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Everything posted by MDX-400

  1. Oh wow I hadn't even noticed this post... I remember the upgrade page disappearing from Sony's support page for the HD1 but it seeems it's there again. Well until March 31st, 2007 anyway. I'd advise all HD1 users without the update to upgrade ASAP before the offer expires again!
  2. Look at the top centre of your screen when you select an album in the library. You'll see the box with the SonicStage logo/default thingy in it beside the album name when you highlight it in the Library pane in SS. Then drag the image to that little box up top and it will do it. It will ask you if you want to assign the cover art to every track in the album. You do not need to do this unless you transfer individual files and not whole albums (or anything under that album in SS anyway). If you assign every track the cover art it will appear even if you only upload one track in the album to the device. However, if you never do that this will only serve to increase file size by a little for no reason. If you just assign the cover art to the album alone and transfer the whole album, all tracks in that album should still show the cover art on the device.
  3. I thought the connect website detects your country via your IP information though... It shouldn't have anything to do with what version your SS is from, right? Well you can't use Connect with SS, without the US version of SS with the Connect Store stuff installed. However just accessing the website I think it takes your IP information and determines where you live via that. Could be their IP lookup isn't working right or that your internet service provider is somehow going through another country (Canada maybe?) somewhere along the way? Unlikely, but just a guess. First ensure you have the US SS with Connect Store installed and try again. If you get the same message contact Connect tech support and tell them you're in the US but you still get that message, see if they can fix it or give you a workaround.
  4. While I can't really help with the order problem (I've had a few headaches with that myself and it requires tinkering and retransferring until it appears properly--especially with MP3 files) but I can tell you that you aren't using different formats. First off the A3000 does NOT support Atrac Advanced Lossless natively. Secondly you have to realise when you encode Atrac AL you are not encoding at the bitrate in the drop-down box! That wouldn't make any sense. Lossless encoding is usually varialble rate; and, there's no way on earth you'd ever get lossless encoding at 64kbps, LOL. What the selection of the 64kbps ATRAC3plus thing in the drop down box does is select a second format that SS will encode in (along with the lossless encode) which will be the format that gets transferred to devices that don't support Atrac AL (note that NO device currently supports Atrac AL). So what you're doing is just transferring Atrac3plus @ 64kbps to the player, which is the same format and rate as the first album you transferred. I know this doesn't really help your problem but it's just a clarification on how Atrac AL works.
  5. Well WMP isn't perfect at getting album art either... Lots of times you have to manually search and assign album art as well. Why I'm not sure but it happens quite a bit. Also WMP has a bad habit of occasionally putting completely incorrect album art for some tracks! SS will look up the album art from Gracenote as a separate process but you can make it do this automatically by setting the correct thing in the options. However, IIRC, what it doesn't do is actually assign that group/album the art automatically. That is it can look it up and display it automatically but you still have to drag and drop the picture to the group. It's fairly easy to do, as all you have to do is drag and drop IIRC. As for playlists I can't comment as I've never used them in SS (I can't with my devices anyway); as for individual tracks I'm not sure either as SS usually applies album art only for groups I thought...
  6. Buy Memory Sticks only from reputable retailers. Though I usually say stay away from place like Stooples, Best Lie and Futile Shop, in this case you really want to buy from somewhere like that--that way you can be sure they were purchased through authorised channels and they will be geniune MS. Plus if you buy from somewhere like that and you have any problems you can just return the MS without any hassles as well. May be a bit more expensive but considering if you buy from eBay, or small retailers, etc. you could end up getting a fake card which is just like throwing the money in the garbage, lol...
  7. Does that message appear in SS or on the device itself? Strangely enough the System Errors for these devices are never described in the service manuals! I know that one of the errors is AC adapter/DC-input overvoltage (as I learned on one of my HD3s before I had a switching adapter, lol) but I can't remember what number it was. I don't think it was 32 though. If the message is on the player itself and the problem persists I can only think you have a hardware problem, and your A3000 requires repair/replacement
  8. You seem to have some gross misconceptions about MS, lol... SanDisk Memory Sticks are better/faster than Sony ones (or at least they have been historically), with even the "regular" SanDisk cards showing faster transfer speeds than Sony's alleged "High-Speed" MS cards... Also as long as the MS supports MagicGate (and I think they all do these days) you won't have any problems putting ATRAC on it, Sony or not. Keep in mind that SanDisk has as much to do with MS as does Sony, perhaps even more. The format was co-developed by both companies...
  9. ^Not everyone has high-speed? News to me, LOL... But evenso that doesn't limit lower speed users if they would put different download options on there. Obviously they only have one type (and low bitrate at that) to conserve their server space but why ATRAC3 and not ATRAC3plus? Especially considering Sony likes to use the by-line that ATRAC3plus at 64kbps is somehow equal to ATRAC3 at 132kbps, lol... The only advantage of using ATRAC3 is that non-Hi-MD NetMD users could use the service. However Sony doesn't even mention those devices on the [uS] site really though they are compatible. (Only limited mention in the FAQs of NetMD is there). If they offered ATRAC3 132kbps and ATRAC3plus 256kbps that would be alright; but with only the former offered it's a pretty useless service IMO.
  10. I dunno guys, I think it's time to retire those MS70Ds, LOL...
  11. The MK4009GAL won't work in an HD5, as it has a ZIF connector. As Simon stated, you have to use the MK4007GAL as it is the only one that is 40GB and has the traditional connector. The MK4007GAL seems to be pretty pricey and hard to get at this point, however.
  12. I don't have an A1000 nor have I used one really but here's some stabs at the problems, lol... 1. I don't think so, I'm not sure but I think someone asked something similar before and the answer was no. 2. Isn't there a "HOLD" slide switch on the unit? 3. I'm not sure about the old Connect Player but versions of SS including SSCP are hit and miss for things working afterwards, from what I know. If you use the Asia-Pacific version of SS then you should be okay once you re-install everything. I know that using the AP version of SS on an entirely different computer seems to give no problems recognising the device, transferring etc., so a reinstall using that should be okay. No guarantees though
  13. One thing I'd really like to see, which is nearly unrelated to the hardware is being able to transfer stuff to the device without having to import into some stupid library first. I.e. Direct rip from + encode + transfer to the device without having to have a library on your computer; similar procedure for files already on your PC in various formats--just be able to transfer them to the device without importing. For some people importing is plain useless/stupid. Sure we have MP3FM but c'mon that is horrible (you can't make folders/groups on the device with that and it's really too primiative). Perhaps a new version of Simple Burner, or wait, here's an idea... WHY NOT JUST PUT THAT in the newer versions of SSCP or whatever they come out with next? I know I could just ask for Drag&Drop/UMS type useage, but we all know that's never going to happen. But could we please at least let the user decide not to import files to the library? Oh and another idea, allow SSCP (or whatever app we get) to be used with Now Playing/Tuneage features for use with MSN's Now Playing or for use with little "What I'm listening to" forum banners like the one below, in my sig...
  14. No, no I understand all that, I'm just asking you if you were kidding when you said the sticks were "$40, pretty cheap". What I meant was that's not pretty cheap at all, it's actually rather expensive--in fact 8 times more expensive than other flash memory on MSPDs. I.e. You had to be joking when you said "pretty cheap", lol. If you take the whole thing in context HEARDATBEAT is trying to find a player with more capacity, obviously. He/she can't use larger memory sticks in the MS70D, as we all know. Therefore we can only imagine the goal is to get more capacity. I'm nearly certain telling him/her that they can get 128MB MSDs at $40 is more of a cruel joke (because that money otherwise buys 1GB of Sony flash memory) than a real solution, LOL. Okay yes we know the card won't work there, but a better solution isn't really to buy memory at $40 per 128MB, IMO. A better solution would be an alternative, which the OP is looking for suggestions about. Also as an FYI Sony's own Memory Sticks are a waste of time. Sandisk (who co-developed the format with Sony) actually makes better Memory Sticks at lower prices. The normal blue Sandisk Memory Sticks outperform even then Sony "High Speed" MS cards, and at lower prices too. This has been shown in benchmarks/test reviews more than once. The Sandisk "Ultra II" MS cards are even better. Either on a decent sale or at a real computer store (i.e. not big box, chain, or dept. stores) you can easily get a 1GB Sandisk regular MSPD for around $40 CDN.
  15. MDX-400


    It might be but I haven't heard anything about new ATRAC dev. for the PS3. (Still could be a possibility). How old was the document you found? If it's older, ATRAC-X might be the ATRAC used in SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound) which is a multi-channel movie soundtrack format (such as Dolby Digital) used exclusively in theatres. That's been around since like 1994 or something... If it's newer than that though, it might just be something new perhaps to compete with newer versions of DD/DTS for again for theatre applications, or something entirely different (like the PS3 as you mentioned).
  16. Wait you're seriously joking right? $40 CDN. is the fair market price for a 1 GB MSPD, not a 128MB MSD, lol. Well perhaps 128MB ones cost that much but obviously they are not at all worth it. Buying a card with 128MB capacity when a 1GB card costs the same (and has eight times the capacity) qould be pretty annoying to me. Even if you got four 128MBs for $40, that's still twice the price of other Memory Sticks (and MS is slightly above the price of other flash card formats as it is).
  17. Hate to break it to you, but no there isn't
  18. $500?!?! INSANE! I believe it only because you live in Canada and things here are ridiculously priced at times, lol. $137 these days will easily get you pretty much any 1GB flash-based player--which would solve both the broken player and capacity problems in one go... Too late for that now I guess, it's a good thing you really like your MS70D. As for any firmware or hacks that would increase capacity it's not possible. The slots are actually very slightly physically different (though both cards fit in either slot the MS PROs use an additional pin or something IIRC). Furthermore even if you could change that connector the physical MS reader/controller IC in the unit will also not logically support the newer Pro Sticks because it just can't. It's like trying to playback an MDLP disc on an SP-only MD unit--firmware upgrade or not, it just ain't gonna happen.
  19. While that does show some dedication and attachement to the unit, wouldn't it have just been way easier to just buy another one (and probably cheaper as well)? From current and completed listings it seems you can find one for between $30-$50 US... There's even a brand new one for an overpriced $75 US on eBay right now (bidding with 4 days left but no bids and I doubt they are even going to get the minimum). That's still less than what you paid to get one part fixed on an aging/used unit...
  20. MDX-400

    NW-HD5 questions

    LOL. Funny that you mentioned what is actually the remote port (the 4-pin port) and "what remote?" in the same sentence! Yeah that port is where the remote plugs into. Well the HD5 has few accessories really (if you're comparing it to Apple's Honda Civic-like aftermarket for their iPod, lol). Line Out, as mentioned is supported by any miniplug stereo cable. This cable can either be mini to mini or mini to L/R RCA, depending on what you need for connection to your amp, carstereo, minisystem, etc. If you're connecting the HD5 to play music on anything other than headphones then you'll want to use the line out mode and an appropriate cable to connect it up There is one car integration interface made for the HD1/3/5 (and now compatible with the A3000) to connect the HD5 to a Sony Unilink car head unit. The interface allows for text display and track skipping, etc. from the head unit. That interface uses the remote port. That's pretty much all there is. The remote port of course supports a wide variety of Sony remotes for portables, however note that with the Network Walkmans, text won't appear on most of the LCD remotes out there. The only ones that text works on I believe are the RM-MC35ELK and the RM-MC40ELK. Most other LCD remotes will display track time on the remote but no text. The controls on most any remote (even the non-LCD remotes) will work to varying degrees as well. (On some remotes the functions may be mis-mapped or might not work at all; also controls you might want might not be available on a particular remote, that's why it's best to stick with the MC40ELK or MC35ELK). Don't get mad at Sony, get mad at everyone that buys an iPod which is everybody, lol. (Well you could get mad and say well Sony should make a product that more people would buy I guess...) The remote port interface is useable by any company, it's just that no companies use the interface. And the remote port has been there since the early 90s probably, on various Sony portable gear so it's not like it's something new. (There have been differences in the protocol over the years but the cross-compatiblity of remotes is quite good considering how many Sony portables have the same remote port from different generations and for all kinds of different formats: MD, CD, etc.) Since everyone and their grandma wants/has an iPod, that's what companies make products for. It's not really Sony's fault that 3rd party companies don't make anything for their products. Sony is also to blame a little too as they don't really make any accessories for it either (other than remotes) and don't even support their own player for their own car HUs. Connects2 makes the interface for Sony HUs while Sony decided to make an iPod interface for their head units!!! Connects2 is pretty much the only manufacturer that's stepped up and used the interface. Other manufacturers could, it's just that none do. With the A-series HDD Walkmans (the NW-A3000 being the successor to the HD5) Sony did use a new dock connector at the bottom with audio and control functionality. They did make a speaker dock as well as a non-speaker charge/USB/line out dock for those models. However again, no aftermarket company has produced any products for that. Perhaps with the next-generation HDD Network Walkman we might see some more accessories. One thing that bothers me though about these accessories is that I think for products like the iPod there are waaay too many accessories. People go nuts for accessories they don't even need or don't actually need to be "custom" [read: overpriced] accessories to do what they need. Like my cousin with an iPod it's like he's crazy over absolutely useless accessories. I swear he has to have like 10 accessories for his iPod mini, all of which seem quite pointless to me. He's got like 3 car chargers (and only has one car) one of which also has an FM transmitter built in. Then he has another FM transmitter for it, and then he has a stupid wireless remote thing. The wireless remote isn't so bad but he uses it in his car where the location he puts the iPod is clearly within reach He's got like iTrip this and iStupid that, it's just plain stupid IMO. And the best part is he always talks about getting some new accessory that's nearly as pointless as the last or does the same thing but just looks different. There's no need to buy 10 redundant accessories! For all the money he spent on overpriced iPod accessories he could have easily bought an iPod integration interface for his car's factory head unit, which would have been a much better idea... Indeed. There's a thread here about the senseless things Sony does... http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1087 Why they do them is a mystery to everyone.
  21. LOL yeah that's what I was thinking too. Just as a tip Stuge, you'd probably be better off using the term "so far" instead of "until now" With respect to the context here, the former means that since you've had the player you've been happy with it (no problems/issues to report yet); the latter means that you were happy with it until now (and you've become unhappy with it now for one reason of another). What you said is still correct I guess, but it's all about the way it comes across... Saying "until now" makes people think that "now" there is a problem; saying "so far" means no problems
  22. MDX-400

    NW-HD5 questions

    Line Out mode is for exactly that--line out mode through the headphones jack. Line Out cannot be enabled when a remote is plugged in, but can otherwise. Note: Do not have headphones connected when you switch to Line Out as it may damage them. Line Out changes the output to a voltage level and impedance level more suited for line-level inputs rather than headphones--it makes the sound quality better when you connect the device to external amps, receivers, etc. The name "network" as in Network Walkman is completely unrelated to your apparent notion about the word "network". Network Walkman refers only to the fact that you use the device by connecting it to a PC and loading files to it via a computer connection (USB in all cases, I believe). You're reading way too much into the term network, lol. Why use it as "an expensive portable HDD"? It's quite a competent DAP for it's generation/what it was designed to do.
  23. LOL it's not a matter of "trying" anything. The original Memory Stick specification (which that device conforms to) can only address a maximum of 128MB. There's no if ands or buts about it, it simply cannot support larger Memory Sticks, regardless of brand or type. The "PRO" part of the specification extended the theoretical maximum to much higher than the original 128MB (the maximum is 32GB for PRO, in any pro variety meaning Pro DUO or Pro whatever). The "Select" Memory Sticks, mentioned above with the 256MB capacity are essentially two 128MB Memory Sticks in one, hence the A-B switch. The only reason for those was because they needed some way to expand the capacity over the pretty bad 128MB limit for older devices. No matter what you do, you're stuck with standard MS Duos with a maximum of 128MB. MagicGate also has nothing to do with it; Magic Gate is supported both on older standard MS with the MagicGate feature (not all had it) and on newer MS Pros (pretty much all of which are MG compatible). Yes you need MagicGate for your device for the DRM it requires, but that has nothing to do with being limted to 128MB--that's something you cannot get around.
  24. Bought one of these from SteelUK and I got it pretty quick considering it had to come overseas to me Awesome price on the item and when it arrived today I thought it was brand new (it actually might have been new I just assumed it was used, lol). Anyway I finally got my hands on one of these interfaces so I'm all excited--gonna go and try it out!
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