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Everything posted by pauljones52

  1. Atrain, You should try the old "I opened the box and it was like that" lol
  2. I just wonder how much more it costs sony to produce himd discs compared to normal minidiscs. Imagine if the 1GB discs cost the same as normal minidiscs, how big would the format be! Id be in PCM heaven lol
  3. Just had an operation on my kidney, man it kills!
  4. were you really searching for HI-MD, you can be honest with us!
  5. Windows media player plays them, as long as sonicstage is installed.
  6. Bit of a random idea and I have no idea if it would work or not, but try copying the .hma files to a blank disc and then try to upload via sonicstage
  7. I think you can record on them, just in low quality
  8. Better cut down on my useage then! I'm hoping the auto off screen function should save its life somewhat (although the battery and play indicators might die sooner, I hope this does not affect the rest of the screen when it does)
  9. Nice unit! Yeah just noticed the time of my post 3.15am lol. Even when im drunk I cant stay away from MDCF I need help!!
  10. Agreed Pug, I got the MZ-R91 for £25 (including P&P) with 30 md's and some sony MDR-EX71SL headphones. I bought this unit back in '99 for £249! You can get some great players at cheap prices because no-one really wants MD these days P.S. Whats the link to your purchase, I would like to see what you got!
  11. Good decision, the RH10 is the best MD player to date in my opinion! Although there are a few great MDLP Panasonic minidisc players
  12. I dont think there is. I would like one for the N910, but I dont belive anyone has worked out the codes for this series of minidisc players unfortunatly
  13. Got Nick Warren In Shanghai and Sasha in Ibiza, thanks alot Rich and Ishi great recommendations! I think I will be buying more in this series. Most probably another nick warren title, this is the first time I have heard anything by him and I am a fan for sure! (have a lot of sasha stuff anyway and I'm already a fan of him!) streaml1ne, its worth getting the ibiza title for Fibonacci Sequence let me tell you!
  14. If your in the UK, Argos have a sale on their minidisc players at the moment NH800 (£99) http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5128743.htm Sony MZN520 (£80) http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5128671.htm NH1 (£150) http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5128767.htm I know the last one is out of your price range, but its really tempting me at the moment lol
  15. atrac lossless is completely lossless format (hence its name), it is basically a .wav file zipped up (no information lost). The only benifit that .wav has is that it is more widely supported, but you can convert an atrac lossless file to a .wav file and it will sound the same as a .wav file from a ripped cd
  16. I dont have a clue what any of you are on about lol!!
  17. Thanks for everyones input, I found this one: http://www.one.fsphost.com/ - 250MB webspace - browser and ftp upload - ad-free webhosting - no registration required - no filesize limit! - short domain: fsphost.com/username just pick a username and click create, no personal details required. It seems very good so far with no adverts and no filesize limits or blocked extentions
  18. Guess I got carried away that I could get something free from sony! oh well serves me right for not properly testing before posting!
  19. Installed the US version of sonicstage but it keeps telling me im not in the us, oh well!
  20. Follow the link below to get a code for five free downloads at the connect store, (top right of the screen) https://www.rewardsworldwide.com/index.cfm?...FTOKEN=93207783 The code works for the US version of sonicstage only Matt
  21. 12.96 seconds first time after reboot, 3.19 seconds second time (phone stopwatch lol) 1.6 ghz pentium m, 1gb ram (DDR2 dual channel), 5400rpm hard drive, GMA900 graphics card lol. About 150 tracks in the libary.
  22. I use ATRAC3+ 192kb/s as most of my mp3s are at 192kb/s or lame preset standard. For 128kb/s mp3s, I keep them as mp3s as transcoding to LP2 results in a noticable sound degredation IMO
  23. Thanks richyhu, I was thinking of getting the sasha or oakenfold ones anyway so I will give the Sasha one a whirl
  24. I notice you have a lot of the Global Underground series Ishiyoshi, could you recommend a favourite? Thanks
  25. I want to move my website from my current host (150m.com), as it adds way too many adverts! Does anyone have any recommendations for a good site for free website hosting? Many thanks, matt
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