My Music\Popular Music\Jamiroquai - Travelling Without Moving\Jamiroquai - Alright.mp3 to O:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\1000000d.OMA


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Hi everyone.

I've got a little problem, I dont know how to see in the files in the Walkman in which folder the "mp3" files belongs, I've found the file with all the folders, but cant figure out which files belongs to which folder, the folders I mean is the ones you see in MP3Filemanager, I need to know this to be able to make SWEx look like MP3Filemanager, with folders. Hope anyone know how to see this in the files.

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Love the plugin - what a life saver! One issue I have - when I add some tracks to my NW-A1000, the whole database is updated. I have 339 songs on my device and have just added a single track - it updated 339 songs!

Not really a problem, just thought I'd mention it.

Thanks again.

PS. otiasj - you should advertise your paypal address - I'd be more than happy to offer a bit of financial rewards for your efforts.

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Hello everyone,

Juppe: I am not sure I understand your question...

You want to read the directory's name from a file on the device?

It is not possible since it is not stored anywhere...

the directory name is automatically created, it correspond to the file numbers. See my source code for the details...

indigodream: that is the problem, I have to recreate the whole database whenever something is modified on the player :-(

My paypal account is on sourceforge on the donate page of ml_sony ;-)

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Hi otiasj.

What I can see in the 03GINF01.DAT-file, the foldernames are in that file, try to change the name of one folder in Sonicstage and compare the 03GINF01.DAT files, the one from before the change and the one from after the change and you will see that that file has change and that the name of the folders are in there. So my problem is how to connect that file with the "mp3" files, so I can present them the same way as in MP3Filemanager. Another thing I've tested is to move files in SonicStage, from one folder to another and when I do that the file 01TREE01.DAT is changed, so the files do keep track of the changes in someway, but I dont know how. Hope you understand what I mean now?

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Hello everyone,

indigodream: that is the problem, I have to recreate the whole database whenever something is modified on the player :-(

My paypal account is on sourceforge on the donate page of ml_sony ;-)

Maybe I was mistaken - when I add a track now it says updating 339/339. So basically it is adding the track I added and doing nothing else. Perfect!

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Juppe: Sorry I have not used SS for a long time the version that I have did not write the folder's name in the file.

So basically what are you missing? the mp3 filename?

Sorry I am not familiar with the mp3manager display either (it does not work with my player)

if it is not too much of a trouble could you send me a small SS database? saito_j at yahoo dot fr

thx :)

indigodream: Of course only the database is rewritten, the mp3 files are not resent! It takes time to write the new files that's all :)

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Hi everybody! (I'm french so please don't take care about my english... :blink: )

I've got an HD5 and y try to use ml_sony to send traks from my hd5 or my pc. This is ok but i can't play traks with winamp (device protected :sad: ) so I try to use GYM but I can't play traks: the trak name is blue and I can only send it to my pc... nonetheless, before to use ml_sony, play was ok on GYM!

do you know a solution?


si c'est incompréhensible, je met la version française au cas ou:

j'ai un hd5 et j'utilise ml_sony pour transferer vers mon pc ou vers le lecteur... tout ça marche trés bien mais comme le lecteur est protégé, je ne peut pas lire les pistes sous winamp... j'essaye donc d'utiliser GYM mais depuis que j'utilise ml_sony, je ne peut plus lire les pistes via GYM: le nom des pistes est bleu et je ne peut que les envoyer sur le pc... cependant, avant d'utiliser ml_sony, la lecture sous GYM marchait trés bien!

d'ou peu venir le problème?


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Hi everybody,

do you know if ml_sony is supposed to work with a NW-E505 ?

I tried everything (nocodes.txt or even gym's decodeKeys.dat) and I always get the same error :

1°) transfer from winamp is ok

2°) I can read songs from winamp

3°) when I try to play songs from the NW505 I get "MG ERROR" message. :blink:

Any help would be great as I have no ideas and I don't want to use Sonicstage !!!


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Hello everyone

cyano :

GYM and ml_sony are probably not compatible...

There is no way yet to play from winamp from a protected device

Tiouzy :

I have a NW505 and it works...

From what you describe the keycode is incorrect or not used.

Make sure you delete the nocode.txt because you don't need it (NW505 IS protected)

Then make sure you follow the FAQ :-)

(NW505 is usb 1 so it's pretty slow...)


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Hi everybody! (I'm french so please don't take care about my english... :blink: )

I've got an HD5 and y try to use ml_sony to send traks from my hd5 or my pc. This is ok but i can't play traks with winamp (device protected :sad: ) so I try to use GYM but I can't play traks: the trak name is blue and I can only send it to my pc... nonetheless, before to use ml_sony, play was ok on GYM!

do you know a solution?



I did have the same problems with GYM. But after i installed the 1.2 beta. it worked again for me. So try to install GYM again. For me GYM and ML_SONY is compattable.

Edited by Auke
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Thank you for the info Auke :-)

Getting technical for programmers :

Juppe I got your mail, but I don't see where you see the directory names...

In 03GINF01 the only thing I see is a list of songs with extended tags,

If it is the info you are indeed looking for, here is how to link it to the mp3's :

The Database works like this :

First you have your big index in 04CNTINF.DAT

this is a list of track, this order correspond to the omg file names.

let call this index OMA_INDEX

You have the TREE files and the GINF files,

for each TREE file there is one GINF file, (01TREE03 == 03GINF03)

GINF file is a simple list, you can parse that pretty easily and add an index.

lets call this index INF_INDEX

in the TREE file you have the usual TREE header:

Then one GPLB objectPointer

then one TPLB objectPointer

then the GPLB object

then the TPLB object

(the objectPointer indicate the amount of data to be read to reach each corresponding object)

So basically you have a list OMG_INDEX + INF_INDEX + GPLB_INDEX + TPLB_INDEX


in the GPLB index you have couples of value :

[iNF_INDEX, the number of file in this category]

Correspondance TPLB_INDEX <-> OMA_INDEX:

if in your TPLB you have 1 2 3 4 -> it means file 1 2 3 and 4 from the OMG_index (10000001.OMA, 10000002.OMA, 10000003.OMA...)

Let's take an example :-) :

OMA_INDEX | trackinfo...

1 mysong1fromalbumB1...

2 mysong2fromalbumB1

3 mysong3fromalbumB1

4 mysong1fromalbumA2

5 mysong2fromalbumA2

6 mysong3fromalbumA2

7 mysong4fromalbumA2

8 mysong5fromalbumA2

9 mysong6fromalbumA2

for example if you are using 03GINF03 it means you are searching for the correspondance mp3 <-> album:


1 albumA2 (because albums are sorted alphabatically A2 comes before B1)

2 albumB1

you look at the corresponding TREE file : 01TREE03


1 6 2 3 which should be read as couples : [1, 6] [2, 3]

and 6 songs of album indexed 1 in the INF_INDEX

it means you have 3 songs of the album indexed 2 in the INF_INDEX

and TPLB :

4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3

so you put together you GPLB and TPLB : you get :

songs 4 5 6 7 8 9 are from albumA2

songs 1 2 3 are from albumB1

you convert to OMA files number :

Album B1:




Album A2 :







That's it!

more info files :

03GINF01 -> Albums list with extended tags (like path to pictures etc...)

03GINF02 -> Artist list

03GINF03 -> Album list

03GINF04 -> Genre list

See the bottom of readme.txt in ml_sony repository to have some more details on the database,

and http://www.waider.ie/hacks/workshop/c/mple...E_FORMAT_v2.txt

Have fun!

(Then have more fun by deleting some files, re-adding some, resort everything, rewrite the DB, and pray :D )

(this is why it gets all fucked up when you do a lot of remove/add, there is a bug somewhere and it get's worse every time you rewrite the DB)

Edited by otiasj
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If you look in mp3 file manager you see there is no need of path, because every folder is in the root, so you cant have subfolders and I think that SWEx shall work in the same way. So you can take one folder with MP3:s from your pc and transfer the whole folder to the sony and get the same folder name and all except for the subfolder if there's any, I'm thinking of transfer the subfolders to, but put them in the root of the sony with the prefix "sub" if there's a folder with the same name, is this a god or bad idea?

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  • 1 month later...

So...I am very interested in this project but am a complete programming nitwit. I was curious if ml_sony is still develloping. I used the plugin several times, worked ok, but after a while the allready known issues come up. Obvious, when it works, it will make sony digitalmusic plyer owners very, I mean incredibly cheerful.

Keep up the good work, Otiasj and Juppe!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great plugin, thank for your work !

I'm just having trouble with a nw-e003 walkman player and ml_sony plugin. It copy mp3s on the player but when i try to listen to them, they don't appear on music list. I check on my drive, mp3s are in folders but i think they are unreadable.

Maybe someone can help me or send me to an appropriate thread. Thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi otiasj, first of all to thank you for such a useful tool that many many users have been begging for.

I hope you can make a website with all the relevant information such as updates, news, faq, instructions etc to save people having to search around- and also a donate option too to allow us users to thank you for such a useful tool.

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