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Everything posted by Mystyler

  1. You don't need sync if you slide rec and then hit play. It should sync for you. Just a handy (useless?) tip. Yes, MD will do that to you, but that is why we love it.
  2. RealOne, or Nero+Simple burner are your only options, besides SonicStage, which I believe is pretty similar to OpenMG.
  3. With Sharp units, you slide the rec slider across, and it puts you in rec-standby mode. You can hear the stuff that you want to be recorded, but it's not actually recording. You must hit play after you have slid the rec slider across and set all the levels (read manual! They are useful!!) and are happy that what you are hearing is what you want to be recorded. If you spring for a $10 3.5mm to 3.5mm male/male stereo patch cable, you won't need a new soundcard. One end goes from your PC's soundcard, the other into your MT888's line in. Not with the MT888, and not really with anything else, but close. These are NetMD models, which allow high-speed downloading of audiofiles on your PC. The MT899 is such a unit - it is virtually identical to the MT888, but includes the NetMD technology.
  4. Yes, but the gimmick wears off. I find plugging in my AC adapter much simpler than a cradle. Why buy one when you don't need it?
  5. I suggest you try www.head-fi.org/forums
  6. Bah, he'll come crawling back. :twisted: No, enjoy your iPod. In the end, it doesn't really matter what way you listen to music, and MD certainly isn't the answer for everyone, but we all know we'd like it to be.
  7. Mystyler

    254 Marks!!!

    Goodness. What music (genre) was on the CD? Lots of silent periods can trip up Sony units recording via optical. Tried another CD? How about turning Sync rec off (or on??)?
  8. Something easy to operate? Sharp IM-MT899. (Or MT880, depending where you live). NetMD, Sharp NetMD flagship and SIMPLE to use, esp compared to Sonys. However, the N505 or S1 are probably better suited to your needs - no mic input, cheaper, and dount quite sound up to the Sharps. Only downside is that due to smaller screens they can be even harder to use, and if you are in the USA the N505 don't come with a remote, and the S1 has no remote jack, so you are stuffed there. Maybe the N707 deserves a look.
  9. For an R900, or an R909?? In all honesty, if you have an R900, use an AC adapter and just plug it straight into the unit - just as easy to do. :wink:
  10. Ouch, sounds like a stuffed unit - I cannot explain anything else, unless you have a really dud battery. Probably a powersupply issue.
  11. Was bold really needed? We ain't blind... Anyway, you'll need a preamp to get the mic signal up to line levels, and then a battery box to power your mic.
  12. Hardware, hardware, hardware. Your recording head is stuffed, and without it you cannot record. So you've got an expensive and fancy player on your hands. Take it to Sony, but expect a large bill...
  13. Chalk up some more votes for the MT831/2, MT821/MS721/2 and R50/R35.
  14. Not much help, but it sure does sound like your G4. I'm no good with Apples, sorry. BTW, you know that the R50 is considered to be the best MD recorder of all time, sound, build and operational wise?
  15. The earlier Hercules cards are reputed to be amound the best for cheap digital optical capable cards. I wouldn't expect the digifire to be any different.
  16. The **BEST** way to get your MP3s to MD is to spring for a Sony N505 NetMD recorder - it can convert your MP3s to ATRAC and then download them at up to 32x speed via USB. If not, and if your sound card is half decent, stick to analogue and have a cup of tea, cook some scones and read the paper while you wait. And, no, if you hear windows sounds via analogue, you'll hear 'em via digital too.
  17. It depends what you want to do with it...then we can tell you which one is "best" for your needs. Anyway, these recording models spring to mind: Sharp IM-MT880, DR7 Panasonic SJ-MR250/230/220 No Sony ones of course. :twisted:
  18. If you can get an adapter that supplies between 3.3V and 5V DC at 500mAh or more then that will suffice.
  19. Check out the MT888 and if you want NetMD look at the MT899. There is also the MT190 and MT290 if you are feeling cheap. But if you can afford it, I say spring for a DR7.
  20. It's either a problem with the optical block, or the motor, or both. Repair time, and and probably a costly one...
  21. Mystyler

    Can't remove disc

    I'd take it to get repaired - if you do a DIY job at removing the disc, there is a good chance you could wreck your 701...
  22. A TV repair shop? Can you contact Aiwa in the UK to get a list of service centres? That's what I did when I needed my Panasonic fixed.
  23. I don't think so - but have your tried emailing Sony directly?
  24. My recording head died too, and it cost $300AUD (~100 pounds) to fix. It's a great recorder, the F-65, but I think it's (economically) time to get a new one.
  25. This is what I do: MD--->PC--->CD Deck's line out--->AC'97 line in and record with CoolEdit 2000--->Burn .wavs with Nero. I record each song seperately, and save as an individual .wav file. Surprisingly good quality.
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