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Everything posted by indeego

  1. when I activate "Enable 'Email Notification' by default?" with the option "immediate email notification" it doesnt remember my settings and still asks me everytime I track a topic how I want to be informed .. there are currently 4 cookies and cookies for this forum are enabled - any hints? and another question: some old links doesnt work anymore .. for example in this thread: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=7404 will this be fixed ?
  2. http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=7342 maybe the link is broken due to the new forumsoftware
  3. marc, is it possible for you to write a plug-in for winamp to play oma/omg-files? I think I read that you can use some part of a sonicStage-modul for converting ... I hope this question was not asked before, but I didnt want to read nearly 19 pages (forum-search wasnt successful)
  4. you may find your answer here http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=7342 ;-)
  5. 1. no 2. -- 3. yes 4. no 5. no 6. -- 7. -- 8. --
  6. @Hyena: as mentioned in your operating instructions recording on a HiMD uses much power so the recorder refuses when its not enough power to record and save your inputs .. so its a kind of (annoying) protection .. you may change your gummstick to increase your batterylife .. @kurisu: do you really think sony would wait until the third or fourth generation of HiMD to improve the transferspeed? I think when HiMD earns more attention this point will be for many users not tolerable (any more) ..
  7. I think because the track you want to upload to your pc will be changed by sonicStage (drm->edit-protection/further upload-protection)
  8. I think you are looking for this application: http://www.connect.com/download_mp3Conv.html
  9. I tried that, but it didnt work because of the different sizes oft these two units, so the nh1 doesnt fit into the cradle ..
  10. hey, it works fine for me ... ss2.3 and himdrenderer 0.30
  11. @kurisu: i just mailed him an earlier version of the app as an attachment ... it seems to work ;-)
  12. no, i dont know what sony ist talking about, but i cannot see any improvements ... maybe the new backround :rasp: ps: thanks for the tip, we had some trouble some days ago ..
  13. here you can download the english update for v2.3 http://www.planetmg.com/NewProd/sony-asia/...SonicStage.html it worked for my sonicstage 2.2, but i saw no major changes by now ... you need to register before you can download
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