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Everything posted by mutant1345

  1. yes the remote is around 200+ dollars and for that amount you could just get another unit altogether!!! hahahaha
  2. whoo this is very intersting if sony does let this go to hi-md aswell i hope for two things and they are that i do not have to exchange my model im sure this would piss off alot of theyre customers, and i hope that we can also have them decode atrac still i dont want that to change but an mp3 decoder would be nice to add to my player i would still ue atrac alot though i love the format just hate the restrictions..................
  3. the poiint of the matter is that its going towards a good cause its like donating to charity its not just to help you or anyone as an individual its to help the project further expand minidisc veritility its more for the community nothing is free out there is free it is only presented free the money to make such things has to go somewhere so why not add this to you charity donations
  4. ha, youve chosen the right player for active needs the nh6600 is infact the one i would recomend if you no need for any other ports than usb and as for the quality thing definetley go for hi-lp if you get one and dare i say if quality is really of no concerns whatsoever and you just wanna hear some noise that you can beat to then i may just recomend 48 k/ bits but you better be the decider the quality of that depends on the music you listen too 48k can mutalate some music and do liitle to other kinds, but yes the 600 is the mz-ne410 of the himd players (budget just enough but good enough model--in a short description)
  5. i have the 600d and the remote says "RM-MC33EL" ive also tryed to do this on my freinds 800 and it still does not work
  6. hello.... i suggest you try searching the faqs and whatnot before asking questions like these anyways....yes this is entirely possible just format the old discs as a netmd disc and vuala record on it as netmd in either sp lp2 or lp4 the hi md models are backwards compatible with the old mds
  7. i didnt like omgjb it still has the track copy limitations meaning you still have to go through the check in/out/ system plus alot of other things i dont remember i just think ss2.1 is the best version for burning and orginizing miinidiscs i guess its all how you look at it some people like to stick with what they got and others wanna move on to the better thing....
  8. ditch the cd and go on http://www.connect.com to download the sonic stage program and get simple burner 2 at this address http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=5519 ss2.1 suks anyways so suggest you get 2.1 its been suggested that you download thsese on soething higher than 56k modem i.e. cable internet or dsl BTW: congrats on yer purchase
  9. well this aint good because i tried holding the display button for two seconds and then some and it doesnt do any more than turn the light on while im pressing it nothing else in the display changes
  10. well atrac isnt just an encoding to compress and take out certain sounds it was origonaly designed to make the songs you wanted to put on the old mds (with 1/5th the space of a cd) fit because they were not capible of holding music in any other compression and still hold fair quality but now that sony is measuring in gigs instead f mins due to the extreme increase in amount of minutes it can hold now the reason sony wishes not to make the players mp3 compatible in the first place is beacause they are in charge of atrac and can control our music with it atrac started as a great compression to make files fit on the md easier than mp3 but now it is sonys way of restricting our music and making people like marcnet make software themselvs in order to gain back our control i still think we are able to fit more music on the players now in atrac than if we used mp3 because and average mp3 is about 5 megs give or take 1 or two and that means that we could fit around 200 songs more or less on the discs sure if you did this you would get more freedome to do with but i would rather use atrac and get more space than mp3 and get less space for music
  11. uhh....mainpmode o i dont even have a menu button on mine i have a pmode display and sound button and then the + & - buttons for the group finction the fwrd rev pause and play lever and the stop button (oh and and a hold lever) and the volume control on the end of it that twists am i neglecting to name a button i have no english manual and havent gotten around to searching the net for one so please tell me what im missing
  12. no it does not it has no recording functions it just uses the basic navigation uses
  13. For now it is just sony but im sure that once sony has reeped in what they can with theyre models they will have other from japan and whatnot on the waybecause its just one of those things where it almsot has to happen
  14. are yoou running open mg jkebox or ss2.1/2.0 if your using omg jukebox i suggest you download ss2.1 from www.connect.com even though its not much beter at reading mp3s and such ive never had a problem like that but i also never had a problem like that when i was running omgjb wit my old s1 (great model)
  15. yes good for you an excelent remote that is i got one from audiocubes and its a very nice remote that works flawlessly with the himd units the only thing you cant do is do a search like for a certain artist or album other than that all functions work with that remote so i say go for it
  16. well my thinking is its playing 256 k/bits per second of the source file so its just taking a bigger chunk of the files quality with it instead of just a little bit i use hisp when encoding mp3s but for cds directlry from simple burner i spare to use a smallr bitrate as the uncompressed music is going directly to the unit with only one compression i am still a little angry that simple burner does not alow direct pcm recording to a md when it is a direct transfer but ...whatever but yes anyways, i dont think i understand what you mean by solving the problem with playing the mp3 directly i think that if we did play mp3s directly on the units space on the disc would be bad for music i think if encoded in higher bit rates but and atrac i think sounds better than mp3s but im known to be crazey when it comes to sound quality thats my opinion whats yours?
  17. indeed this is true i wouldnt order that unit from sonystyle when you can go on froogle and get one for 140-50 dollars i ordered my himd unit from sonystyle only because i was too impatient to wait for plannt minidisc or minidisco to get theres in august so i ordered in may and got it in may.... but dont order from them now that there are better deals from places like minidisco
  18. isnt md in japan one of the popular formats out there cause i heardthat md is extremely ppopular in japan
  19. im with you on that one kurisu the write speed (file wise) is rediculas but i just dont see why new hardaware would be needed there has to be a way to make our current units work with the new discs unless it was a hge jump like to a 20 gig disc or something but if only like doubling space i think they could use the technology we just baught
  20. that is very true i wish sony would wake up but im afraid they are in a world that they created out of drm and uniqe music formats where they think that they are in charge of everyone who buys there products when they are just losing buisness to there own ignorance but bitching wont do anything about it so OH WELL.....
  21. hello and welcome to the forums this has been discused over and over and bashed over and over but the fact of the matter is that you CAN upload your files to the pc with the new himd units but after you do so it is stuck as an omg file (not mp3 not wav not anything else) and you really cant do anything with it except play it on your pc or burn it to other mds or cds in atrac format HOWEVER::::::: sony did promie to release a wav converter to make the omg file into a wav file but we got impatient with sonys bs and procrastination of the release that we put time into figuring out our own way to do this and marcnet has made this possible with his new (yet etchy alpha)software and this is called the HIMDRENDERER for more info on this go to the announcment at the top of the himd forums called marc faster than real time upload to wav (cant miss it) this software is pretty alpha and runs off of dos through windows but ive heard mostly good conversions from the folks that have used it and myself and im petty sure that the software will get better with time as marc gets better with it its up to you though whether you wanna wait a little bit to get a pro conversion or not sony is not going to do anything for a while but marc has already gotten further than them tis up to you
  22. the sony wav c onverter is probly not going to come out till mid next year imo but im sure marc will make his software more versitile by the time sony starts there alpha version of there sofware so i would say wait out on marc rather then sony
  23. still i would be very angry if sony makes it imposible to use our current himd players with higher capacity discs that may come out i believe there has to be a way to make our himd recorders compatible with higher capacity discs without new hardware i mean they did it for old md (74 mins-80 mins)
  24. well the player does leave off where you last stopped it even after it was shut off, as for the changing of discs and still having it stay there i would say you need to fiddle with the disc memory function bookmarking is just to make a seperate playlist of songs to play in a certain order(the order you bookmarked them in) so you cn listen to a song from one grupe and then it will automaticly skip to the next location of the song you bookmarked secondly. this function does notsave your place on the dusc
  25. its possible that this will happen although i dont know what this could do speed and recording whatnots i think i heard that it is poddible though, but dont hold your breath i mean they havnt even covered the release of the current disc let alone some kind of new ones, but they did go to 80 mins from 74 and 60 mins in the old age discs so it might happen with the new age ones maybe to two gigs or 1.5 gigs but i wouldnt expect a major increas at a time but you never know
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