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Everything posted by DSP

  1. DSP

    Think before you buy!

    I have a prolem too... every time something news from sony comes out (or other manufacturers I like) I have to get it.... When I´m n the local mediamarkt (electronics giant) I also am a kid in the candy store... I can wander there for hours. testing and playing with every DAP, pda, game console, phones, camera etc. I bought myself a NW-A1200 last summer, a NW-S703FB last christmas and I managed to pick up a brand new sharp 902SH (mobile phone) just the other day and boy was that a good deal! But my pont: I have to control myself when the new (video) walkman comes out. I want it allready. And aznbro85: I totally agree with that MP3 issue greetz
  2. I thought I had read something about sony admitting they were working on a video walkman a while ago? am I right or wrong? greetz
  3. DSP

    iPhone announced

    well, the iPhone isn´t out yet, but what I can tell from the presentation it´s a really great device. This is an atrac related sony amed forum, but think logical and objective. Ok, fair enough, soundquality will be crap all the way, sibce it´s designed and build by apple inc. So for your music, stick with your walkmans. Walkmans can´t be beat for music performance. period. But just take a look at the rest: - it´s a new portable OS next to Palm OS and Windows Mobile and Symbian. (linux can´t bother me, since it´s not used in portable devices very often) developers will create applications for it and it´ll be neath. I meanm core animation on a mobile device. it´s the next step in mobile devices. - it´s UI is really beatifull, I mean, It´s my opinion, but you have to admit that apple did a great job on the UI and the OS. again, core animation!!!! the graphical aspects of the iphone are very good, since it´s an apple product. And apple should never have designed the ipod. But when it comes to computers, graphics and OS apple are great. that´s why I love the iPhone, at least it´s prototype. I´m going to hate it if it´s over hyped while there are many other phones and PDA like devices that can do the same (they will appear in the upcoming year) but for now the iphone is just a class of it´s own. I agree with you guys that ipod sucks big time (i´ve never hated something so bad as the f*cking ipod) but iphone is NO ipod, sure it has a build-in ipod, but it´s a mobile phone running mac OSX on the first place!! so give it a chance guys, it deserves to be viewed upon in an independant way and not be judged based on experiences with it´s evil brother named ipod. Apple made the ipod, therefore I hate them, They also mae mac OSX and imacs, therefore I adore them (also because they are a cometitor to microsoft!!) greetz
  4. DSP

    Think before you buy!

    damn aznbro85, it seems like you do a lot of ripping and converting. I also think you have to research the product you´re going to buy before you actually buy it. It involves a lot of money and its a shame if that goes wasted. I´ve bought a lot (maybe too much) electronics in the past years, from PDAs to phones to DAP´s and everything. But I´ve been searching for infor on that thing I was going to buy months before I bought it. greetz
  5. DSP

    iPhone announced

    well guys, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone @ macworld the other day. now, you guys probably know how I truly hate the ipod and it´s whole concept etc. But I have to say, the iphone is just stunning. as far as I´ve seen it I must say it´s a true masterpiece! I mean, soundquality will not be so stunning, as it still is an ipod, but the UI and the software possibilities on the thing are just fascinating. it runs mac osx and has a 3.5 inch touch screen. I don´t think it will be all that user-friendly, because touch screens don´t go that fine with the all-day use of a phone. But If I look at it as a typical smartphone, I think it´s awsome!! I mean, it has some sort of core-animation like aspects known from mac osx. it´s really cool. I still think it won´t compete with the palm treo for text input and ease of use, but it has the right features to rival it. I still hate ipod, but with the iPhone apple really has me stunned. amazing work from the guys at apple. I suggest you guys look at www.apple.com/iphone here are some pics: http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/ri.../foonscreen.jpg greetz
  6. hi, welcome to atraclife! I´m not sure about the volume, on the HDD devices it could be hacked, but don´t know with the flash devices. About the earphones, I suggest you to buy better earphones. fore example: creative EP630/EP-635: great sound for the money and a huge improvement on the standard earphones. they are IEM. (in-ear) you could go for sennheiser CX300 (don´t recommend sony EX71) or even shure E2C, but that´s a tad higher. I suggest you´d go with the creatives I just mentioned for starters. if you want headphones, sennheiser PX100 is a good deal for around 30 euros. greetz
  7. yeah, i notice with the NC022 that the soundstage is very big. But for my PSP and NW-A1200 I thought good old CX300 would be good enough. My budget wasn´t too bog either, since I spent lot of it on my NW-S703FB. CX300 has very decent sound, in some way it has a little edge over NC022, but can´t (yet) tell what it is. Overall NC022 sounds better i.e. ´´bigger´´. I love the the fit of CX300 better though. They´re sooo damn small and light, I can´t feel them and they´re just soo comfortable. I think they´re more comfy than EX71. I think they´re the bet IEM´s around for the price (49 €) greetz
  8. okay, I have bought sennheiser CX300. just good pair of IEM´s. But as I´ve said, I have had them once before. I notice they changed the design. the back of the earbud (the black part, with the logo on it) was matt on my old ones. on my new ones this has a shiny/glossy finish. I don´t mind, as long as they sound the same. But I thought I´d share this with you guys. greetz
  9. OK thx!!!! I´ve just PM-ed you. greetz
  10. can´t you just get the .OMA files form the player via windows explorer and wrap them in a zip file? this is how I once sent some files over to a friend of mine. thx, appreciate you try. in case you figure something out, here´s my email: ricosabel@gmail.com greetz
  11. he guys, I purchased the NW-S703FB a week before x-mas. I was so stupid to delete the demo files that came on it. could any-one send me these files please? I would really appreciate it! PM me or just react here......... greetz
  12. hi giki, I´ve been thinking of testing EX90´s, but I wonder how the MDR-NC022 compare to the MDR-EX90? ´cause I own MDR-NC022 and they look very similar to those EX90s. btw: you have a PM greetz
  13. hey guys, I´m going to buy a new pair of IEM´s, but I´m doubting wich one to get. sennheiser CX300: have had these before, really loved them compared to sony mdr-ex71 JBL reference 220: don´t know these, just know JBL makes real good audio products V-moda bass freq: don´t know these, but CNET say they´re good. can any-one help me? does any-one have experience with these IEM´s? greetz DSP
  14. woooo damn.. that´s a cool phone, don´t like color though. greetz
  15. I know there are many rumours about the PSP getting a HDD. But now it´s really looking like truth. at a presentation from samsung in korea about their new N series 1.8´´ HDD products they gave a presentation. in this presentation, you could see a PSP held by a woman with the title: ´´enjoy the movie, everywhere.´´ so this looks like the new PSP is really getting a Hardrive. It still remains a rumour, since there´s no kind of official conformation. not from sony, nor from samsung. But I think PSP2 gets a HDD, from samsung. - samsung allready supplies NAND flash mem and LCD screens for PSP. - sony wants to launch video download service. doesn´t work real good with memorysticks. - the world screams for a HDD in the PSP. I think it´s just a matter of time before a PSP with HDD appears on the net. I thought I´d share this with you guys. greetz
  16. hi giki, oww yeah, that´s right..it was 96000 Hz...srry 15 Mw will do, but if I look to those iaudio DAP´s wich all have something like 30-35 Mw output per channel, I think that, in my dream, I´d like 30 Mw over 15 Mw. but yes, since I´m an audio fanatic my perfect DAP would have 24 Bit support, 96 KHz, HD digital AMP, 30 Mw per channel, VPT, 10 bands EQ and perhaps dolby headphone and some other stuff... but like I said, guess that´s something for my sweet dreams. greetz btw, giki, ..... sweet dreams!
  17. I was bored todaay, so I was playing with my NW-S703 for a while... and i discovered it plys MP3 @ 48000 Hz. I tested it right away, and it works. I think my NW-A1200 doesn´t play 48000 Hz, but not shure. I use 48000 Hz files often, so I really like it that they are supported now. ATRAC3 @ 48000 Hz would be awsome. But you can´t adjust that right? is atrac3 strd in 44.1 Khz? I think so. well sony, up to 98000 Hz and 24 Bit support!!. Add a HD digital AMP and some more output power to that (25 Mw per channel) and it´s even better that it allready is! but now, I´m dreaming again... I think I´ll have to stick to MD for 24 Bit support. greetz
  18. DSP

    New iPods

    @ stuge: yeah, that's right......stupid EU ministers. But we can hack that, if the right hacks are available....... greetz
  19. DSP

    New iPods

    you pour guys in n-america! sony is really bullying you, aren't they? I live in EU and we get all the sony devices!!! And NW-HD5 was a flagship model, why don't they release that in canada?! I really don't get it!!!! greetz
  20. DSP

    New iPods

    that´s called unpatience. good things need time. but congratulations with your purchase! hope you´ll have a lot of fun with it greetz
  21. DSP

    New iPods

    I totally agree with giki. SQ is not only dependant on the chip, but also of the buildquality. I´ve even heard that the type of display you put in a DAP influences the SQ. greetz
  22. yes there is, you can plug in your walkman, and acces it as an flash drive right? just look there, and delete all the music files (.OMA) and try again. If no solution works, try deleting everything on the flashdrive, and look if it´ll work then. But I háven´t tryed that. greetz
  23. yeah, sony clie´s. good old times. good old Palm OS sony´s new video walkman must be very good, ´cause they have to beat standards they´ve set themselves. I mean, PDA´s are underrated. look at those old clie´s. very good screens, very good audio performance, they rock! and what about PSP? that screen is awsome. A widescreen cinema in your pocket?! beat that! I hope the new video walkman gets it right from the start. Not such a lousy screen like ipod and zen, but a decent screen, so that you can actually watch a movie. great battery life too, good codec support. not as with PSP (only MP4 and in some crippled way too). then it´ll be an awsome device. But I´ll guess it´s just a matter of time before we get our answers. greetz
  24. my old and trusty D-E401 ´´discman´´ is still going strong. battery life is awsome, but after all these years, still working without any problems so far!!! way back from those good old times. with ´´ESP2´´ and ´´GROOVE´´ and 1 BIT DAC no MEGA BASS though greetz
  25. @ giki: as you might know, I allready own an NW-S703. But yeah, you´re right! clearbass is awsome. as I´ve sad: I think it´s even better than mega bass. mega bass ould sound muddy or muffled sometimes. clearbass is (as the name states) clear and vivid. the bass is absolotely beautifull and sounds very natural too. it feels like there´s a base drum in your head. greetz
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