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Record from MD to PC: Win NMD Version 1.3

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks for your reply. Now I have another question.

What I need this for is recording sessions through a mixer. From there I would like to upload them onto my computer to make CDs. Will the new Minidiscs coming out this spring allow me to upload them since I’m recording from the mic input?



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Thanks for your reply. Now I have another question.

What I need this for is recording sessions through a mixer. From there I would like to upload them onto my computer to make CDs. Will the new Minidiscs coming out this spring allow me to upload them since I’m recording from the mic input?



With future HiMD you very likely will be able to transfer your recordings from MD to PC, but not the existing recordings, only new ones as stated here in the forum at some place. I don't record regularly so I find it good enough to hear the recordings at least one time again during "transfer", so I personally don't have a strong feeling to update to HiMD immediately :roll:

Best would have been if NetMD allowed us to do this from beginning, but well... :idea:

P.S. current version is now V1.3, not V1.2 any more:

Among other things a new DirectX (V9) based recording mode is included which has a greatly improved accuracy during recording and a sound level meter, making it easy to use a optimal recording level. Also it is now possible to record the songs as one big file and let the app create an CUE sheet, which makes it possible to burn the songs as individual tracks to CD without any gaps or overlapping of the songs.

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Guest Anonymous

Hey Guys,

I've recently purchased a MZ-N510 recorder, and I'm looking to do what almost everybody with NetMD is looking to do: move recordings from MD to PC. I downloaded and installed the .net framework, and then installed Win NMD sucessfully, but it gives me an error:

"Your system is not compatible. A connection error was found (error 6)...

All NetMD API Interfaces seem to be present."

I don't have a cable to connect it to my sound card yet. Would that cause the error? From what I can tell, it appears the only output on my player is the headphone output. Does anybody have any experience with this particular model to say if it works well, or if the quality is bad from using the headphone jack. Thanks for all your help.


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Guest Anonymous


so does this program record through the optical port? or can it stream through usb? i'd love to have an alternative to sonicstage/openmg jukebox as i've never got these to do anything reliable.

please please can some programmer write a decent usb to netmd app i'd pay loads. net mds are a really cool idea i'm just flabbergasted at the terrible software!

can someone explain exactly what this software can and can't do?



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  • 3 weeks later...


can someone explain exactly what this software can and can't do? 

Just read through the feature list on my website. It basically makes it possible to record most easily from MD to PC. It uses NetMD to identify the tracks and control the player and records at the PC like some other app. The combination of the two make the recording very convenient, nearly like a "upload", but of course with the normal restrictions as it is just a analog (or digital with NetMD decks) re-recording to the PC in "realtime". You get separate tracks with correct song names and do not have to do much work any more if you found good settings. You just select the tracks to record and after a while they are on the PC :love:

I was very frustrated when I bought my player, as I wanted to transfer my recordings to the PC, so I wrote win nmd in order to make it at least more comfortable. Now I think its OK, I normally listen to the recordings anyhow again, and now it records in the mean time. No more work after that, so everything is fine rolleyes.gif

Some other features like freedb access are included, too.

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i've been putting together a setup for my film work. recently i purchased the MZ-N10 in hopes to upload recorded sounds and dialog to sync to my films. of course i was disapointed when i loaded Sony's software. from what i read Audacity may work suit my needs. would something like this: http://europe.hercules.com/showpage.php?p=...4&b=1&f=1#debut , allow me to load sound through the USB instead of the audio in? for better quality capture? any help would be appreciated

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A USB Soundcard might give better quality recordings, but this way it does not get magically USB transfer. Anyway I found with a good soundcard I get very good quality on my recordings. If the source was an microphone the quality is anyways not perfect, then no quality difference to MD will be heard at the PC. (with good recording settings :cool:)

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Hi there, just wanted to mention that the current Win NMD program doesn't work with the new libraries in SonicStage 2.0. Have you tried using SS2.0 yet, any plans to support it? (Or maybe it's supposed to work, and I just have a hosed install?)

You are right, my app does not work when SS2 is installed. I found the same problem. I needed to uninstall all Sony Apps and delete the reg-keys from the registry. Then a reinstall of the older apps fixed the problem.

I plan to do some more tests and system-comparisons on what changes when SS2 is installed; eventually I will find out what the problem is or how to work around it.

Edit: I updated the version for windows 2000/XP which now should work also with SS2.0 installed. At least on my PC this works; currently I modify the NetMD API during runtime and revert the changes after closing the app.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have recently purchased MZ-N10 and have successfully installed it on my laptop with sonicstage ver 1.5, I can transfer files from my PC to the MD and have no problems.

The problems I'm facing is with Win NMD. I have installed it successfully and it detects my MZ-N10 as well and says connected. It shows me how many tracks are there on the MD and spaces used and avaliable.

When I try to use the "test record command" it does not work. Nothing is shown in the recording window and ther is nothing shown on the progress bar and rec meters.

I have installed all the prerequisites like .Net framework and Directx9b.

I have connected all the cables as shown in the video on your site.

I have USB connected to the laptop and lineout connected to the Mic jack on the laptop. I have selected mic as recording input and when I play the md I can hear it on the speakers.

Can you please help me get thru here as I have loads of live recordings which I desperately need to transfer from my MD to PC.


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I got your mail with these questions today, so I try to answer them here and by mail. The hints on recordings to the PC apply to all recording apps, not just my.

I uploaded yesterday (13.4.) a new version which allows to burn audio cds and also does not provide the old "MCI" recording mode. The better recording mode which you should select (if you use a older version) is the "DirectX" recording mode. Only with this the volume bars can show the actual recording level. The most recent version also allows to listen to the recording during the recording, this means you can check the recording quality very easily. The N10 has a line-out mode which should be enabled. Then just use the audio cable from headphone out to line-in. If you have not activated line-out mode, line-in would probably give very very low levels, then use mic-in. So your description seems to be right. In the recording dialog first select the soundcard and then the input below. Then there is the record-level meter. Just push it to 100%, you can lower the value later. Now everything should work fine rolleyes.gif If you use a older version which has no 2.nd checkbox for instant playback of the recording in the progress window, just download and install again :smile: If the problem persists, pls. write again by mail. I'll also try to improve the help page.

I hope this helps :grin:

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Hi, Can I use this program with simple burner, or Sound Jam (sharp) instead of Sonic Stage. Also, will this program recognize usb connections. I am using the Imic on a Mac going through usb.

Hi Lisa, you can find it out by installing and using the test function. I think some people got it work with non-Sony players, but many could not get it to work. I think that there are some (Sony?) dlls missing in these cases.

A USB soundcard would work like any other soundcard. But not at the Mac, my app is Windows only, but I guess you do not meant that.

I hope this helps :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

:wacky: sorry for my incompetence Chris!!

I like your program. :love:

The crack no works.

sorry if i cause any problem for you, and for my little english!!

Can you made Win NMD on SPANISH language???

I will purchase it when you have this feature.

Thanks & sorry again!!!

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  • 3 months later...

I have a Sony MZ-NHF800. I installed Sonic Stage 2.1 on my Windows XP system. I also installed version 1.3 of Win NetMD.

I connect the USB cables between the MD recorder and the USB port of my computer, and connect line out from the MD to the line in of the computer.

When I start up Win NetMD, it indicates:

MD Player not connected or no MiniDisc in Player"

If I run the test the connection option, i get this error:

Your system is not compatible. A connection error was found (Error 6).

I've tried using different USB ports on the PC. Same error.

Is there any solution to this problem?


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Are there any plans for  Win NetMD to support Hi-MD?


Hello, I will look at Hi-MD this fall (I do not have one, yet), I still hope that Sony will release this WAV converter, so a change to my app would not be needed.

Also, currently, my website is down, because of the much decreased storage space of my provider (<2MB)... I am still available by mail or here by message and I will try to fix the problem during next days :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

Has anyone gotten version 1.3 of Win NMD program to work while sonicstage 2.1 is installed?  I keep getting an error message where it doesnt recognise my MD unit.  Any advice?  Thanks!

Hi, on my system this worked fine, I now even use SonicStage 2.2. In the about dialog I get this info:

SonicStage :

SonicStage Add-on for Connect :

OpenMG Secure Module :

MagicGate Memory Stick Device :

NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P :

OpenMG CD :

CD Walkman :

Hi-MD :

Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 :


Net MD :

EMD Plug-in:

Playback Plug-in :

CD-R Writing Module(ATRAC CD/Audio CD/MP3 CD) :

Px Engine:

Perhaps it is possible to somehow narrow this problem down. I know that my app does not work on all machines, I sadly I could never really find out what the exact cause is. The Error 6 you probably get happens every time in case OpenMG or SonicStage is not installed. The problem is, on some machines it happens also in case on of the programs is installed... and there is no official Sony docu on how to properly access the MD player via their API... Anyways perhaps this messag helps a little on the problem.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi tmeg,

Can you add the feature of music transfer from PC to NetMD in real SP mode? 

If I transfer songs from PC to MD, they are once converted tp LP2 and then 

written as SP on the disc (MD).

Anyone else has found utilities have that feature?


Hello, I think there exists a application from Creative that plays back the music and adds a delay between the songs, thus this app makes it a little bit more comfortable to record to MD, most times (depending on the soundcard and audio connection) the track marks should then be created correctly. You might also try e. g. winamp with some "pause-plugin". Or if you have a CD player with digital out, you might try to create a Audio CD-RW from the music and play that on the Stereo and record to MD (optical-digital). Normally you would then get best quality and correct track marks.

As there a so a lot of such techniques available I do not currently consider to add a similar feature, but I think about making titleing more easy, e. g. by applying some names from mp3. But I did not start to do that. I hope this helps.

I'd like to add such a recording feature if Sony would have supported to start recording with NetMD or at least if it would be possible to add track marks via NetMD. Neither is possible with NetMD API (it seems), so Sony screwed that up, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd sugest if you are using a laptop get the Audigy 2 ZS notebook card which plugs into the PCMCIA slot --Has Optical / Analog Line in, Optical Out, about every DVD audio type of decoder you want (DTS etc) and will even drive 7.1 speakers.

Just plug the MZ10 Line Out into the Line in on the Audigy card. Set the output option of the MZ-N10 to LINE not HEADPHONE --done in the menu.

You can set your Computer to use WAV / WMA or whatever you need to record / load the music to your computer (quality is pretty Good as well) and you can copy via Optical Out to a 2nd MD recorder at the same time (You don't need to record to your computer ist BTW) -- I've been doing this to copy some SP disks from my N-10 to HI-MD format on the 1GB disks on a NHF800 I have. -- OK it's real time -- so what I've got plenty of time.

It works the other way as well -- Just play a CD or keyboard or whatever on your computer and you can record directly from the Optical Out on the notebook card to the Optical In on a minidisk recorder.

The main problem with the method of using the LINE IN and OPTICAL OUT is to get the track marks correctly --but if you RECORD to the computer then both the Audigy Software and Nero have a decent WAV editor which allows you to automatically insert trackmarks at user defined Pause intervals etc. Now to get this back to the MD you'll have to burn the recording as a "Virtual CD" using Nero's Image recorder ( i.e don't burn a physical disc) and then mount it with Neros DRIVE IMAGE (comes with NERO). The computer thinks this is a real CD and can be played -- the Optical out on the sound card will then have the correct Track Marks -- and You've got a decent digital copy back on your MD without having to use any of the Sony software with all the DRM stuff.

If you've got HI-MD units there are other options but for the Net-MD units this works fine --no digital Copy problems, no DRM issues.

The Audigy software supplied with this card is brilliant --and it does "Exactly what it says on the Tin" -- one up to Creative Labs here.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi i download it and now i wanna buy the program, but i don't have a creditcard!

But i wanna have the program.

Is there another way to pay? I already sent Chris a e-mail.

Hi, I hope I already answered by mail, if not or for other interested users: if PayPal does not work or any other problem exists, the problem can be solved by contacting me.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi guys

I have tried to purchase winNMD via paypal and it wont work.

I have already purchased this proggie from a 3rd party - the zip includes the setup file, a reg.key, winnmdaddkey sad.gif and i cant get the reg.key or winNMDaddkey.exe to work either (or i am doing it wrong - what is the method for activating it).

I also have an old freeware version of it but that doesnt detect the md player.

I have emailed Chris but noo reply yet and i need to use this app asap.

Can anyone help please


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