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Everything posted by DSP

  1. I think philips DAP´s can give very decent SQ. But I don´t know if you guys have much eperience with those. I live in The Netherlands, and since it´s philips´ origin country, their DAP´s are widely available here. I also know that Philips´ marketing is absolutely awfull, so dunno if their DAP´s are coming to you too. I was just reading some post wich named some names and manufcturers of audio chips (DSP´s) like sigmatel (very decent stuff) and portalplayer (awfull Imho), samsung panasonic and sony. But the chips sony DAP´s use, are they developped by sony themselves or did they got a helping hand from yamaha? I´ve picked this up somewhere, dunno where. and does yamaha make soundchips for DAP´s too? ´cause yamaha can make very decent audio products, apart from bikes etc. I do know my samsung D600 cell-phone is powered with a yamaha sound chip, and the sharp 903 is powered with a yamaha chip too. so they provide soundchips to phones, but that re no real DAP´s. So just wondering if their chips power some DAP´s too? greetz
  2. DSP

    New iPods

    well well, another ´´who´s the best´´ discussion....... like I said: It´s all about personal preference. period. every decent DAP (not those cheap china ones, you´ll get my point) is good enough. wich DAP is best for you is very personal. Every DAP has it´s strong points and weak points. based on those points, and your preferences, one buys it´s DAP or entertainment device: - want ease of use, don´t care about the rest? ipod. - want to share your music everywhere you go? zune, MiniDisc, CD, samsung YP-K5. - want absolute killing video performance? archos, creative zen vision W, PSP - want abolute soundquality? sony. (but thats my opinion, soundquality is subjective. period.) like I said, soundquality is very subjective, so no-one can say wich DAP sounds best. everyone likes it´s sound in a different way. I like sony SQ the most. And yes, I heard other DAP´s. I´ve heard creative, philips, samsung, archos, ipod, iriver and many more, but I just like the warm, rich and full colored sony sound. But I can easily live with the fact that half the world is very happy with their ipod. Or that people can live with the soundquality from thei samsung D600 cell phone. so stop these endless and pointless discussions about who´s better, and just enjoy you´re DAP, and enjoy the fun some-one else is having with his (other) DAP. So that, in the end, we all can enjoy our music, together. greetz
  3. DSP

    New iPods

    hi guys, What device one likes is always personal. period. personally, I like the walkmans and I truly hate ipods. I mean, I love walkman, but I can live with creative's, Irivers, cowons and philips DAP's. they all have their good things. but the ipod is rubbish. It's marketing, the technical aspects and everything else. You can read it in an earlier post of mine in this topic. @ giki: yeah, I feel like sony is going to do something big too. I mean, NW-A**** series had their flaws and failures, as did the NW-HD* series. But I recently bought a NW-S703, and damn...it rocks. mostly in soundquality, but also in everything else: - in the nw-a series, the display was visible. so the effect of that unvisible display was a little overestimated. But with the NW-S series the display is really unvisible! the color of the screen itself is as black as the color of (the black) device itself. It just works! - soundquality is really, really much better!!!! and it has a lot enhancement functions like clearstereo, clearbass and VPT I think this is important in a DAP, so that you can set the sound to your own taste. - the walkman finally has a color screen!!!! and it's beatifull!!! - buildquality is awsome. it feels rock-solid! the surface is shiny, but not mega scratch sensitive. it lokks stylish, made of metal so it feels really durable. having said all this, I think the next (video) walkman is going to be absolutely awsome. If they keep up the good work, It's gonna rock. a few improvements here and there and they should have a winner, if they get the price, memory and marketing right. ohh yeah, and please, set atrac free, and be carefull with the adjustments to sonicstage for the video support, sonicstage is very fragile. You just got it right with SSCP 4.2. greetz, and succes to sony!
  4. congratulations with your purchase! great device isn't it? have fun and enjoy it!!!! greetz
  5. hi, try this: go into your HD5 via explorer, then (like kerfuffle said) copy all your .OMA files to your PC, then import these files with Sonicstage and it should read all the tags with it. this is how I did it with my NW-A1200 greetz and succes
  6. yeah, everyone likes his music another way. I like balanced sound, with a decent amount of bass and clear mids and sparkling highs. but all in balance. And even IF you know how you'd like your sound, you'll have to play with the settings, because every DAP is different when it comes to how settings effect the sound. so the only tip I can give: just play around with it. For me, that's the most fun part of buying a new DAP 'cause then I see what the thing really has to offer. and boy was that FUN with the nw-s703 anyway, I wish you good luck in finding your ideal settings! and BTW: cogratulations with your purchase. The CX300's are really good IEM's, aren't they? greetz
  7. yes, I agree that CX300 are very comfy to wear. but I have a nw-s703 now, and the phones bundled with them (mdr-nc022) look very similar to mdr-ex90. are they identical? I tink mdr-nc022 are very good, I really hear the difference between 9mm driver unit (cx300) and 13,5mm driver unit (mdr-nc022/mdr-ex90) greetz
  8. hi angrybadger: yes, I have a european model. I think the volume is capped, ´cause it should be according to EU laws and regulations. however, I do not notice it! the volume of my nw-s703 rarely gets above 15 (it goes up til 30) I also have a nw-a1200, EU model, and on this walkman I noticed the lack of volume, so I hacked it. I don´t think I´m gonna hack the nw-s703 ´cause the volume is good enough for me. greetz
  9. PSP is a great product, but it could NEVER replace a Walkman. the Walkman is aimed at an other audience. Also walkman has more particular features, that´ll never fit into the PSP Walkman can never be replaced. greetz
  10. hell yeah! I think clearbass is really noticable. you can ajust it though, if you don´t llike much bass. you really can´t compare it to the nw-a series. the bass on this thing is just better. The bass is very good and sounds surprisingly natural. it´s not like megabass, wich could sound a bit ´muffled´ sometimes. greetz
  11. hej guys, I have NW-S703FB and I think it sounds a bit better than my NW-A1200B. of course this is very subjective, but that´s just my thought. I thought I should share it. greetz
  12. yeah, imagine, OLED color screen in the walkman video....awsome.. but I think I would like these OLED screens to be more developed, i.e. higher resolution...'cause for video I thin LCD is a bit better these days...But when OLED goes BIG and HIGH res, it's gonna beat LCD soo hard... BTW: to get back ontopic, Do you guys notice that the OLED screen of the NW-S700 is actually readable in direct light? in comparison with my NW-A1200 (wich is absolutely unreadable in direct light) it's really readable. greetz
  13. @ navsimpson: I always set my PSP's EQ always to OFF. JAZZ sounds good, but I have a feeling that the highs are somewhat surpressed..... But this is simply a matter of taste I think.... greetz
  14. hej guys, I couldn't help it, and found myself in a local DIXONS store this afternoon, staring at a NW-S703FB..... eventually I couldn't resist the temptation and bought it! so here I am, at the time of writing the nw-s703 is charging itself, But I have listened to it, and damn..VPT (studio setting) sounds really good! better than on my mz-nh900... the overall sound also really surprised me! I'm going to put some music on it now, and then listen to it..so.. BTW: the COLOR OLED is really cool and stylish, beats any ipod nano screen hands down in terms of 'sexienes'.. greetz
  15. hey guys, can anyone tell me how these phones compare to the mdr-ex71 and the sennheiser cx300? I've owned the EX71's and currently own cx300's. I must say that CX300 beats EX71 all the way, But I'm very curious about EX90. greetz
  16. hey guys, I'm thinking of getting meself a NW-S703F for x-mas. I've seen a review of it on generationmp3.com and noticed it has VPT, is this true? is good old VPT back? how about clearbass and clearstereo, are they usefull? do you notice it? that thing looks really cool I have to say, and with FM, NC, color OLED, and (OMG) VPT it's just one of those things I just have to get! btw: you've got clearbass, VPT?, clearstereo and an EQ... but I heard that it has DSP (sigital sound preset) too, is this correct? is it like with the NW-E300 series? greetz (OMG, VPT is back......missed it since I had it on my MiniDisc)
  17. DSP

    Mp3 vs. ATRAC3

    if I have a CD that I would like to have on my Walkman, then I'll always rip it t atrac3+, but If I have some MP3's to put on my Walkman I won't convert them because I think that converting from one lossy format to another lossy format is nothing but evil to the soundquality. but all in all, I love atrac. allthough PCM rules (doh) and LAME is very good too greetz
  18. @ simon.giesen: yeah, good old days, DAT, MiniDisc, too bad that's slowly becoming history now ( I'v owned some MD's and I truly love them) The W950i is the best phone out there (for me), and it'll have decent audio performance, just like PSP. But If I had to choose an audio device purely for sound performance I'd go with the NW-S700 series from sony. (well, actually for a sharp 1-bit auvi MD, but I'll keep it ontopic) because I'm curious to NC, clearbass and clearstereo. Or I'll wait for the new Walkman (video), and see what sound stuff they'll put in there. But That will have to wait. Maybe I'll pick up a NW-S200 or NW-S700 series somewhere for x-mas greetz
  19. I think cauldron is right! ATRAC3 @ 132 Kbps is the one you'll need. soundquality is very decent and it works on every sony NW. greetz
  20. thx guys, for the positive replys, Is that 8GB ms allready available somewhere? I can't find it anywhere here.... 8 gigs in a PSP, damn..that would be awsome!!!! greetz
  21. hi guys, as you might know the main thing I'm concerned about is pure audio/sound quality. Therefore I was (and still am) a huge fan of MiniDisc. And of course this is the reason why I only allow Sony DAP's to feed my ears with music. But I'm really beginning to think that sony has another, perhaps hidden, secret. The PSP. I have one, and I'm starting to notice the quiete good, if not fantastic soundquality it delivers. I'm absolutely unsure how this is possible, but I have some thoughts about it. I wonder if some of you guys has noticed this. I think PSP sounds very natural (with EQ off) yet full, rich and clear with a very good soundstage and a comfortable sense of space in it. I'm still putting it to the test right now, but I must say that I'm really surprised about this. especially by the fact that I only find out after a year of PSP experience. I'm curious how you guys think of this. (I noticed it with High bitrates atrac3+ and LAME 3.96 files and compared to MZ-NH900. NW-E307 and NW-A1200) greetz
  22. Thin Lizzy - live and dangerous 1 - jailbreak 2 - emerald 3 - southbound 4 - rosalie 5 - dancing in the moonlight 6 - massacre 7 - still in love with you 8 - johnny the fox meets jimmy the weed 9 - cowboy song 10 - the boys are back in town 11 - don't believe a word 12 - warriors 13 - are you ready 14 - suicide 15 - sha la la 16 - baby drives me crazy 17 - the rocker @ NW-A1200b - gapless, atrac3+, 192 Kbps. Thin Lizzy just rocks greetz
  23. hell yeah, I love atrac!!!! true gapless playback is a gift of heaven, I'm listening Thin Lizzy 'live and dangerous', it's a live album, and it rocks. Gapless all the way. also sound quality is very good. like Dinko said. so to answer the question: yes, atrac really matters to me! greetz
  24. DSP

    Artist Link Problems

    you activate artist link functions in sonicstage. once you've done this, sonicstage will automatically update the artist link and other intelligent features infor on the walkman. si it stays updated. like your top 100 for example.. I don't see a way to manually updat intelligent features. greetz
  25. DSP

    home made PSP ads.

    hello guys, When I'm free from school and my duties at the radio station and everything I like to play around with my computer and design all kinds of things. Since I'm very interested in how companies present and promote their stuff, and my favourite company is sony , I have designed some ads for the PSP. I mind you that these are no official advertisements and sony has nothing to do with it!!!. I made them myself!! with some help of google etc. I'd like to have your opinion on these. What do you think of them in general, do they look real/proffesional to you, wich one do you like the most etc.? The idea behind the ads and de slogan ''don't underestimate.'' is that the PSP is more powerfull than one would think at first sight. I'm excited to read your opinions!! greetz © 2006 RICO productions © 2006 RICO productions © 2006 RICO productions © 2006 ANIMEVY creations © 2006 RICO productions (this one was just for fun) © 2006 RICO productions & ANIMEVY creations note: some details in these creations are lent from other creators. The credits go out to these creators/authors.
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