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http://cgi.ebay.fr/PIONEER-ELITE-MJ-17D-MD-MINIDISC-RECORDER-SONY-ES-/150652908565?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23139cf415#ht_2022wt_1141 Look beautifull
I don't have problem to download music here in Vietnam. If it is for yourself also not risky to download music, you can go on Bitsnoop to find torrent files (even 24bit 96kHz that I wise you to record in real time) and download them at random with Bitorrent. I did it searching for Jazz and unusual classic music albums. Your MD unit will record in 24bit if your computer have a digital out and an audio fitted for that. It is simple that trading as your choice is wide.
Very close to my house (300m), there is a japan imported products shop called Hachi Hachi (www.hachihachi.com.vn). This shop is very usefull. It full of cheap items, or sometimes rather expensive (compare to vietnamese common prices) but all with a very good quality and a typical japanese good taste in design. I have found at the opening many plastic and wooden boxes (around 1,5 to 2,5$ each) for my MDs and my CDs. I noticed that their propose regularly similar replacement for any item so I come back twice a month to have a look. Here is for example a display idea for our MDs : This item (2,2$ a bag) is a plate / cup holder. It can be use as MD shelves, similar to The Wizard's idea (see my first post in this topic for pictures). I just need to shorten a little the two wooden rungs between ladders so that MD's sleeve boxes can hold on rungs. Every bag of 2 ladders can hold 35 MDs. Meaning this display will cost me 22$ to hold my entire MD collection. Sadly just found 4 of them in the shp close to my house but I am not that desperate, there are more than one Hachi Hachi shop in Saigon ! """"""""""""""""""""" "" ====== "" ====== "" ====== """"""""""""""""""""" "" ====== "" ====== "" ====== """"""""""""""""""""" "" ====== "" ====== "" ====== """""""""""""""""""""
Nowadays it is easy to download music. How much can you sell your MDs ? The same price than unwrapped MDs on eBay. For members like us, the most important is more the brand / design / diversity of the MDs themselves. For example when levanel sold his collection to bobt (many collectors). Last time I found the music collection interesting was when a guy sold on eBay 200 MDs, all in their own sleeve box, with a beautifull sticker and cover (like blueraja) and a wonderfull wooden case ! If there is nothing special, a huge quantity of MDs (>50-100) is also a good argument.
I am not a specialist at all of cameras. I suppose the unit can record videos and take pictures...
http://www.tapeheads.net/showthread.php?t=14194 Could we nowadays be able to make listening difference between MD blanks ?
http://cgi.ebay.fr/S...2#ht_551wt_1141 pictures : https://picasaweb.google.com/8.FOCAL.8/Minidisc?authkey=Gv1sRgCNLKluX-vO7lFg#
http://cgi.ebay.fr/S...b#ht_759wt_1141 pictures : https://picasaweb.google.com/8.FOCAL.8/Minidisc?authkey=Gv1sRgCNLKluX-vO7lFg#
I am aware of Vietnam restriction. Not all HK eBay sellers do that. Maybe vietnamese don't pay HK sellers or maybe the taxes are too heavy. Don't know.
About the 3 french corks as large as a MD box, it is the MD itself. A MD is 70mm large, 72mm is the minimum for the comfort. If the MD is in his sleeve box with a 80mm size, 82mm is the minimum meaning it is more difficult to have it perfect. Maybe cutted corks or better some separators made in wood long as the board itself will arrange all.
The old driver work perfectly. Editing is more simple now.
I have two now :http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/27003-waiting-for-me-in-france/ The two with problems but not the same ones... I will be able I hope to share good spare parts between them.
http://www.butoba.net/amf65/amf65bat.html http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=203786 f...(bip) crazy ! http://www.donberg-electronique.com/recherche?query=LIB-902
Even more ! http://cgi.ebay.fr/w...9#ht_731wt_1141 I got this MZ-RH1 for 62,50
Thanks THIS SUCKS (where do you find that silly name?). I got one disc readable by my JB980 but not both my NH900 and sadly with my N510. It was "full". I delete the last track (longer that the original tracks due to no stopping recording), and re-record the last track plus one "official" track silence track (thanks to one Gart Brooks' album) to make "bonne mesure" and... the disc is recognize by my N510 and SonicStage ! Funny trick ! .
I forgot to push on JB980 Net MD front button. Does not change a lot in fact, Windows said that there is a NetMD drive ans ask for a new driver. Even if I point to pa_driver.zip unzipped folder, or XP folder, no way. pa_driver.exe don't do it even after the deck is on Net MD mode. Miss something.
Rare bird, the one with a good ES deck AND a Hi-MD deck... Any japanese member here ???
I am not after reinstalling SS Ultimate + pa_driver.exe still able to recognize my JB980. But nevermind, my N510 is recognized and edit my Puccini (damned you if you mess up my MD... OOOOhhh Yes, good boy) perfectly. New title has been recognized by my JB980. Look like I just need to replace my NH900 by my N510 for my SS editing facilities. Crap, got new but not boring problem with JB980 / SS. NH900 is more boring and yes Pham Cu will perhaps have a look on the NH900 overwrite head. It look like I am close to become a real pain in the ass for him. That is his choice, repairing our minidisc recorders...
I spent a lot of time to edit my 41 Madama Butterfly tracks with the external keyboards. Work OK but what a pain in the (bip). TOC writing, eject, load again, TOC reading OK, check some track titles Ok. But not recognize yet by SS. Soooo, I will try later to uninstall SS and reinstall it on my Windows XP 32 computer, I will install pa_driver.exe just after it.
I download it, install it but my computer said it "already got a good driver". I connected a USB cable on my JB980 and run SS ultimate. Nothing, the deck is not recognize. I shut down the deck, dowloaded pa_driver.exe this time, install it (no message from the computer this time), put the deck on, run SS and... nothing. For the first time also, I plug a PS/2 US keyboard on the front side of my JB980. Load Edit menu and write Puccini - Mme Butterfly without any problem. TOC writing is oK, eject and MD load again, new disc title is read. At least THAT edit mode work !
^ You can improve that 24bit recording using Asio4all or Kernel Streaming output audio drivers and the DFX audio enhancer for Winamp. Notice that if the sound is already quite excellent, DFX enhanced result could be worse than the original, just put it off.
THIS SUCKS Next time I will use that trick because I have already erase all the tracks on the 20 discs. bobt Recording without editing is OK on the JB980. I was thinking of making recording on each unit + listening on all units tests without editing today. For sure, it is an editing problem. Guess maybe I will get an answer for that editing problem with my NH900 today, instead at least a full recording + editing solution with my JB980 this week ?
Will do some direct recording test with a virgin blank MD. Maybe it is more simple to use a USB cable between my computer and my JB980 for a direct editing. Shame I did not do that before. It is also the first time I do some recordings with my JB980. All these months I just use it like a player or a DA convertor. I suppose that the deck will be automatiquely recognized by SS Ultimate (XP SP3) or do I must copy a missing driver to be found on Sony Insider ?
Make sense for what kind of Atrac exactly, SP 292kbps ? LPCM is also worse than Hi-MD Atracs like the 352kbps ? I am a little bit confused tonight (for me) after all my tests on my 20 non-recordings, see my other topic). We talked also about the analog input feature, better than numerical input, if the source is 24bit ? Huuuummm, time to quit my computer and to get by myself.
Happy having downloaded 300 albums recently, most of them in 24bit-96kHz (original CDs from Linn and chesky Records or Vinyl Rips), time was this week to record them on some MD blanks. Crap... Some kind of revenge remanent make most of recordings completely unuseable ("blank disc" or "TOC error"). Everything was well during the recording from my computer to my JB980, TOC Writing also. Editing has been done not with my JB980 and a keyboard but using a MZ-NH900 with Sonic Stage. Ending with the classic System File Writing before ejecting the disc. Copy/paste track names after editing CUE files. Zen during a while... After that, 20 discs are unreadable by both my MZ-N510 and the JB980. Only 4 of them are still completely readable and with the complete track editing. After testing all the 20 discs, I tested them on my MZ-NH900. It refused to read some of them but was able to edit the majority of them in SonicStage. Strangly many tracks lost those editings done by itself. But even if I edit again the discs with my MZ-NH900, they are blank discs or TOC Error discs for my JB980 and my MZ-510. Crap... I will do the JB980 recording + MZ-N510 editing + JB980 listening test tomorrow. If something still wrong, I will record and edit my music with MZ-N510 or maybe with my MZ-NH900. I suppose that procedure will work as I still have 100 MDs recorded and edited this way and all readable with my JB980. Crap... What could have happened ?