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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. yup they are in the playlists area, and I so far haven't lost any songs when importing the list or transferring the playlist across. Granted I only have 70 songs in the playlists, but who needs more than 100? I am not sure why you are having problems. that is odd.
  2. Ascariss

    Boost My Life

    I've already hit 10 hours and the battery was at half full, so I am assuming I can get it higher. I will be doing a full battery test this weeked though.
  3. drag and drop without CP? seeing that sony is crazy about DRM, this is highly unlikely. screensavers are a gimick and suck up battery life, so they are pointless. #1 isn't something I really need. i do agree with #2 100% though. as for the others, wasn't there a unit at CES released that allows hook up to the car stereo? unless you want a cradle? sublime, the least played songs are actually the ones with the least stars, when you skip a song before 10 seconds has elapsed the star rating goes down automatically. I don't use the top 100, mostly now stick with playlists.
  4. You are over analyzing this again, anything is better than stock phones, except maybe some crappy phones you pick up for 20 bucks. The shures are more expensive so they will have a better sound than the ex71s for sure, and I quite certain their quality is much better as well. The EX71s are much more comfortable for me than the stock buds and never fall out. the ones that come with the A3000 are a bit too large for me and even though the sound is good, I don't think it is great.
  5. Indeed this is highly annoying since my Minidisc rarely turned off that quickly, but it still did. I am sure it is a battery issue so Sony thought it was a good idea. I myself am using EX71's with the A3000 and can't complain, the sound is great and the portability is excellent. Reason being the extension cord that comes with the A3000 is much better than the one that came with the EX71s.
  6. just do what rocket said. I've had the library corrupt in CP on me quite a few times, 3 now tha I count, and all I do is delete the stuff in the librar folders, and then reboot. Then I open up CP and start re-importing stuff, it is a chore but it works everyitme. As for GYM, I gave up on it since it didn't work for me, really no point in using it. Don't use SS with the new units, I don't recommend it.
  7. well, what I did is just made a playlist in winamp, saved it, then opened CP, once all settled down, press ctrl-I to import it, which it did, then check that the songs are there, yup, they are. Then hooked up the A3000 and then just dragged the playlisy from the upper left hand corner to the player, then after a few seconds it was there, unplugged it, and opened playlists and it was there on the player.
  8. Did a minor real world test today on the A3000. Listened through a playlist I made, 46 songs during the day, roughly 5 and a half hours elapsed. The songs are all at 192 or above, and at cbr or vbr, depending on the song. Currently the battery stands at 3/4 full and the specs were volume 13, and EQ on, no shuffle, normal play.
  9. The vaio pocket doesn't seem to have the ability to make playlists per se as the new units. I tried the winamp method and it has worked fine so far, the playlist is in the player at this moment. And So far so good, I can finally go back to MD like days of listening to songs in an order lol. another crazy fact is that when you rename a file(s) in CP, once you hook it up, the files will be renamed automatically on the player, and I am on manual sync mode as well. tried the search function of CP as well, works like a charm.
  10. Well if you have the latest version of CP, which is the best idea if you want the most stable CP, then there will be no problems importing WMA files.
  11. I am not sure why people don't read or search the forum more often, it is usually explained that if you use the new units with Sonicstage the intelligent shuffle and other functions that need the connect player will NOT work. Reset the player, and remove all songs. Then try to use connect player to transfer the songs. Sonicstage wasn't really meant to be usdd with the new units per se, even though you can use it, the problem is functionality. Best option is to remove CP altogether, remove registry keys, remove the library, then reboot, and reinstall CP using the cd and letting it update. Then check the id tags in winamp as much as possible or WMP, whichever you prefer, then import them into the CP library. If you want, sort them by album and if you do get duplicates check the tag info and there will usually be something wrong. Once you are satisfied with the tags, hook up the A608 and then transfer files to it. Then once it is down, unplug it, let is build the library (if flash players do that even) and check to see if the same thing happens. If it does, come back here and post your pc info and etc. be as detailed as possible.
  12. Ascariss

    NW-A1000 dust problem

    You have to unscrew the circle in the back in order to remvoe, unless you already did that. But to remove the front, I am not sure you want to do that, maybe it is attached with some clips though.
  13. I believe it was mentioned someplace that yes songs can be dragged and dropped into the library in CP, as can playlists maybe but album art can be for 100%.
  14. Ascariss

    Boost My Life

    the battery test was for a A1000 and it's not a real world one as well. The test is here: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?...topic=511&st=20 remember it's not real world, so don't expect 13 hours out of a a1000 using it like a normal user, i haven't tested the A3000 yet.
  15. Actually no, I am on XP and I haven't ever gotten the blue screen since ME or 98, so I am not sure why this is happening. I don't recall if I ever left the player plugged in while doing a reboot, so can't help. But my pc has rebooted while I was transfering files which is highly annoying.
  16. I am curious, to what kind of music are you guys listening to? actual full out albums from artists? or individual songs?
  17. i use both, with the a1000 for short trips and the a3000 mostly during regular school days where I have a long day at uni and i need the better battery life and more songs.
  18. Ascariss

    Boost My Life

    Uhm, the battery out of the box should be 1/4 full and eventually will say please recharge. both mine were like that. i got 13 hours out of my a1000 on a battery test, you can find the info in the reviews area. I haven't tested the a3000 but I am assuming the battery life will be greater than the a1000. mind you I am using I am using EQ on, volume 13 and most if not all songs 192 or above, in mp3 format. There is no need for the battery to be fully discharged, just charge it when you think you need to. I usually charge it when its 1/4 or so. How long have you had it?
  19. Same thing on both the a3000 and a1000. no need to be concerned.
  20. Perhaps sony is plannong more announcments later today or perhaps even on froday. Oddly enough I went here: http://www.sony.com/ces/e-entertainment.shtml and the new walkman is on the site. which means it is at the show and no one is covering it, or the debut for it is yet to come. So I guess just wait and see.
  21. Actually my firmware update keeps popping up now everytime i reboot, since it doesn't know I installed it already. May need to do the update to the a1000 in order to make it stop telling me to update my firmware.
  22. Congrats on the purchase Ishiyoshi. Lovely snaps as well. I am curious, what do you use for the background/surface when you take your pics?
  23. Sadly most if not all my songs are house music so gracenote rarely has info for mashups or remixes, unless the song is on a cd that is released, otherwise, most remixes i have are not found on gracenote, so sadly I have to add the info myself. Even worse when it comes to adding album info, year is easy, but when 5 remixes are released together, it's usually CD5 or on vinyl, and there really is no "real" album name.
  24. Well well well, I decided to go through my mp3s again and re add the year myself and proper albums from a site with all the info and not gracenote. As much as I would love for the artist link to always work, or most of the time, I have now come to the conclusion that sony seriously should rework how CP works with the artist link. Sure gracenote is great, but the problem is, it doesn't alwyas work with house music. If CP sends a 15 sec clip of the song to gracenote to check for info, perhaps maybe this is why it isn't working on all house songs or working incorrectly. I've already corrected more than 200 songs today, mostly with year and even sometimes album, but mostly year. Oddly a song released in 2005, was for some reason dated to 1993 by gracenote? It even added years to songs that are not in the gracenote database. I think i'll turn off the artistlink background function for more than just speed in CP.
  25. Not sure if apple does it or cowan, but sony is a copyright freak and love to add copyright protection to most music players they have, MD included. But there are some players out there that just work by drag and drog using windows explorer. Since the chips in the new units has the ability to support DRM WMA files, it's now when will sony release support for WMA DRM and a store perhaps with DRM WMA files or the ability for play-for-sure files to work on the new units. Sadly I've never been a huge fan of wma files, so it doesn't matter to me if play for sure is supported.
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