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  • 2 weeks later...

Apposite horror story here - I discovered the on-off switch on my AV receiver (via remote) wasn't working today. Last night it was 100% fine.


When I checked the battery, both AAA batteries had significantly decomposed and there was seepage. Nothing I couldn't fix with a damp paper towel, but I got literally NO warning that anything was amiss. This must have been like this for weeks.


If you're paranoid, open the battery compartment to remotes on a regular basis, it seems.

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  • 3 months later...

This afternoon I've been working with a couple of portables on my desk. Got an MZ-N910 hooked up to my PC and Web MiniDisc Pro to record to some discs and then an MZ-R909 connected to my office speakers to play them back.


Can't remember if I've asked about this previously but it did remind me of the inconsistency in how different players function with tracks in Groups. If you select a particular Group on the MZ-R909 then it will play all the tracks in that Group and then stop (or go back to the beginning of that Group if you've got Repeat on). This is the same way my MDS-JB980s work.


On the MZ-N910, however, it starts playing the tracks in the next Group when it gets to the end of the original one, unless you have Repeat on, in which case it goes back to the start of the original Group. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong at my end but it seems a bit odd that it won't just play the Group I've selected and then stop.

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Glad your 909 is working (I don’t want to talk about mine…). I’ve only got an MDS-JE770 that supports this group thing and whilst it’s in my ‘active’ stack it’s not a machine I generally use (normally I use the MDS-JB940 I got from @M1JWR or the MDS-E12 that’s on my office desk under the laptop). So I’ve never got into using the group function - but I know from your posts that it’s something you use quite a bit!


Nothing new going on my side but I do use my MZ-R700 at work most days (it’s still trouping on after all these years) and the machines I mention above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I think you need a number of devices with the Group functionality to make it worth using otherwise you end up with wonky looking disc titling, which would bother me 😂.


All but two of my portables have it, and I tend to default to the 980 in my office stack when I'm using a deck, so I'm generally using a compatible device.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a me problem or something more general but in the last couple of weeks my saved eBay searches have started showing up all sorts of irrelevant(ish) results.


For example, my saved search for "Sony MDS-JB980" would often flag up 920s/930s/940s but I always assumed this might be because the seller was tagging those devices. Fair enough, they're all fairly directly related. Now, however, I'm getting MDS-JE480s, MDS-JE530s, MDS-JE330s, MDS-JE520s, MDS-JE770s, MDS-JE780s, MDS-JE440s, MDS-JE640s etc.  Pretty much any Sony MiniDisc deck is now being flagged to me under my saved search.


Same thing is happening with portables. My search for "Sony MZ-N920" used to throw up MZ-N910s on occasion but now I'm getting pretty much any Sony portable, including playback only models, non-NetMD recorders, HiMD devices etc.


This evening I got the same 7 Sony portables flag up under my saved searches for MZ-E730, MZ-E720, MZ-E909, MZ-N910, MZ-N920, MZ-R909 and MZ-R910 (yes, I have too many saved searches set up... 🤣) and yet none of them were the models I was actually searching for.


Anyone else started seeing this or has something gone wonky at my end?

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They're in the actual saved search in the app, not separate "you might also be interested in" items. They often are higher up the list than the items the search was actually for too.


I did always get a lot of crossover with the JB9XX QS decks but it seems to have gone a bit haywire in the last week.


Maybe I'll delete my saved searches and start again. See if that makes any difference.

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