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Everything posted by sh33p

  1. Oh wow extreme heat affects the performance of the OLED screen?
  2. Woah.. Does the titanium only refer to the body of the earphones? =\ eBay stores always charge a lot more than auctions though... No one's auctioning the titanium ones
  3. sh33p

    Remote control

    Does the RM-MC38EL for Hi-MDs work with the NWA3000, or only the two you listed above? What's the difference between the RM-MC38EL and the RM-MC35ELK?
  4. sh33p

    NW-A1000 dust problem

    no if you open the back i think there are screws inside that hold the front to the middle. Corris, even finding some sort of bag or carrying case for your player will keep most of the dust out.
  5. sweet. now i definitely can't wait to get my nwa3k back.
  6. Oh. When the player says finished charging it's only finished Quick-charging and is probably about 80% full. That's what happens with my MZ-N10 and I think the NWA3k manual says something about that too. So if you're charging it, you might be better off leaving it connected to a power source for up to two hours or whatever the specifications of the manual dictate, because after it has finished quick-charging, the remaining 20% or so is slow charged which takes a bit longer. E.G. my MD player charges to 80% in an hour and then the remaining 20% will take about two hours even though the player says it is charged.
  7. I live in Hong Kong the humdity goes between 70% and 90% in summer but I bought mine here directly from the SonyStyle store. Then again the humidity now is only about 50-60%
  8. dang! those things are pretty, AND the ebay seller lives just north of me. i wonder if my parents will let me go for it, i've already been scammed once on the bay.=S Richard please let us know how it goes, incase it's "too good to be true"
  9. Use WMP to rip... It's faster and easier to edit tags if the files are mp3.
  10. sh33p

    NW-A1000 dust problem

    It would be well worth investing in some sort of case/cover/protection for your player. I think the soft silicon case would probably be the best as it covers up all around the side and most of the top and bottom reducing the amount of crack space dust can enter through. I use a black soft lycra-ish carry bag and that does the job too because the player isn't rubbing against the inside of my pocket and collecting lint. worst case scenario just wrap it in gladwrap that'll keep dust and any scratches away if you are keen on attempting to take your player apart there are instructions on how to in the pdf manual included on the CONNECT Player CD.
  11. yeah i've seen zero ads for the NWAs where i live too. that is curious. and there wasn't a specific ad for the nwh5 either. it was just sort of briefly included in this terrible sony ad that tried to advertise pretty much all of their products in one go; telephones, pda's, cameras, camcorders, the psp, etc. weird.
  12. wait. songs can be dragged and dropped into the CONNECT library? I think there have been reports of songs losing tag information as they're transferred from ss to cp. That's why I prefer to have all my tracks in mp3 so I can open them with WMP for easy (and often automatic) tag updating and then import them into the CP library. Having all my songs in mp3 also means I can use GYM, because it doesn't support atrac.
  13. A-Series is looking at a March lUS aunch I believe. Definitely not this month, CONNECT still has so many wrinkles to be ironed out.
  14. sh33p

    soft or silicon case?

    I think the silicon case is pretty cool and it totally takes the mick out of ipods. Plus it would probably provide the player with the best collision protection. I still think it's a bit silly the screen doesn't get any protection though, but there you have it.
  15. mm... no one's being harmed by connect, unless they're victims of an irate connect user, unlike cars which have the potential to kill if something is not right. If they want the NWA's to make it in the US, they'd damn better well be undergoing some rigourous testing.
  16. they're diagnostic utilities I think. The NWA1000 service manual is available for download on this site but it's strongly recommended that you leave everything bar SP well alone. You don't want to harm your shiny new player do you?
  17. yes I would love to be your beta tester. I would also love to have my NWA3000 back, as I have returned it to sony to check up on the gaps on the sides between the front and rear panels. Umm... Well it wasn't initialised, but when I tried to drag the folders from tmp to the MP3FM library thing it would screw up, I don't remember what the error message says but the only folder that would transfer was 1, and there was nothing inside it. When I get my NWA3000 back I'll give it a fresh start, because before, I had deleted some songs and re-added some, so that I suppose creates gaps in the entry list which might have been causing the problem. I'll let you know in a week or so, thanks for your patience. xispe is it possible for you to include .NET framework 2.0 support in the upcoming version? my internet explorer is acting a bit funny since I uninstalled 2.0 (Using IE7b1)
  18. that should be 1 million bytes for 1mb..... 1000 bytes ~~ 1kb (1024bytes). userno2 is the new remote out or are you using the old RM-MC35ELK remote? ehehehe. whatever. i got 6 out of a possible 9 characters right? =D
  19. lol tbh i'm glad i got my nwa3000 when i did. my nzh10 is positively dying and i couldn't bear waiting for a replacement. i almost cried when i went to sonystyle and heard they were only taking preorders and that the units wouldn't be available for another few days. it is unfortunate i've voluntarily returned my a3000 to have the cracks checked out though. the nzh10 has to be revived for one last, glorious stand.
  20. sh33p

    So, PSPs

    yes!! that is important too. i bought a ds (when i did) because my friend also bought one so i knew i'd always have someone to play with.
  21. Has anyone tried booting up their pc with the NWA3000/1000/any other player still connected and received a Blue Screen of Death? It happens to me if it's a cold boot or a reboot and I don't disconnect the player, just after the Windows scrolling bar screen a BSOD will pop up with something about a BAD HEADER. Turning off the PC, unplugging the player, and turning it back on will let me boot normally. I mean I suppose it's not a fatal issue, but I wonder if anyone else has experienced it. Might be something Sony should think about patching in v2.02 or v3.01
  22. =\ can people make custom nwa1k/3k screens?
  23. they can only be used with the flash players? how do i use them with my a3k?
  24. i only listen to full albums however some are trance/dance/house compilations some of my music is pretty indie, i.e. death cab, panic division, panic! at the disco, but there's mainstream stuff like linkin park and papa roach. those should be linked right?
  25. got a link to sonymatone? google gives me nothing
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