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Hi otiasj,

I have a VGF AP1l vaio player. I followed your instruction in the readme.txt. I didnt know if my player is protected or not so I did both the things (with the nocode.txt and with a fresh OMGAUDIO is both instances). In both the instances, after transferring the files, I can see them in the list. But it just doesnt play. I dont get an error message as such. It reads the song length correctly and the tags correctly as well but it doesn't play them. Do you know what the problem is? Can you help me?

EDIT: Weird. I had backed up my database just like you had said and it didnt work on any of the fresh database with or without mp3filemanager. So then I deleted the mp3fm folder and also deleted everything from the the original OMGAUDIO folder except for the 04CNTINF.DAT file and retried sending through winamp. Now it works!

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Hey Otiasj,

Is there anyway to sort the files? I mean, Winamp shows them to be sorted by [artist - album - tracknumber - title] in that order but as far as I can see, the songs in the player are in random order (either in All songs or in the Artist sort facility).

In any way, I have uninstalled SS and you dont know how grateful I am to be rid of that crap software. Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to use SS: it is even impossible about 3000mHz PCs, beyond impossible P3 800 of mine. Otherwise it is a good programme Accept making an upgrade DB transfering song by song. This nearly twice the time.

Not to use Vaio M: There is no library lister. You can not see what is inside your player. Otherwise a bit faster than SS still song by song upgrade.

Not to use MP3FM: Library listed is not alike in the device menu it is folderized :). Still upgrading DB song by song.

To use ml_sony: The fastest Because after drag an drop action, it copies mp3s as 10XXXXXX.oma in 10F0X folder and make upgrade at the last. while Keygen wizard setup, ml_sony can download 5000 songs about 10 mins and upgrade about 30 seconds. But MP3FM download a single 16kb song immadiately but upgrade every song in 4 seconds. I can not think download 5000songs in 6 hours with MP3FM. List of library is also good in a way.

not to use ml_sony: It crashes all the time. so i have not used it but i can not digest sony programmes.

I always try to find out why it crashes. (about 2 months) It was about tags.

it crashes with mp3 with no tags even one of artist, album, title, track number, genre is missing. While ml_sony do not add empty tag datas, it needs perfectly editted tags.

I was afraid to use it. But i realised that while i was writting this post that wrongness was with me cause I had thouht i edit id3tags perfectly but i had been forgetting genres. I editted one album's genre that make crash winamp and transferring happened now. :wave: While I do not use genres I skip editting them. I think a big percentage of my problem were solved.

ml_sony does not fill empty tags. in a cleared Debug_ml_sony.log file there is only

"sending D:\Venom\1997 From Heaven To The Unknown\CD1\01 - Welcome to hell.mp3 to G:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000084.OMA" written. sometimes a header of file error is written. I only ask now is it releated to winamp pmp sdk that not filling empty tags (all sony programs do). I don't thing so. I have been waitin a new ml_sony for a long time so long so I am posting at last.

By the way thanks; otiasj, Juppe and Auke.

would you need xxxx_appcompat.txt (win error log when winamp crashes)?

Sorry about such silly langıage.

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sokomind has hit the nail on the head!

I've just edited tags (to v1) of a few tracks that refused to be transfered without crashing ML, but read/transfered as gobbledygook within Mp3Fm, and bam no crashes with ML and no gobbledygook on the HD5!

If we can get the ID tags to fill with 'unknown' it will solve all my and hopefully everyone elses crashes. Hopefully not too much work for the developers?

Keep up the good work on ML guys.

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Thankfully to god and otiasj; ml_sony supports mp3 files that have only id3tag 1 (1.1), only 2(2.3) and also together 1 and 2 but fully tagged I have to mention again.

(But I also try to use only one of them like you, cautious! I have not tried what happens if v1 and v2 differs both in/on/at ml_sony and VMT-MP3FM-SS and even fear of trying :lol: .)

sony programs assign 'unknown' or something else (no artist, no genre). Not to crash with empty tagged files, ml_sony can select two ways:

1) Assigning what MP3FM does like unknown tagging or freely assignin anything.

2) It must be more difficult to code this but i prefer that (my dear otiasj:) )ml_sony can warn us with a message: 'Files you are trying to send Sony has no "artist" information.' (or which were empty.) And asking what to behave.

EDIT: v1 id3tags have 30 character-long capacity. a song tagged

v2: Alcohol Fueled Brewtality (Live)

v1: Alcohol Fueled Brewtality (Liv

ml_sony use v2. so i understood v2 has priority as usual.

Another experiment; I thouht if v2 has priority, what happens on existing fully tagged v1 and half tagged v2:

track numbers: v1

artist: v1 v2 and same

album v1 v2 and same

genre v1

exist. No crash. again another question. Did ml_sony take existing v2 and empty datas from v1 or when it sees empty datas of v2 did it take all from v1?

v1 and v2 track number are 2 // genre are acid jazz

v1 and v2 artist Brooklyn Funk Essentials Featuring Laço Tayfa

v1 track name is Istanbul Twilight. no v2 name

testing data is that v1 album "In The BuzzBag" /// v2 "In The Buzbağ"

result: no crash, track number 2; name Istanbul Twilight (must be taken from v1); Album is In The Buzbağ (must be taken from v2 not with 'ğ')

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I have read 29 page but i don't remember such a bug mentioned:

For example in device we have 300 songs. suppose deleting 10 songs from an album. 290 songs must remain. in winamp library album and artist boxes show 290 songs to all songs. again suppose that we put 5 songs to device. 291/300 292 /300 to 295/300 is shown below before "all done".

I hope I could tell the small and unimportant problem.

By the way I had been trying mp3 id3tagger programmes (about 20 proggrammes I tried). I found 3 of them useful which I do not know it is right to give names of them. This is not to add reviews with pictures but if anybody tells me where I can add a post, I can write how to make perfect tags suitable.

Please lighten me with PM.

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Ok keep posting the bugs! ^^

I started writing the new version of Sonydb (it's the library used by ml_sony)

I really need to separate ml_sony from Sonydb so that,

if someone else want to write an app it will be more easy to use it.

Unfortunatly it will take some time

So please be patient!

If anybody knows how to make plugins for winamp he/she would be welcome to help to create the new ml_sony version.

(this is just gui development but it takes time!)

Thank you for the support

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Ok keep posting the bugs! ^^

I started writing the new version of Sonydb (it's the library used by ml_sony)

I really need to separate ml_sony from Sonydb so that,

if someone else want to write an app it will be more easy to use it.

Unfortunatly it will take some time

So please be patient!

If anybody knows how to make plugins for winamp he/she would be welcome to help to create the new ml_sony version.

(this is just gui development but it takes time!)

Thank you for the support

Thats great news! I have had no experience with gui development for winamp, but hopefully someone here does. :D

I'll be happy to do some HD5 testing for you and drill out any bugs.



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Ok keep posting the bugs! ^^

I started writing the new version of Sonydb (it's the library used by ml_sony)

I really need to separate ml_sony from Sonydb so that,

if someone else want to write an app it will be more easy to use it.

Unfortunatly it will take some time

So please be patient!

If anybody knows how to make plugins for winamp he/she would be welcome to help to create the new ml_sony version.

(this is just gui development but it takes time!)

Thank you for the support

Great news. Nice to hear ml_sony gets better and better. :)

Is there any news from Juppe, have not seen any reaction of him here in months :sad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have recently bought a Sony NW-A1000 (6GB walkman).

I use winamp and have installed the SONY_ML plugin.

When I right click on my music and send to device, it sends it. I have checked that the music is there but when I disconnect the walkman it doesn't recognize the files. I am wondering if it tranfered them in mp3 format and not ATRAC format.

Any advise would be helpful.


J. Hampton

- Freedom isn't free

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First of all thanks a lot for this plugin

it has to be the most useful thing i have on my computer

however it is quite buggy, ie when i put several songs in my playlist (in winamp), winamp won't read them one after another, at the end of each song winamp stops and i've got to double click on the next song to make it play...

pretty annoying

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I am just trying to get the music onto my walkman and be able to listen to it. I already have 5GB of music on there from using the Sony Connect software provided. When I sent it to the device via winamp it will transfer and I can view it from winamp. But when I disconnect the walkman, the songs are not able to be viewed or played.

My library is very well groomed with switch and tag & rename. I have since unistalled Sony Connect because it messes up my music library (180GB+).

I use winamp to play music from my external hard drive. Now I am trying to get winamp to convert my mp3's to the ATRAC file format used by the walkman.

Is there some other tweaks or something I need to do? If I can't get this to work I might take this walkman back and buy another ipod. I know the plugin for the ipod works with no bugs!

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Hello everyone,

sorry christmas time is busy busy busy! :o

Krillz: "Playing from the device" feature is not implemented yet!

It works "by luck" :clover: on unprotected players (the new ones), but the headers are not correct so don't count on filename etc atm... :huh:


1- I advice you NOT to convert your music to atrac file format.

2- ml_sony is not compatible with other software like sonicstage or connect player,

the only way you will be able to use it is by starting on a freshly formatted device and follow the faq on this forum

3- I got my 2 sony player as presents and I would not recommend them over an ipod.

Sadly, The simple solution is indeed to bring it back to exchange it for an ipod...

Anyway I am still working on this, (not at the speed that I would like)

don't expect any new release soon :sad: (probably around march 2007)

Thank you

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<I advice you NOT to convert your music to atrac file format.

Not too worry. I have 180GB+ library. I don't see that happening.

<ml_sony is not compatible with other software like sonicstage or connect player,

the only way you will be able to use it is by starting on a freshly formatted device and follow the faq on this forum

I don't use Connect or Sonic stage only winamp. I will try the "freshly formatted device" in the FAQ. I am new to this forum and was not aware of this. Recently, I switched from iTunes to winamp because my new company computer (Panasonic Toughbook CF-73) doesn't like iTunes - another story.

<I got my 2 sony player as presents and I would not recommend them over an ipod.

I bought mine over the summer while working in England again. I like the look of it. The user interface is nice. I just don't like Connect or Sonic stage. They really mess up my music library. It sounds corny, but I pride myself on my music library. It has painstackingly taken my over six years to gather all my music. Many hours have been spent with "switch" and "tag & rename" to convert and tag all of my files. Not too mention if "T & R" could not find the album art, I would have to spend MANY HOURS searching various sites trying to locate them.

<The simple solution is indeed to bring it back to exchange it for an ipod...

I am working again in England and have a friend at the local Staples. I may have to phone him up and see if we can work something out if the formatting doesn't work.

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

Jason Hampton

- Freedom isn't free


If you can read this, thank a teacher.

If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

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Firstly I'd like to thank you otiasj for producing this wonderful plugin. I installed SonicStage thinking I would have to format my NW-E003F player (small flash-media suffle-style device) but this wasn't necessary. It appears it isn't "protected" (not sure what all that means), so I didn't have to add any files or do anything at all to the player - even nocode.txt wasn't necessary. It just works. The ID3 info displays fine and I can transfer files to it without any problem.

Superb plugin, thanks again!

Edit: Some Feedback:

- Had a problem with one MP3, 128kbps, 44.1kHz, Joint Stereo, CRCs:No, Copyrighted:Yes, Original:yes, length:256s, header found at 290 byted. This MP3 played, but the sound came out as if it had been made to play twice as slow as it should do. The vocals were slow and deep and I could hear each guitar pluck clearly but they were all far apart from each other. Weird. Maybe to do with it having the Copyrighted flag?

- With my device, dragging and dropping or sending a playlist from the media library does not work. However, dragging one in from the windows explorer does appear to work. The Apply button appears, though nothing can be seen in the listing of files. In the tree on the left, the playlist appears as a branch of the device. Once I apply it, the apply button is still there, so it seems I could go on applying for ever. Upon checking the player, there is no playlist ("no item" is the message).

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  • 3 weeks later...

could someone tell me the risks and disadvantages of the plugin.

As with all software, there might be catastrophic bugs that make your house fall down around your ears.

To be honest, the biggest risk is that it might corrupt the data on your walkman's hard drive. If that happens, you'll have to format it and start filling it up again. Not really the end of the world is it?

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Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would point out that this plugin works perfectly with the new Sony NW-S205F model player, so I am sure that it will also work fine with the Sony NW-S203F player.

My s205f also works with the plugin, however i could only drag playlists from explorer and not from within winamp, and the playlists are not recognised by my walkman.

It can play all the music from the playlists, but not actually play the playlists. Any thoughts?

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The development is slowed because I have too much work this month,

I haven t started the new winamp GUI yet I am concentrating on the library part,

so all the functionnalilties like playing playlist adding from interface etc... are secondary yet

Don t expect any new version soon :(

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otiasj, I'd just like to say this is an amazing plugin, and easily the most useful for me. I must say I really hated using the SonicStage software, and now that I can just use Winamp this is totally amazing. Thank you so much for your time and effort on this.

For those wondering, I have it working for a NWE-307 running Winamp 5.32 with no problems what so ever.

Thanks again :lol:

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Hi... im new to the forum :wave: ...

I have to agree with cinelolo - this is one of the best things i've found on the net in ages... its absouloutly fantastic that someone is trying something like this otiasj! for ages ipod (grrrrrr :blink:) owners have had loads of alternatives to itunes, but the same has never been true for sony other than for their own connect player and mp3 transfer manager...

I just wanted to say i think whats happening here is great and keep up the GREAT work!!! :)

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I must be one of the dumbest people on this planet.

How on EARTH do you make this work with my NW-A3000?

I've followed the instructions in the ml_sony readme, but I'm still not able to get it working.

Ive added the directory OMGAUDIO and the files 04CNTINF.DAT and nocode.txt

When I rightclick a file in winamp playlist and select SendTo "P:Sony Walkman" nothing happens at all.

And where is this "Music Library" window in Winamp 5.32? The only Media Library window I have is showing my favorites.

And this question leads to: Where is this +/- in front of a file?

Is there another completely different program out there in an alternative universe also called Winamp ?? :blink:

I dont want to use the horrible SWEX anymore.

I need something better and more userfriendly.

Help me before I start to cry.

EDIT: ------------------------------------------->

Ok, after crying a little bit I finally managed to figure out this one by myself...

....you need to have Winamp running with a modern skin, or else the Media Library window is borked.

Damn, I hate modern skins. They are ugly, and huge.


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Really? That's odd. I have the media library open right now with Winamp Classic and it works fine.

And anyway, there are some nice modern skins (though I do agree that most of them are ugly). My personal favourite is Media Whore (http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=121601), and some other simple, unbloated ones I like are Spirit (stefanka.deviantart.com), Simple (bunji.deviantart.com) and Absurd (http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=135344).

I modded Media Whore quite a lot and put my own images in it. You can have my version too if you want.

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This plugin works ok, took me a while before I got it going, but now it works it's great.

One question: I can only use the send to command and then only from the library. So, no playlists or drag & drop.

Anybody any suggestions.

I really hope this will develope further, but I'm already very pleased with how it is now.

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