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Everything posted by mercury_in_flames

  1. notice, this isnt a rant or anything just a random thought; People dont buy mp3 players with 20 gig hard disks and look at the battery life in relation to how many songs you can fit on it. The reason why people buy 20 and up gig storage, mp3 players is so that they have all their music at the fingertips, to be able to change what they are listening to regardless of what they were into 'yesterday'. Thats why people dont care if their 20 gig and up ipods have crap battery life, they are happy to charge it every day when they go to bed or whatever and have all their music on one device. Thats why i dont use my minidisc recorder for portable listening, the battery life is great, but in that scenario I still cant (dont want the hassle of) carry all my music around because of the extra bulk of the discs.
  2. that uses battery power from the psp?
  3. cheers for the links, although wouldnt the 8gb flash card consume less battery power than running an HDD??, i mean if you didnt want to carry the extra bulk and all.
  4. hmm I would really like to know what the hdd pack add-on thing is like with the psp, I mean at the price of the memory cards, you might as well get the add-on. Just out of curiosity, when do you watch films on ur psp? I mean I guess yeah for when ur on the aeroplane, you could watch a film, but it would bug me if I only had 2 films to choose from. I wonder when those bigger mem sticks will be out and what sort of price they'l be.
  5. thats like 800mb per film? I did one with that profile, what memory stick did u get??
  6. no showtime didnt let me play it back either.
  7. damn i AM lazy, I found this: http://www.divx-digest.com/articles/dvdtopsp.html thanks everyone I think Ive got it, what setting did you use on psp vid 9?? I converted at the highest setting and ended up not having it play back properly on my comp, in fact the only thing that could play it was VLAN. I did 2 pass encoding, but when I skipped forward on VLAN the colour went duff for a few secs, although I wondering if its just a prb with VLAN?
  8. haha well thats a lot more than ive got. Im using a lap top with P4M 2.8 ghz , 384mb ram and 128 video graphics ram. Have you got all the settings for dvd decrytper set to default?? When I rip ti dvd decrypter i get more than one file, what do i do to change that? Pata, if by psp preset you mean, the one that says Sony HMP preset then yes, i used that. dvd's Ive tried to convert are any given sunday, mr and mrs smith and a few others. Could my norton internet security be slowing things down? Ive tried disabling both antivirus and internet settings and that doesnt help.:/
  9. what specs are you computer?? I tried burning with Recode with the file being on the main hard disk instead of my iLink external hard disk, but the sound and video still arent flawlessly in sync, its still bugging the heck outta me. If I could get it to work, i;d get a psp but ga daaamit..
  10. anyone converted a dvd they owned then ripped to their hard disk and watched is succesfully on their psp? What film was it?
  11. try downloading it and see? you've got nothing to lose have u?
  12. hmm, ive played the videos back with wmp, nero media player. Ive also burned to dvd+r and still the same issue. I will try converting an mpg music video to nero digital using the Song hmp profile setting, they mean for psp right>? Ive got 'nero recode 2'.
  13. Well I tried ripping one of my dvd's using Clone dvd, the converting that with Nero Recode. The audio and video where not properly in sync. I am wondering if anyone has had any issues like mine, how have you combated this? I have also tried the sony Image Converter, and various other programs. I wish they would make a new firmware upgrade that would enable the psp to play other codes, namely avi, and wmv. I mean come on? If I didnt have these issues I would get a psp now and use it for video playback. Im running a laptop with win xp, 448 ram, 64 mb graphics, Pentium 4M 2.8 ghz. About the connect video store of the future; as well as making a video shop on the net, why dont they also offer discounts to those who already have the dvd at home? I mean we arent made of money
  14. you know, if sony had been smart enough to make the rm-mc40elk, then i might have just bougnt one for the sake of having it. But with all the bull about connect not working for so many people, and a remote that might as well not even be there unless you have it on shuffle 'every track' all the time, i wouldnt reccomend the a100/3000. I had told me sister to get one of these before the 'niggles'.
  15. It is because of the wireless function or are they just being biaches? Ive always used my minidisc, mp3 player on flights, the only time i get asked to turn it off is for take off and landing.
  16. lol jeez i must def go check it out, maybe its a dead head lice, i had those about 4 months ago
  17. usually for a few hours at a go. I am also wondering if I still have water trapped in my ear from when i went diving in spain in august.
  18. yeah i'm going to go as soon as possible, i was just wondering if anyone had any experience of anthing like this.
  19. no, havent got ringing in my ears , just a strange noise that feels as if its coming from inside my ear.
  20. Recently, I've realised that even if im listening to music through my lap top speakers, I get an odd background noise in my left ear. Think rubbing your hand down a wooden table and it wants to stop and makes that noise. It doesnt happen when im not listening to music, and i cant tell if its happening with head or earphones, but im a bit conscerned.
  21. ahem, maybe it was just my comp then. I had to uninstall it to make my hd5 appear as a removable mass storage device on 'my compute'.
  22. where are the rest of the videos? there arent very many, or am i skimming too much>? ahhh lol, just saw, US ONLY, that blows, meaning no1 outside the US can buy?
  23. anyone else tried this and seen that it makes your computer not recognise other removable media, i.e nw-hd5 as a mass storage device?
  24. damn dude, that is weird. any chance of it just being a dud mp3 and causing the hd5 to malfunction? or even a glitchy atrac?
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