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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. Thank you Stephen, I hope that some more people will join the club
  2. I was watching again Stargate SG1 and I found that :
  3. Pierre who live in France as a huge collection, see here http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/26599-100-decks-updated-list/ In Classifieds section : http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/24868-deck-sony-mds-je470/ New price is 120
  4. Is it possible with SS or any software or do I need to re-record ? pre-record in real time using Winamp and Wincue (2 seconds delay) in SP mode
  5. see here, another cliking story http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/26557-mds-ja333es-owner-information/
  6. My own philosophy is to record on MD the music that deserve to be in high quality sound. That mean original Cds, lossless audio files and 320-256 kbps MP3 audio files. SP mode is my favourite. Real time recording also. Sonic Stage just to edit my MDs. After some years with portable MD units, MD decks change my life. If I buy a new MD portable, that will be a Net-MD type S one but I am also a lover of these heavy units of early 92s....as mini decks. I have also a special relation with you all members as I represent Pierre (in France) who still sell 100 decks.
  7. First tests : about recognition of MD units on the Virtual XP Machine. ----------------------- With my MZ-N510 Net-MD unit, SS on XP Virtual Machine recognize the unit and the MD ----------------------- With my MZ-NH900 Hi-MD unit, I have notice a strange thing... SS on XP Virtual Machine recognize the Hi-MD unit BUT not my Hi-MD disc , OK for a Net-MD disc. And SS on W7 64bit (on my computer) recognize the Hi-MD unit but as a Net-One ! Then I close VMWare program to test again SS on W7 64bit, the unit was not recognize but I think it is due to a bad load driver or something. I restart completely W7 and get... any recognition in SS for my NH900. I remember this thing also happen sometimes with SS on a classic XP machine so I think that you first need your unit to be recognized by Windows (VM XP or W7 64bit) ! So, I decide to test also my MZ=RH1. ----------------------- I restart completely W7 64 and directly plug in my MZ-RH1 Hi-MD unit, SS on W7 64bit recognize the unit as a Hi-MD machine and also recognize my Hi-MD disc. No problemo. I execute then VMWare (reload XP virtual state) and - good surprise after having reconnect the unit to XP VM - my MZ-RH1 is recognized correctly as a Hi-MD unit and the Hi-MD disc is also recognized. A Net-MD disc is also recognized in the good format. ----------------------- [Edit- new text] All the story about the first bug make me think that the fact that the unit is recognized in its right format (right mode) is not guaranted. Just try again if not, Restart W7 64 or VM XP. Don't forget to connect manually your unit on VM XP. This bug is perhaps temporary (Net-MD instead of Hi-MD).
  8. Hello lucky owners of a Windows 7 64bit computer, Introduction This topic is based on 1kyle's topic http://forums.sonyin...__1#entry171375 . As you can read by yourself, yesterday I was yelling because I succeeded to make Avrin's SonicStage Ultimate Edition able to recognize my Net-MD unit on my Windows 7 64bit laptop. As you know, SonicStage once setup on W7 64bit can only recognize Hi-MD units, not Net-MD ones. So like you, I was wondering how to solve this problem. 1kyle's problem was to find how to "burn to MD just as you did under XP" : how to use Simple Burner with Net-MD units (MDLP modes) on a W7 64bit computer. Finally, his topic make it "works a treat - and no need for SS either". Sadly SS availability to work on his system was not studied. It is what I did for me... and you. You will need that VMWare software but an important thing is that you don't need Install Alcohol 52% Free edition or Nero to create a virtual image. 1kyle's full procedure is not needed so that why I decide to make a separate topic, just to focus on VMWare and SS. As sfbp told me on a PM that this is a little bit confusing to continue to add posts on 1kyle's topic just because all 1kyle's instructions are NOT within reach of everyone. I hope that this topic will be within reach of everyone, at least with an intermediate level in Windows XP knowledge. Tools 1) Your Windows 7 64bit computer, even Home Edition 2) Your old Windows XP Setup CD. XP drivers of your machine are not needed before this procedure as W7 64bit will still run on your machine. 3) At least 10 Gb (or more) free on your computer 4) VMWare player (free) http://www.vmware.com/ 5) Avrin's SonicStage Ultimate Edition , here : http://forums.sonyin...timate-edition/ Instructions Execute VMWare player on your computer. You will be asked to create a New Virtual Machine,then you will need your XP Setup CD in your CD-drive and install XP on a Virtual Drive. Choose enough place for this Virtual Drive. Restart your Virtual Machine (w7 64bit still running...), adjust screen resolution, install any software you want from your XP Virtual Machine. Note you will need to update XP and any security softwares... Test it ! You will see that your devices are recognize one by one but perhaps not all of them. The most important are CD-drive, USB, Mouse, Audio (test your analogue-S/PDIF audio jack output). An important test : as you will notice that you will need to plug out / plug in your USB devices if your plug in them before under W7 64bit. You can even bring files and programs store on your W7 64bit hard drives if you don't forget to do that, For example,the famous Avrin's SSUE... Make sure your Net-MD unit is recognize by XP : menu Virtual Machine / Removable Devices / Sony Net-MD Walkman/ Connect (Disconnect to host) [Edit : this choice is the good one] Then install and execute Sonic Stage... Miracle, your Net-MD is recognize and you can do - I suppose - all you do on your old XP computer. Hi-MD units also I suppose (ha ha). Let me know if something is not clear enough. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  9. But I have Windows 7 64bit Home Premium Speccy (freeware) Syst
  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! Finally that it is you 1kyle who bring us the ultimate solution, how to use our Net-MD units on Windows 7 64bit. Avrin's SonicStage Ultimate Edition, once install on my Windows XP home Edition Virtual Machine recognize my MZ-N510 Net-MD unit with a SP minidisc inside ! but you NEED to manually connect the unit : Virtual Machine / Removable Devices / Sony Net-MD Walkman/ Disconnect (Connect to host) once "you plug in your MD device and ensure its connected to the VM and not the HOST OS".
  11. Happy to know that. I will try it under my son's windows 7 64bit laptop. Then... test if SonicStage can recognize Net-MD units (and edit MD in SP-LP2-LP4 modes) !
  12. in french, sorry those with details are in individual topics in Classifieds section Price has dropped, but let me know which deck do you want Denon DMD-1000 Argent Tr
  13. Sorry Soundbox, I did not noticed your post. Yes, this deck is still available. http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/24871-deck-sony-mds-je640/ Price has dropped, PM to you
  14. As I can see with the Windows' file research tool, SonicStage or Windows created 2 files with the same name, one in the C:\Program Files\Sony\Personal Audio Driver folder and one in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers folder. The *.inf file point to the ...system32\drivers why then why ...\Sony\Personal Audio Driver sys file is needed ? Perhaps there a key in the registry system that force the system to find the alternative find if any reference to NETMD033.SYS exist and ask if it is a "original" created by Windows ? I wonder if editing this kind of file with a text editor is correct. Maybe like said a guy on the net, "You need a compiler or assembler and the source code to recreate them, or a hex editor to make small patches". Read this : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/181345 , perhaps that will help.
  15. Anyway my JA555ES is not ready to be sell. Still waiting for the repair cost estimate (optical block). The more I think of it, the more I think I will keep it. My only one problem is that I live in Vietnam and this unit is 15kg... I use know daily my JB980 QS and I can't leave my eyes from it when I listen to my MDs ! I have all my Mds in SP mode. What a pleasure holding in his hand a MD and introduce it in / get it off the unit. It is the same pleasure with any MD deck / bookshelve / portable unit when in mint condition.
  16. That is sad not finding counterfeit... That would be a proof of success ! But what about MD units themselves ? What is possible, is the fact that here in Saigon, one can find hundreds of MD boomboxes that seem to reach the Nhat Tao street shops in a sorry state. So for sure, repair practices are not done with original spare parts ! See pictures on one of my topics about this.
  17. Hi folks, Till I got a MDS-JB980 black deck in France (for 65
  18. Yes very encourageant... I propose mine in classifieds section for 500
  19. As I have recently bought a Sony JB980 from a french vintage forum for the incredible price of 65
  20. How speedy you are, from my "life" here on this forum, I did not got a guy answer that fast. thanks for that. Anyway this kind unit - the MZ-R510 - is good for sound AND GIVE THE BEST YOU CAN GET FROM MD SOUND FOR SP RECORDING. AND LP LISTENING. My next step will be to come back from France where I will be this Christmas then listening my records done with this little unit.. on my got but not seen yet Sony deck JA555ES AND also my JB980 also got but not seen (for 50 euros, incredible) now from a french audiophile forum.
  21. MZ-N510 is perfect for listening and recording, it is type S (listening LP = better for LP listening but i do not care) and type R (better recording SP = the top). Just notice that few decks or portables units as that type R and type S function. As I said now on this forum the next step is the perfect sound on your Hi-Fi, then better have a deck. Complitely different world.
  22. I have one MZ-N510 got also from eBay for 33 euros. I like it. But you make one error, it is type S, not type R... http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-N510.html
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