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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. I only have this small crack near the top of my A3000 and the A1000 seems to be more or less good on build quality, the gap around is less than half a mm.
  2. The files are still mp3 files on the units, you can check that via the file information in the options when the song is playing. the omg is a layer of copyright protection wrapped around the mp3 file so you can't transfer it so someone's pc.
  3. I didn't do clean install, and I removed sonicstage altogether from my pc as well. Artist link has actually worked for me on several occasions.
  4. Saw this on CNBC I believe and even though it looks like grafitti I have nothing against it. Except that sony as far as I know didn't get a permit to put up an advert there according to one the people on cnbc. here we go: "They're breaking the law," said Mary Tracy, who runs the Society Created to Reduce Urban Blight, a watchdog group that fights illegal or ill-advised billboards in Philadelphia. Tracy said Sony ignored the zoning process that regulates outdoor commercial advertising in the city. Philadelphia Managing Director Pedro Ramos on Wednesday faxed a cease-and-desist letter to Sony Computer Entertainment's U.S. division in San Mateo, Calif. He could seek modest fines allowed by city code or sue to recover any profit the ads produced. The sad thing is, if you put up an advert in an area where some if not most of the people can't afford a psp, how are the ads supposed to be useful? If we are assuming they are in low income areas.
  5. You can say goodbye to artistlink, play history, and all the intelligent shuffles. The units need CP to update all this and link with the library, otherwise using SS will make those features non functional. I should mention to anyone reading this, ajwhitehead is only stating his opinion, there are plenty of people on this board including myself that have gotten CP to work normaly and with no problems. SS in reality is much more worse than CP when you look really close.
  6. I don't think SS is better than CP, when you have features missing in SS that the player needs, it is not a better program. as for your problem, did you open the transfer window and check if the device is there? as well, check the left handside of the CP and look for NW-A1000 there and click on it. If those don't work, try switching usb ports and the cable that might fix the problem in CP.
  7. You can't ever expect the battery to last to its max on the first charge, it will get better and better as you charge it more. I gotten so far 22 hours with on and off use on my A3000 with only mp3 files on it, all 192 or above cbr and vbr.
  8. The thing is, in order for those to work, you would need to use the connect player, and so far I don't think it supports the older flash units.
  9. I think the older flash players are all USB 1.1, and are also USB 2.0 compatible and not really usb 2.0. Even if there is copyright protection being layered onto the mp3 files, that shouldn't slow it down. The newer hdd units all have usb 2.0 and the transfer rate is very fast and the files are omg in nature on the player, ie mp3s with copyright proetection. as for lithium ion batteries, don't worry about them, just use the player anyway you want, the battery will be fine.
  10. Amazing work as always kurisu, the layout and colours are pefect.
  11. The favourite 100 and play history are only updated after you use it and then hook up the unit to the Connect Player which then updates the lists. As for the artist link, there is a thread about there someplace. Artist link needs the info from gracenote to connect artists more or less, but when filling in ID tags, fill in as much as possible before transfer.
  12. Thanks for that. The chip is rather impressive with huge possibilites now that I look at it. If all that is in the chip, perhaps it is only a matter of time before sony begins turning on the options. Anyone know if the OLED in the A series hDD can be changed from one colour to multi? or does it need a new OLED with colour?
  13. Where does it state on the website that it has video function?
  14. It crashed while I was dragging the files into the playlist. I have around 600 files the library, well I did until I removed them lol.
  15. sh33p, it really doesn't matter to me on the A3000, or A1000, but it did on my minidisc which could only do LP2 at the best compromise for me. Dinko mentioned this as one problem so that is why gave up on the A1000, so I thought this was changed in v2.01, but it isn't. Oddly enough, the A1000 did around 13 hrs of constant play at 192 or greater mp3 volume 13 and EQ on, so I can safely assume the larger A3000 wouldn't last the entire night playing no problem.
  16. Scratch that it didn't, it just paused song number 1. Testing the same album on the A3000. Same thing sadly happens, the song skips to 1 and stops playing, it pauses though. but with a full album I ripped, since the other one was just singles organized into an album, same thing happens as before, it stops playing. Odd it worked before. this is using normal play mode. I now switched to repeat. The the first song of the album plays and doesn't pause. I would guess if you had repeat on them then the playlist or album would keep playing non-stop. So scratch that initial post that it was solved, it isn't. But the repeat option would fix that problem I guess. I had the same thing happen to me on my MD, if repeat wasn't turned on, the player would turn off after the MD finished.
  17. I've actually had CP crash once on me when I tried to go and make a playlist, so I gave up trying making anymore for now. The ability to import a winamp playlists though would be nice.
  18. Hmm, if you change the playlists in CP and the reconnect the unit it will change the list on the player?
  19. It's rather simple you see. Create a stable piece of software that requires as little memory and cpu time as possible. Reason being this allows people will less than adequete pcs to use the program. Even though windows xp is widely used now a days, I am sure support for older windows would be appreciated by others. finallly, if the program is able to transfer files to the player, import files from the pc, run normally and smoothly on an average pc, start up in less than 10 seconds, and rarely crash, I will be happy. And of course all the same options that are in CP now to work just as smoothly as the transfer mentioned above. Even though I would support transfer back to the pc, I doubt sony would agree to that, unless it was only to one pc where the original files came from. But then I am sure someone will find a way around that eventually.
  20. I would have guessed that resetting it would have fixed the problem. But apparently that is not the case here. You have to use the connect player to transfer the music onto the player, connecting it to the computer by itself won't do you much good. Open the connect player, then connect the player to the pc, one connect recongizes that you have the player plugged in, press the small button in the top right hand corner that looks like a small player. This will open the transfer window, then add files from the library by simple drag and drop and then once the files have been transferred over and it doesn't say: Do not disconnect at the bottom of the library, then you can disconnect the player and the files should be on there.
  21. never been a fan of the bookmarks, but will try them out later today.
  22. So I guess then the problem is solved. Let me check this via my A1000 since that doesnt have the updated firmware. Edit, just checked hte A1000, firmware 1.00, and played an album on normal playback and 7 songs, and after song 7 finished, it went back and played song #1. So Dinko, I am not sure why your player did that.
  23. True, but the thing is, once you get bored with a playlist and you are not near a PC, it would be nice to make one on the go in the meantime. I've yet to play around with playlists, may do that later next week, but I am waiting for the next update for CP in january I guess, since i want it to be running as fast and stable as possible.
  24. Once sony adds the ability to edit the playlist or make playlists on the units themselves, then will the player only become the ultimate mp3 player.
  25. Like Zizone mentioned, change the names of the album/artist so they are the same, and then reorder the track names to the order you want the audio books into, will always work and hasn't failed for me yet.
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