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State of the forum(s) + changelog


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I'm glad to hear it, gzip is a wonderful addition to any server and I know that it's really going to benefit people who use dialup and also our many non US members. We sure have come a long way since that faithful cold Febuary in 2004, eh jade? wink.gif The lag back then was so thick you could've sliced through it with a butter knife.

For what it's worth, I'm now working on the Wiki for the Equipment Browser and it should be in beta phase this weekend or early next week.

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I have just noticed the changing graphic in my address bar next to http://forums.minidisc.....

Tis funny, because it changes from the M logo, to a face :| tongue.gif... maybe have a MD or something.. but that might be to hard... looks good but!

darn, what browser r u using? tongue.gif I, with firefox1.04 (dutch version), can only see a static MDCF blue-'M' and with yuck-now-I-have-to-wash-my-mouth-again-after-saying-this-IE (yes, I was so desperate to see the icon change I dug up my IE again) I even won't get that!

we in Belgium want our dynamic icon!! shout.gif

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Go to http://forums.minidisc.org/favicon.ico and then refresh it a few times.

sweet, worked like a charm! biggrin.gif this place get's better (and nicer) everyday good.gif

I am aware that it doesn't work in IE; I will fix that a little bit later this week. Seriously though, if anyone here (not referencing you, Volta) use IE, get Firefox - IE is garbage.

I would say, don't fix it! just another means of pressure to get ppl to switch over to Firefox laugh.gif ...BTW if only windows update and trendmicro would learn to work under the Foxy-browser, then I could really get rid of that liabilty that IE is

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yeah there's a few. the only ones that really matter are trendmicro's housecall & windows update but some online ticket vendors will only except IE .

i too only use it for the these reasons, not that it's really removable from xp anyway.

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But I have actually bought the Trend Micro Product tongue.gif

But for all Aussie people here, I hear that if you go onto the ANZ online banking... you can sign up for a yrs subscription for Mcafee internet firewall and virus checker for free!

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The disc is back!, instead of the covered face tongue.gif

Looks good!

It is also taking quite a while (30+secs) to reply to posts for me... mellow.gif

Edit* After just writing the bottm line above ^^, it submitted the post very quickly... I always reply to threads in the 'Fast Reply' Section... that might be the problem?

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TIP: For those of you who do use Firefox, and have to revert to IE occasionally, there's an extension called "IEview" (for Firefox), which enables you to set Firefox to always automatically open certain sites/links/domains with IE. It also adds a right-click context menu item, "View this page with IE".

Useful for sure, for Windows Update, etc.

Oh yeah, I'm also a big fan of the funky animated favicon!!!! This forum is stylish!!!!

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The disc is back!, instead of the covered face tongue.gif

Looks good!

It is also taking quite a while (30+secs) to reply to posts for me... mellow.gif

Edit* After just writing the bottm line above ^^, it submitted the post very quickly...  I always reply to threads in the 'Fast Reply' Section... that might be the problem?

i've been getting it at random too.

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there's an extension called "IEview" (for Firefox)

this is getting a bit off topic here, but I had IE-view installed, but with the upgrade to 1.03 it didn't work anymore...haven't seen an updated version yet...

BTW: if you open windowsupdater, it will find IE itself! even if you think you've thrown it off your PC ohmy.gif

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when replying, sometimes the new post gets added almost instantly, sometmes it takes forever (or about 1min in more realistic measures)... I haven't noticed any reason/factors that induce one or the other.

Strange thing: it isn't the replying that takes so long, it's the redirecting to the added post. I tested this by pressing stop about ten seconds into the hibernation/waiting state, immediately scrolling up and pressing "find new posts"... I was promptly taken to the new posts and my most recent post (the one that caused the delay) was shining as the upmost one, but with the "not yet read" orange indicator still present.

hope this helps to get some insight into the delays... but it's not really that big a problem (and if I'm really pressed for time, I can always press stop and check if it's added)

greetings, Volta

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Yeh I get the same prob as Volta does sorry to say Chris... It seems to only occur when I do a Fast Reply though... if I do a Add Reply... it seems to add that reply pretty quickly compared to Fast Reply, where it can takes about 40-60 secs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some changes have been made to Refault, the default theme:

The Refault theme now has a different looking "View New Posts" and is much more improved aesthetically (and has those big ol' numbers).

The main index now has the grey area under the topic/posts numbers faded.

Big numbers are also in the Gallery now.

PM's feature the member's avatar and a snippet of the message.

I have also added a very low-bandwidth theme that is black/grey called BasicX. I will add a logo in due time.

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I really like the look of the Basic X theme Chris!!

If you have the spare time.. some images/icons would look good! cheers.gifthumbsup.gif

Just reading your post again Chris tongue.gif made me realise there arn't any pics for the purpose of it being a low bandwith theme tongue.gif My bad wacko.gif

Edited by MZ-NH1
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It says that "old default" is back...hehe, I just switched to the olive one which is quite nice and gives this forum some flavour.

I will check out the other themes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to restore the forum to July 13th (yesterday) @ 11pm because dex Otaku apparently lost it and deleted more than 200 topics and posts. I'm thankful that I now have a daily backup rotation scheme in place. I apologize for this loss in topics and registrations from 11pm until now, and I'm just as surprised and confused as everyone else at this recent change in behavior. Just to make sure you understand, I had to forfeit everything from 11pm until now in favor of the topics he deleted; it was not an easy decision but I had to make this choice.

Unfortunately, because of his actions, he will never be allowed here again. It's truly a disappointing loss to the forums.

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dex will be missed... even though he might not agree with me at the moment, I think his comments and insights were very useful to a lot of ppl, most certainly including me

hope he's well

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not sure he hasn't balanced what ever help offered with a little too much negative emotion. i hope for his sake that he is not being so destructive in the rest of his life.

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I'm thankful that I now have a daily backup rotation scheme in place.

Looks like, that my preaching has paid off wink.gif

Unfortunately, because of his actions, he will never be allowed here again. It's truly a disappointing loss to the forums.

Which was the right decision.

We can't have a Mod running amok, especially on a high-traffic forum like this one.

But one question remains: Why?

There must be a reason, why someone ticks out like this.

Especially dex, since he was one of the most considerate and fair members here.

*shakes head in disbelief*

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Yeh that is quite strange... a Mod just going off and deleteing topics :|

Something must have happened.

1 comment on ads Chris, I dunno if you mind, but when I was reading a post, the ad at the bottom of the page was an ad for Apple iPODS! ohmy.gif

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I had to restore the forum to July 13th (yesterday) @ 11pm because dex Otaku apparently lost it and deleted more than 200 topics and posts. I'm thankful that I now have a daily backup rotation scheme in place. I apologize for this loss in topics and registrations from 11pm until now, and I'm just as surprised and confused as everyone else at this recent change in behavior. Just to make sure you understand, I had to forfeit everything from 11pm until now in favor of the topics he deleted; it was not an easy decision but I had to make this choice.

Unfortunately, because of his actions, he will never be allowed here again. It's truly a disappointing loss to the forums.

I'm remember will, my post that I wrote "What is LP3? It isn't existed?", but sudden my post are deleted.

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Should a logo be added to BasicX?

Add as much as you can Chris!!! tongue.gif

I love the look of it... I think a logo for sure would make it more noticable that it is a MD forum...

I love it.. but haven't changed because of the non existant icons tongue.gif

Can I also suggest that on all Skins you put a "Top" button on the line of all Forum Titles, so that if we got all the way to the bottom of the Main List, we can just click the Top button, and go back to the top... just like in threads...

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