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Sony will firmware upgrade MZ-RH10's missing words


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I'm posting this from the beach, from a stolen wifi connection that I'm harboring with my girlfriend's laptop..

Most MZ-RH10 owners have unfortunately had to see this whilst titling manually with the unit:

user posted image

Characters K, L, M, X, Y, Z, k, l, m, x, y, z do not appear on the Title Input screen of the Edit menu.

As a followup to this thread, "MZ-RH10 Titling Error Will Be Serviced By Sony", I have been given official information as to how exactly to get this fixed. This is incredible news; the issue was raised here on the forums, and I took the initative to contact my high level contact within Sony to see what we could reel in. They have given us a fix that they will pay for completely in all aspects - even the inital pickup from your locale.

Full information is here:


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I take my hat off to Sony, I'm impressed!

Personally I can live with the titling error though/I'm not sure about whether this will apply in the UK/I think I might wait until I've heard reports of people who've done it smile.gif

I'm just excited at the principle of Sony giving out free firmware upgrades! It increases the chance of the MP3 playback bug in the second gen units getting fixed, anyway...

(Though I realize the chances are still non-existant.)

But wow! Great news! Thanks Kurisu!

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Great news! I will send my RH10 on this free offer asap. Thanks for the info!

Not a big issue since I don't title on the unit that often but still for the $300 price tag, I want it to be as good as possible. Now, if they will only address that combine and upload TOC issue... Thanks Chris!

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Kurisu knows how to get things done.

I think I'll also wait and see what happens with the people who get the repair; I'm interested to know how long it takes to get fixed and returned.

Sony Service and Repair center is pretty efficient. Its turnaround time is usually 10-12 business days from the day it receive the item in question.

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I'm on the verge of buying an MZ-RH10 and wondering if the firmware upgrade will already be installed on units now in retailers' inventory? Probably not, in which case I'll get the new unit and have to send it off sometime thereafter for two weeks or so to get the benefit. Would appreciate a report from anyone just buying one.

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I'm on the verge of buying an MZ-RH10 and wondering if the firmware upgrade will already be installed on units now in retailers' inventory?  Probably not, in which case I'll get the new unit and have to send it off sometime thereafter for two weeks or so to get the benefit.  Would appreciate a report from anyone just buying one.

I bought the European version about five weeks ago, and the problem was fixed on it - assuming it ever actually existed on the European version.

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I take my hat off to Sony, I'm impressed!

Personally I can live with the titling error though/I'm not sure about whether this will apply in the UK/I think I might wait until I've heard reports of people who've done it smile.gif

I'm just excited at the principle of Sony giving out free firmware upgrades! It increases the chance of the MP3 playback bug in the second gen units getting fixed, anyway...

(Though I realize the chances are still non-existant.)

But wow! Great news! Thanks Kurisu!

Could you please elaborate on this "MP3 playback bug" you speak of?

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Could you please elaborate on this "MP3 playback bug" you speak of?

hi, welcome to MDCF...

just read this thread and this one and you will be all up to speed on the MP3 playback issue

hope to see you around some more

PS: cool name wink.gif

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The best I could get out of Sony is that they recommend you contact the Sony division in your country and reference this issue via phone/email, perhaps even showing them the URL or referencing this: "Knowledge Article C397983"

Further contact information is here:


p.s. It'd be great if someone in the UK/etc could call their local Sony branch and see what they can dig up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bought an r10 ( love the nh1 i've got but the oled just too desirable!!) Been reading re the missing characters. Oddly mine is within the serial nos quoted on the sony esupport page but when i go into edit/title/discname the characters (incl klm etc) are all there. Was that because I was not actually labelling a recording ( track edit? ). All I have with me at work is a disc from the nh1 ( which I never got round to labelling) that I am playing some music from. If I try and edit anything other than discname I get "cannot edit" message ( presume cos it's one of my "nh1" discs!? )

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I think I've found my answer !!  Last night I did the volume unlock thing ( and got the 2 "extra" custom eqs ).  I understand that it sorts out the "missing" letters problem!!

I haven't sent my RH10 yet but I did get the box for shipping from Sony. Then the weirdest thing, I got an email telling me my product had been serviced and was enroute back to me. I thought, well that's strange, let's see what I get... Well, I got a package on Friday and I thought, this is really weird since it's from Laredo, TX. Well, when I open the package, I find not a RH10 but some ancient looking telephone/modem electronic with a note from the service center telling me that they don't service non-Sony equipment. The packing list and work order had my name and info and the work order matched the one given to me in the email from Sony. Doesn't instill a great deal of confidence in the Sony repair center.

I am going to try and call them today after work and see about getting a new work order since they screwed this one so bad. Not 100% sure I want to send my RH10 to a place that hasn't shown the greatest skills with work orders and labelling of received equipment. mad.gif

I never edit titles using the unit, only SS. This maybe a sign for me to just hold on to it for now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't sent my RH10 yet but I did get the box for shipping from Sony.  Then the weirdest thing, I got an email telling me my product had been serviced and was enroute back to me.  I thought, well that's strange, let's see what I get...  Well, I got a package on Friday and I thought, this is really weird since it's from Laredo, TX.  Well, when I open the package, I find not a RH10 but some ancient looking telephone/modem electronic with a note from the service center telling me that they don't service non-Sony equipment.  The packing list and work order had my name and info and the work order matched the one given to me in the email from Sony.  Doesn't instill a great deal of confidence in the Sony repair center. 

I am going to try and call them today after work and see about getting a new work order since they screwed this one so bad.  Not 100% sure I want to send my RH10 to a place that hasn't shown the greatest skills with work orders and labelling of received equipment.  mad.gif

I never edit titles using the unit, only SS.  This maybe a sign for me to just hold on to it for now...

Well, I sent the RH10 to Laredo afterall. Took a great of explaining on the phone with Sony but they did finally send me a UPS pre-paid label and it has been received in Laredo. Hoepfully, I will have it back before the Allman Brothers Band plays with moe. in Charlotte in October. I have 6th row, dead center!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I sent the RH10 to Laredo afterall. Took a great of explaining on the phone with Sony but they did finally send me a UPS pre-paid label and it has been received in Laredo. Hoepfully, I will have it back before the Allman Brothers Band plays with moe. in Charlotte in October. I have 6th row, dead center!!!

Yeah, what's up with that? I spent 20 minutes on the phone with a service rep the first time trying to explain what I needed and another 15 minutes with another rep 2 weeks later before the box and shipping label finally showed up; now I'm afraid to send mine in! Will be curious to hear if yours comes back with the issue corrected! -Steve

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received my new RH10 from Amazon.com about a week ago and have been enjoying it tremendously. I have been transferring tons of music from my computer and have already filled 3 Hi-MD's.

Here's a twist on the Titling problem discussed in this thread. I have one of the newer RH10's with the firmware upgrade already installed, so I have all the Letters in my Character Palette. However, when I try to use an apostrophe ( ' ) or a quote ( " ), the unit displays either a superscripted cross or double cross ( † or †† ). This happens whether I title through SS or manually on the recorder. When titling manually through the recorder, the Character Palette shows the ' and " correctly, but when I get back to the main display screen, they show up as † or ††.

I called Sony Support (sic) and was informed this is a known issue with the RH10!! I was advised I could send the unit to Texas for a firmware upgrade, which would take 10-15 business days. For now, I'll live with the problem. I'm not about to give up my new toy for 3 weeks for this.

Two other issues I raised during my call this morning: When doing live recordings with the a/c adapter plugged in, there's a very noticable and annoying buzz in the replay. Sounds to me like EMI noise, but not being very technically oriented, I can't be sure. Support (sic) told me it was either a faulty adapter or the RH10 itself was faulty. Couldn't isolate the problem without trying to record with another adapter plugged in. Suggested I go back to the store where I bought the unit. Told him Amazon.com. "Oh" was his only comment.

When I select "1Remain" as the display option and "Auto Off" as the EL Light option, the display reverts back to the default "Lap Time" option if the display turns off (which it will do after about 20 seconds of inactivity). Support (sic) said the unit was designed like this to conserve power since the 1Remain option consumes more power than the Lap Time option. Huh?? How is that? He said my only option is to set the EL Light option to "ON". I guess that's Sony's way to conserve battery power!

I really do love my RH-10. Support leaves much to be desired though. And to think I used to work for Sony's Computer Technical Support Call Center in another life.

Well, I guess my first post has gone on long enough.

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  • 1 month later...


I've had the titling problem with my European MZ-RH10 for a couple of months now, and reading through everyone's discussion about the problem I didnt' fancy the prospect of having to send it away to sony so resigned myself to putting up with the problem.

At the same time, I also noticed the Service Mode fix for the 2 custom eq modes and increased volume which looked interesting so I thought i'd give it a go and found the following:-

1. Output/volume power has infact increased markedly

2. I now have Custom 1 and 2 in eq mode available

But the shock of the evening was:

3. EVEN BETTER - the service mode fix has also fixed the well-known titling bug aswell - all my letters appear correctly and the cursor properly scrolls round the screen instead of dissapearing off to the right!

So now instead of being a "happy - but not perfectly happy" mz-rh10 owner, i'm now an "ecstatic" mz-rh10 owner! :lol:

Thanks to all for all the hints, tips and info especially Kuriso for your persistant want to get to the bottom of these problems for all us unhappy owners out in the ether. Keep up the good work.

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  • 1 month later...

I was lucky enough to be given an MZ-RH10 for Christmas 2005. This is a European model as I am in Scotland. I found the fix for sorting out the custom 1 & 2 eqs and after doing this, my letters have sorted themselves out and I don't have to guess where they are any more. So no need to spend any money getting this sorted, just follow the simple instructions and you'll be fine. Make sure you read the whole thing first though as it will make it simpler and avoid any problems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, my RH10's fine, and its within the offending serial number range - 5034427. But it's worthwhile checking anyway of course...

Mine's also fine. I bought mine in the UK (and I've applied the volume Hack).



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