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Hi-MD, Bye-MD?


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Expect higher quality products from Sony.

This is a quite possible solution, especially after recent complaints on various quality issues with Sony models. A slimmer product-line with more expensive models. MD might actually become a very novelty standard.

This would of course once and for all remove minidisc as a format used by 'regular people', kids that just want their music on the go. Some think that the mainstream battle is already lost.

I also agree with one user here about being tied to a PC. I love the fact that I can listen to music thorugh my computer while browsing the web or working (and I would be even happier if I could listen to minidiscs conveniently at the computer), but I don´t want to be forced to handle everything through my PC.

If minidisc does become an expensive novelty format I´ll have to re-evaluate my sitaution. I do love the idea of being an MD user even after this, but the next few years are going to be financially exhaustive - buying new discs all the time is already pretty expensive.

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15 Products dropped? I wonder....

TV parts from China? Hmmmm....

And the Sony Strategy is.....baited breath.....

I don't see HiMD...

And the Hammer Drops....

PS3 in the Spring of 2006 - OH DEAR GODS, my internet went down for a couple of mins!!!

Connect doesn't show any HiMD units on the slide

They aren't going to tell us which products are dropped. Give me a break!!!

Also, they are falling for the fire people saves money mentality. Bad Sony.

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Product line re-focus

No of models reduced by 20% vs 2005

Restructuring of 15 "unprofitable"" product categories (haven't said what these are yet...)

Quote: "We have identified 15 business categories for which we are implementing plans including downsizing, alliances and disposals" (source: http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/200509/05-050E/ )

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If you download the .pdf of the presentation slides there is still no mention of MD even in the slides they haven't got to yet. Not sure if that is good or bad :wacko:

Those were slides from the 22nd, not today.

Is it me or did they not say anything about md??

It's not over yet. Keep watching, I promise you details will come.

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Is it me or did they not say anything about md??

No . Unless someone asks the question in the Q&A. MD is probably in the 15 categories scheduled for restructuring - although who knows what degree of "restructuring" it faces. Probably as some of us said already, a reduction in models.

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No . Unless someone asks the question in the Q&A. MD is probably in the 15 categories scheduled for restructuring - although who knows what degree of "restructuring" it faces. Probably as some of us said already, a reduction in models.

It seems you are right. Unless someone asks the question...when will we know.?

It doesn't look like we will find out today.

A nice waste of all our afternoons.

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Obviously, the announcement did NOT come within this webcast. All I can say is that things will be announced very soon. Judging by the focus of the webcast, it should've been very clear as to what Sony's immediate future will be, and I can honestly say I do not see MD in the equation.

So Sony's heavy into HD, phones, ps3, and the psp....and md's looking bleak.....


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Obviously, the announcement did NOT come within this webcast. All I can say is that things will be announced very soon. Judging by the focus of the webcast, it should've been very clear as to what Sony's immediate future will be, and I can honestly say I do not see MD in the equation.


Not to be rude, but what are you basing your statements on? If you know something specific why won't you just provide us with the information?

So is Sony dropping all but cell phones, TVs (many parts from China now), video games, HD based DAPs, cameras? Was home audo components included? I hope Sony doesn't fumble again with Blue-ray when Microsoft and Intel (plus others) are supporting HD-DVD.

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My statements are based on: Reliable sources within Sony that have given me consistant and 100% accurate information in the past; recent documents that have been passed along my way; the blantant obviousness of Sony's direction from not only this presentation, but their Annual Report for 2005 and other various public presentations.

Why can't I say something specific? Because what I know is more than I've ever known before and it would be in complete violation of not only my source's trust, but my own personal honor. Things will be much clearer in due time, and as the world changes to accomidate it, so will minidisc.org and its forums.

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My statements are based on: Reliable sources within Sony that have given me consistant and 100% accurate information in the past; recent documents that have been passed along my way; the blantant obviousness of Sony's direction from not only this presentation, but their Annual Report for 2005 and other various public presentations.

Why can't I say something specific? Because what I know is more than I've ever known before and it would be in complete violation of not only my source's trust, but my own personal honor. Things will be much clearer in due time, and as the world changes to accomidate it, so will minidisc.org and its forums.

If you have insider info which you say you cannot break confidences over, why even mention it to us in the first place? What I mean is why get everybody so concerned about it until something is announced? It is pretty obvious that Sony is abandoning the technology. My question is this, why the heck didn't they just lisence the format early on and allow it to grow when HiMD first came out. Keeping the format to themselves seems to be one of the reasons that HiMD has failed to catch on. Or, did Sharp, Kenwood, etc just not want to deal with HiMD? Any ideas?

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Obviously, the announcement did NOT come within this webcast. All I can say is that things will be announced very soon. Judging by the focus of the webcast, it should've been very clear as to what Sony's immediate future will be, and I can honestly say I do not see MD in the equation.

It is quite clear to me in this statement and a complete and thorough admission regarding the future of MD... HI-MD or otherwise...

"I can honestly say I do not see MD in the equation."

MD is NOT a part of the future equation. How else is one to interpret this? There is no other way. MD in all it's forms is past tense.

A moment of silence please.

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One of my favorites from the 2005 Annual Report;

In the portable audio market, trends and ways of enjoying music are changing rapidly as consumer preferences shift from CD-based and MD-based products to those with flash memory and HDDs. In spring 2005, we released our latest Network Walkman, reinforcing our lineup of Walkman portable audio products in the Japanese market, which until then comprised the CD Walkman and the MD Walkman. The Network Walkman, available in both flash memory and hard disk models, enjoyed strong sales.
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as they aren't selling any (Hi)MD's :P , there should be no concerned (Hi)MD-customers and no (stock-market) problems when they announce they demise of the format... so Sony: just bite the bullet and let us know whether we can expect HiMD to stay as a (semi)pro-recording tool or if there are 'other technology based alternatives' planned... because, as should be clear by now, even without harassing kurisu for more precise answers (give the guy a break, he's kept us up to date as much as he could without ruining his relations), (Hi)MD as a standard consumer product is no longer *sigh*

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