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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. hmm the UK is getting the new A8xx, I just hope sony canada adds it to the site. :/ lol wait, just read the top post. doh good news that A810 is coming Time to save up
  2. I meant games in general as well.
  3. why do you want games on a mp3 player? that's pointless. if you want games and music, go for a nokia cell phone or sony ericsson cell phone. I saw the other samsung on engadget, looks good. touchscreen is a nice option to have, not sure how the battery life will be affected by that though. I do hope it has an external volume control otherwise accessing the screen each time you want to adjust the volume will suck. finally, there has been talk of iphone screens loosing sensitivity, hopefully this will not be the case with the YP-P2.
  4. no legal download sites? I am sure you have heard of cds right? buy it, rip it to mp3 and up it to your mp3 player. there are sites out there that have drm free music that you can buy and play on your mp3 player, depending on genre though. doesn't i tunes have drm free music now? and there are a few stores opening up or are open that are drm free? also any music store that sells MP3s, has all these files as DRM free, who would buy drmed music? its a loose situation for you. I've purchased hundreds of songs online from online stores, all mp3s, all drm free, and never once have I used connect. it is clear when you buy drmed music that you are just going to get yourself into trouble in the future. A800 production has stopped, I don't think firmware from the new A8xx will work on the older units. plus some of the older sony units have been discontinued, and I wouldn't expect any firmware updates for those.
  5. Well sonystyle canada has the NWZ S61xF models up for pre order now, due date is september 6th 8 gig is 249 can 4 gig is 179 can 2 gig is 149 can b series prices 2 gig is 99 can due date sept 11th, no word on the new updated a8xx series.
  6. a person from sony on mp3generation claimed that upgrading the firmware is not possible and almost impossible. if no firmware is to be released, then no one can really check it.
  7. i mentioned this in the oriiginal thread way back, that someone from generationmp3 claims that the new older A80x are not backwards compatible and can't be upgraded, true or false, who knows.
  8. care to elaborate? ie provide a tutorial or images?
  9. although there is a upside to all of this. seeing as this is only for the US, and the A800 was discontinued in europe, it means there has to be another player coming for the european market? it would be a downer if that was the s7xx we just saw but if its something entirely new, it may also come to canada
  10. I think the wmp will be needed for the non drm and drm wma files, I seriously hope that the mp3 will just be drag and drops from windows explorer. maybe, but I don't use napster or any other wma sites, I buy non drm mp3s and wav files, or stand alone cds. I'm hitting up the sony store this week, hopefully they will know what is coming.
  11. you just said you need soncstage to tranfer music, which is not UMS! once sonicstage is fully eliminated, then the device will be fully ums,
  12. a800 is not ums and the 8 gig model is quite expensive. once sony does a umc device up here, I will consider buying it.
  13. hmm interesting In stock. Estimated ship date: 08/30/2007. so on thursday, no news on canada's sonystyle website so i guess we are not getting these yet or at all :/
  14. I posted it in this thread because I didn't want to open a new one. hehe. my original reply was, that nothing was posted on the blog.
  15. hmm http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/28/sony-pr...es-of-walkmans/ from engadget.com Sony prepping an NWZ-series of Walkmans? Not 100% clear what's going on here, but it looks like a new network Walkman was loosed (or is about to be) somewhere in the world. Cutting through the blur, we see that both players will offer 18 hours of video / 33 hours of audio with support for DRM'd WMA files. Both models -- NWZ-S615F (we think) and NWZ-A815 -- offer 2GB of flash and mimic the style of Sony's NW-A800 series of Walkman devices. Our tipster tells us to expect a launch in September so we'll know the poop soon enough. http://www.engadget.com/photos/sony-preppi...es-of-walkmans/ I would need more than 2 gigs :/ i guess the S model is the specialized one and should have noise cancelling built in not sure why hte models are NWZ and what the F stands for in 615F, interesting news indeed here, i really do hope they are UMS just as was mentioned in a comment on engadget from some user. edit... a user on generation mp3 says that upgrading the older a800s to new ums will not be possible since it is impossible, not sure why. production of older a800 is stopped and no more stock is being sent to dealers. announcement due at the beginning of september.
  16. Ascariss

    Sony Rolly

    actually we did not http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3997
  17. no they are not, and although playstation is popular and the games are money makers, the wii is still outselling it and by far the more popular console.
  18. well I didn't pick up a A800 since I knew more players were coming and I could easily hold out and I wasn't going to deal with sonicstage.
  19. the a800 series was never meant to have a long run.
  20. http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/22/apples-...d-in-spy-shots/ real or not real, regardless, it isn't much of a looker lol.
  21. Ascariss

    NWD-B100 announced

    no software needed.
  22. thats why you buy songs in mp3 or wav or a cd format, no transfer problems.
  23. well if your unit has died completely and is beyond repair, and I mean really beyond repair, throw it at a wall, should open it right up. but if it is still working, I would suggest slowly and carefully removing pieces one by one. use small screw drivers to pry thngs open, use as little force as possible.
  24. huh, I know a player is due, although I won't specify the date or details, the codename of rolly is not correct, unless sony has another product up its sleeve. This is most peculiar. We will see what is unvieled at the show, hopefully it is not egg shaped.
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