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Everything posted by fourbanks

  1. Does anyone know if this model is an improvement over the sony 920 uk model as i am thinking of getting a brand new one for my ongoing collection thanks
  2. while were at it does anyone know what was the difference was between a dat deck and a mini disc recorder. I remember years ago that the cost was very high in the uk and invariably not available for some reason hence i didn't get one but it would be nice to know was it better then the mini disc or was it just as good but because of cost failed to take off
  3. thanks guys i took a chance and got this one off ebay. Very good value i think although it wasn't as clean as the seller stated but that's pretty normal the price was good and it works well which is the main thing http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271046059517&clk_rvr_id=384199570319&mfe=sidebar
  4. Does anyone know if this unit is a step up on a sony uk model 920/940/980/ thanks http://tascam.com/product/md-301mkii/images/
  5. Thanks Joanne i think it must be marketing hype as how could a company know that we have the best in hearing ? and the rest of the EU don't or didn't care sony were always leading throughout the eighties /nineties but they always seamed to get stuck in how their business should move forward They seamed to cripple the MiniDisc players in one way or another got side tracked on the betamax format brought a DAT out which no one could afford and in general lost their way and today their tv area of expertise is losing money What they should be doing is making a small number of MiniDisc players and recorders as they do in japan and not just blindly following apple the world does not revolve around apple and it's about time that sony stuck to it's Japanese roots instead of playing second fiddle to apple whose products look good but seldom live long enough to tell a tale other then an expensive one for many people woirldwide i hope so to Philippe
  6. Can anyone confirm the technical difference/sound diffence between the Sony uk model 940 QS red badge and the QS 940 European model the cost difference between the two was £50 extra for the uk model at launch in the uk I have both and they sound the same and look the same minus the red badge and copper screws on the European model I was always suspicious of this practise as was my main dealer who has specialized in top hi fi for the past 40 years thanks for any clarification
  7. Hi jim my aiwa has stopped working again the controls both on the remote and on the unit are not responding correctly and the music on the disc is very fast saying x2 maybe i will need to send it to you again ? i have tried the reset button on the back but the unit always starts at x2 making all of the control buttons inoperative sound is very good thou
  8. I have just seen one of these come up on ebay any good does anyone know ? thanks http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006I5TL/?tag=dotinfoproject07-20
  9. Just to confirm as i just missed out on getting one is this the very best model or was their something else that came out at a later date SONY MDS-JA20ES MINIDISC PLAYER + REMOTE thanks
  10. all you need do is to purchase a sound card with a optical input for your computer and away you go they are very inexpensive
  11. fourbanks

    A bit odd

    the £4-99 bid looks like the seller pulled out ?
  12. fourbanks

    A bit odd

    Here is another thing thats odd this seller has this for sale SONY MDS JB 940 QS Minidisc Recorder and the bid is at this time £4-99 http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2c5ffa3a66 and this seller with the same model is at £79-95 http://www.ebay.co.u...=item336d153234 where as this seller cant sell this 980 at all and has been listed many times http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SONY-MDS-JB980-TOP-RANGE-QS-MINIDISC-NET-LP-RECORDER-INC-REMOTE-MANUAL-/320776761530?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item4aafc8f0ba what's going on why the big difference ?
  13. fourbanks

    A bit odd

    This looks good and much better value ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UNUSED-Panasonic-SJ-MR230-Portable-MINI-DISC-Player-Recorder-Speakers-BOXED-MINT/320772794955?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=011&category=15056&cmd=ViewItem
  14. fourbanks

    A bit odd

    The bidding on this mini disc is getting very high surely it would have been cheaper to buy the last model Sony have made or was this a superior model ? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320771695328&rvr_id=273578003401&clk_rvr_id=273578003401&mfe=sidebar
  15. Jim's the man he got my aiwa up and running in which no one else in Sussex where i live could do plus he is a gentleman it's just a pity i dont live near him
  16. yes Jim the battery the seller tells me is the PANASONIC RP BP62 and is available on ebay for a pound but in the shops around £10
  17. Thanks jim i will probably hold fire and get the black Sony MZRH1B.EU8 Hi-MD Digital Audio Player and Recorder as that is overall the best on offer after my aiwa my sony 909 is very good but falls just short of the aiwa i find which is odd as i throught the 909 came out after the aiwa am f80
  18. The silver one is way overpriced the best i can see is the black at a bargain new from Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-MZRH1B-EU8-Digital-Player-Recorder/dp/B000FSH3U2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316641128&sr=8-1
  19. What about this one Jim for sound quality looks very cheep ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-MZ-E310-Mini-Player-Silver/dp/B000095K0W/ref=pd_cp_ce_1
  20. If you need a repair then jim will fix it no problem :good:
  21. So jim you think their could be a problem here in not getting a battery or is it the same as the Sony battery? or you think this is maybe not for me.? My aiwa is by far the best sounding portable i have come across hence i was thinking this is as good ?
  22. Has anyone got any experience with this model as I'm thinking of getting it for my collection also is the battery available thanks http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AIWA-AM-HX30-PERSONAL-MINIDISC-PLAYER-TOP-RANGE-HI-FI-MINIDISK-BOXED-MINT-/320762081761?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item4aaee8f1e1
  23. Well I'm happy with the 940 that i have just got and the 920 which i have had for many years so will be ok for a few years now at least. I will still keep my eye out for a 980 as that would be good to add to my collection and then i could then pass on the 940 at some point :good: My new pioneer tape deck has just arrived and looks promising albeit made in Malaysia the feet on it at the back have been reduced to just normal wide feet at the front and just a couple of stud feet at the back i guess just to save a dollar ?
  24. Thanks jim your a star not only have you fixed this error but i do believe your the first person in the world to have done so via a forum and that my friend is one of the highest accolades as a audiophile myself can pay you Not only that you have also supplied a working battery another first in the world Many thanks once again and look forward to your input here and elsewhere warm regards
  25. Thanks What do we know about this model the JE510 series is it better then the JB series does anyone know ?
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