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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. Huh. I wasn't expecting this, and no info from sony, ie release? maybe monday? Still it leaves much to be desired since who knows when this will hit the stores. We just got the new S2 player in here in canada and it being 10 bucks more than the same E00 series (capacity wise), I worry when it comes to pricing for this new 700 series. Since competition is rather tight in the 4 gig market and seeing as apple. creative and sandisk are all moving to 8 gigs, it seems like sony is behind again. As well the 2 gig of the 700 will be more expensive than the E00 and S2, so the 4 gig could easily hit 200 bucks if not more. I like the battery life but it won't be 50 hrs in real world, the line in is interesting, but all new sony players "could" potentially have this, but sony choose not to use it in the A1000/3000. colours are a bit poor 3 colors: Black, Pink, and Purple I am guessing the picture shows the black one? and the inner part will only be a different colour? here are the colours http://www.play.com/Search.aspx?searchtype....x=0&go.y=0 availability is 10 october which is a wow since I rarely see sony introduce something and then have it go on sale right away. but this is europe only for now and I guess Japan. There is no info for canada, since I am assuming the US will be shafted again lol. Oddly enough no word on what software will be shipped with it (assuming CP4.0? please god no) or if connect player will work with it. As well no info if the screen is OLED or LCD on it. Another thing, where is the USB plug? not built into the side like the other players? and will use a normal usb cable? who knows. Another issue with recordings, can they be then donwloaded onto the pc and not be stuff on that one pc? Finally a link on that article leads to this http://www.dapreview.net/comment.php?comment.news.3644 Also let us announce that in October, a new walkman from Sony should arrive in October. With a design ranging between the series E (for the total design) and the series S (for the system of navigation), this walkman which will have a memory flash of 1Go, can be 2Go, should also embark Bluetooth AD2P. Lastly, another product with color screen and greater capacity-memory would leave at the beginning of year 2007. bluetooth? why would you want bluetooth in an mp3 player? I see no purpose for it, unless someone would want to explain to me why you would need it. Too bad there is no mention of any other flash based players for this year, 2006, ie nov/dec release, since I was hoping to pick up one by then. The high capacity one seems to be the new HDD based player. screw hdd, I want flash damnit, 8 or 10 gigs.
  2. Ascariss

    Should I?

    take a while? no, soon.
  3. Ascariss

    Should I?

    A1000 is 6 gig actually, but its almost a year old, Don't buy it, trust me. wait.
  4. saw this on sonystyle's website just now http://www.sonystyle.ca/commerce/servlet/C...tionPath=n46881 1 and 2 gig models, pink, black and silver available on oct 3rd or so. not bad price for 2 gigs, but I am hoping for something with just more room and well better look. Looks like a freaking MD remote. lol. although that is not a bad thing. up to 18 hrs battery life using atrac3+ 132. radio from 87.5-108Mhz. 5 band equalizer. Would have to check out the sound before I would buy it, which I won't in the end.
  5. I'd only buy it to read notes for class I have written up and very little for reading books. price is just a bit too much tho, if it was maybe 150-200 CAN maybe.
  6. actually no where here in this question was that asked, you asked what to do and if you can change your walkman. as well you neglect to mention many things which would help the question. like what volume are you listening at, what bitrate of the song(s) are you using, what options do you have on the screen, ie screensaver? 15 or 30 second screen? are you moving the player around much? how often are you accessing the player? how did you charge the unit? via the usb or the AC adapter? You will never get 20 hours, forget that number, it doesn't exist. You might be able to get 18 hours at 48kbps if you hardly touch the device while listening to it. I've left both the A1000 and A3000 plugged into the wall after charging, there is no effect on the battery since once it is charged, the charger will not send current to the battery. This is how lit-ion works, I believe if you read the manual it states that even. Discharge the device by playing it, then recharge it again for 3 hours using hte AC adapter and check the battery life again, please answer the area in bold first.
  7. Ahaha no it doesn't have to be 20 hours, 20 hours is at 48kbps for atrac3+ I rarely get above 8 hours on mine with mp3 of around 192-320 and vbr.
  8. I've only seen them at the sony store, and I believe at london drugs? not sure if you get that out east. Uhm might have seen them at A&B sound but don't recall, again only on the west coast. I don't think the msrp was below the sony store's prices.
  9. I personally have no ever bought any mp3s that are under 320, and will always go for best quality, sometimes regardless of price.
  10. maybe if you use atrac 48 or 64, no way in hell does a battery on the A1000 last that long. joeseptuk, why are you worried about your battery? unless the battery is already showing signs of death, I can get around 7-8 hours on mine with mp3 ranging from 192, some vbr and plenty of 320.
  11. 1. yes you can remove the battery, it is not easy like HD5 but it is removeable and I don't think you void the warrenty. 2. unlikely, someone tried a larger drive on here didn't work, the player could not read more than 20 gigs, unless you can figure out how to make it read more than 20, no point in swapping out. 3. no conversion of mp3 unless you ask it to convert, the program only wraps a layer of dRM around the files to make them look like OMA files but they are still mp3s.
  12. Atrac? what is this atrac you speak of? Not used it once since I got my HDD walkmans, all my music is in mp3, ripped to mp3 and bought in mp3. in the end I never liked atrac to be honest.
  13. I don't mean clean as in format and then install, everything should be updated, sp2 of xp2, all drivers etc etc. I have now around 1750 songs in my CP, loads in 10 seconds or so and runs just as fine as itunes, even better sometimes. I once had 3500 or so odd songs in my library, load time was the same. unless CP just likes intel processors better than AMD. lol.
  14. if you are transcoding MP3s into atrac, I suggest you don't, waste of time in the end.
  15. In the end, the Connect player stability depends down to how well installed your windows system is and what kind of PC ypu have. Never had CP crash on me once I got my new pc, has run without any glitches either. As well just this weekend I removed around 1700 songs and re added the entire directory with more songs in one go, no problems.
  16. I checked the site, and its 190 bucks canadian for the same one. It is a bit cheap considering the sony style store has it for 229, and a 40 dollar discount is hard to believe sadly. Good deal though. hopefully flash prices will keep falling even more.
  17. I don't use Sonicstage, it is inferior software for the A series, I prefer Connect Player, which functions perfectly for me, and I need the original CD to install it so the updates can then be downloadede and installed. Same thing for my older SS software for MD, I always needed the orginal CD to install it, then update it.
  18. uhm I would be worried if software from sony came on cd-r. Even my old sonicestage that came with my MD was a normal cd you would expect from sony not a Cd-r. the connect player cd comes as well in a paper sleave but it's all purple and say's Sony Connect on it, or whatever is on the damn thing, haven't looked at it before. unless this is because sony replaced the CP with SS CP so maybe that is why it's a cd-r, anyone who bought their a series with the new SSCP, did it come on a cd-r?
  19. take it back to where you bought it, they will have to replace it, if they can't they might have to fix it. I bought a 2 year plan on my unit from the sony store, so if anything they will replace it if its broken with the latest unit for free.
  20. Uhm, where did I say sony makes crappy mp3 players? read my post again and you will see I never mentioned the word crap here. Didn'tthe HD-5 have no ability for playlists? I recall people having to have double files for playlists? Same for HD-3? By no means are the sony mp3 players crap, but sadly for a company like sony, they are not up to their usual standards and nowhere near what sony could have released. Sony has to take the leap forward to become a market leader in technology and new ideas for DAPs, otherwise they can forget to ever beat or compete on even level with apple.
  21. I need my sony walkman fix, not atrac, i hate the format (exept for gapless) and can't stand it, and stopped using it once I got my mp3 player.
  22. You can't stand still in the mp3 business, too many competitors and new technologies every year, standing still with products and keeping them longer is a bad idea, and I am sure sony knows that. the first few offerings from sony in the hdd market were not the greatest (or worst) but didn't get much exposure here in canada, I hardly see people with sony mp3s players, unless its an odd discman, or possibly the older E series of mp3s players. They're not even on the sonystyle website, only the newer ones. Possibly the new flash players on sale might dent some apple sales but I don't think they will. Hopefully sony will announce some new products and safe us all from apple's horrible ways.
  23. I've been using EX-71s, can't complain.
  24. protected wma are not supported by SS, CP or the new a series.
  25. Yes, the A series wasn't a great success in canada, or europe is my guess, sony needs something better and more competitive. Don't waste your money on an almost year old product. If you really need a large capacity player and can't wait, perhaps look at some of the creative ones.
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