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Everything posted by RobA

  1. RobA

    Life time of battery

    I'm surprised to here how low the battery life of the A1000 is. Especially considering sony is really known for Sound Quality and Battery Life.
  2. I'm having a severe problem here. I need to get all my songs from my HD5 back into Sonicstage. My sonicstage Library is empty as of now. But I tried highlighting all songs from the player then right clicking and choosing "Transfer to My Library" but was just greeted with an Error Message reading: "Tracks to do not exist in My Library are selected. Would you like to delete the tracks from the device?" I then choose no and nothing happens, choosing yes just deletes a song from the player. This doesn't make any sense. The message tells me that the track doesn't exist in my library, well duh, that's common sense, why would I want to upload it if it was already there? Can someone please help me out here, all I want to do is create a playlist of my songs, so I'm trying to upload them to sonicstage to do so, how do I upload them? (And sorry to be rude but this is URGENT) Thanks -Rob A
  3. RH10's are almost non-existant these days, I can't find them ANYWHERE. Even ebay.
  4. Is there any way to do it without having to re-import all my songs to my player?
  5. I want to select all songs currently on the player into a playlist, how would I do that?
  6. RobA

    Mp3 vs. ATRAC3

    http://minidisc.org/minidisc_faq.html#_q99 http://minidisc.org/minidisc_faq.html#_q61
  7. RobA

    Mp3 vs. ATRAC3

    Definitely convert to ATRAC3plus. It is actually proven that ATRAC3plus 64kbps sounds BETTER than MP3 128kbps just slightly. If you want mp3 320kbps, you would probably be best with ATRAC3plus 256kbps. Although lower bitrates sound great with ATRAC3plus. I play all my music at 64kbps, boosts battery life too.
  8. I only use ATRAC3plus for all my music. What else sounds good at 64kbps? And it really boosts the battery life. All my mp3's get converted.
  9. How do I create playlists/group folders for the NW-HD5? I want to have 3 seperate sections on my HD5. Music Files Christmas Songs Prank Phone Calls Right now I've only got my main songs (music files) on my HD5 and would like to add the other 2, but I don't know how to make playlists with the HD5. Any help here?
  10. I was using the display very often in the last few days, all songs are encoded at ATRAC3plus @ 64kbps. Some batteries suffer from a memory effect, where when you charge it when it's not fully drained, it remembers that spot where you charged it as empty. I want to know if the hd5's battery suffers from this.
  11. So I've had my HD5 for 3 days now, love it. But I'm not buying this "40 hrs of battery life" thing. In 3 days, it probably has about 6 hrs of use on it, max. But oddly enough, the battery meter is already at half-empty. Does the HD5 really last for 40 hrs? So far I'm not buying it. I'm currently charging it with the usb port (nice feature!), anyone know how to make sonicstage not open when I plug in the hd5? Also the lithium battery isn't going to suffer any type of memory effect correct? So I can just charge it whenever I want?
  12. Thanks, I'm really liking this thing now. Took a little while to get used too (works alot differently than my RH10), but after getting the hang of it, it's fantastic. I too am shocked that it is the smallest among son'y HD line. I expected it to be much bigger. Sony did a great job on it. And my 40ELK works perfectly with it. Now as long as my buttons don't crack, I'll be a happy camper.
  13. Just an update. I recieved my HD5 today, she's a beauty. Alot smaller than I expected, and love the all metal casing.
  14. I've never seen 1GB discs in stores here. And as far as standard MDs, the only place that carries them here is WalMart. And a new walmart just opened that is much closer to my home, but it doesn't carry them at all.
  15. I'd go with ATRAC3plus @ 64kbps. Sound quality still sounds great at a low bitrate in ATRAC3plus. Plus you get much more storage room than say ATRAC3plus @ 192kbps.
  16. Every AA (rechargeable or standard) dies in the same amount of time. But on the bright side my HD5 just arrived, I'm shocked at how small the thing is.
  17. Thanks for the offer, but since I've already purchased the HD5, I am no longer looking to spend more money. I will continue to use MD however in addition to my HD5, just more sparingly. Using my 600D, and my fried RH10 (will hold a charge for about an hr or so before dying).
  18. As most of you know, I am the proud owner of a MZ-RH10 but recently had a terrible accident. I went to charge up my RH10, it fully charged a few hrs later. Tried to turn it on, nothing. Gave me a low battery error. Then I realized my horrible mistake that I used my CELLPHONE charger by accident to charge the RH10. After re-charging it with the correct charger, it can only stayed powered up for a very short amount of time, whether it's using the gumstick or the attached AA addon. I was crushed over this. I then had a decision to make to get a new player. I checked both amazon and ebay too no avail. No RH10's anywhere to be found, and the MZ-M100 is priced way to high, out of my budget ($200 max). So now I couldn't get a RH10. Looking at my other options, it didn't look good. I didn't want a plastic player eliminating the NH600, 700, and F800. The unit also had to have a jog dial and more than a 1 line display eliminating the NH1 ans RH1. The RH910 looked alright, but after having that great OLED screen from the RH10, I really didn't want to go to something non-backlit. I made a decision, which was a very hard one to make. I am leaving the MD format in favor of the Sony NW-HD5. I will not leave ATRAC and all of sony's other great qualities like great build quality, long battery life, and fantastic sound quality. I will still be using MD here and there, as I have discs that I like to use seperately (will miss removable media). I still have my NH600D to use when needed, and can use my rh10 for about an hour, not much more. I placed the order for my Silver HD5 on wednesday for $200 refurbished, hopefully it will be here soon. I guess I'll see you guys over at ATRAClife. I'll also still hang around here. I also just want to say thanks to all those that have answered my questions here, got me started on MD, etc, etc.
  19. I was just about to purchase the one for $229, when I recieved an email from the store telling me that the item is refurbished. So instead I bought a refurb through amazon at $209. Hopefully, even though it's refurbished, it's in like new condition.
  20. Thanks but I'm only buying the hd5 new.
  21. Hey all. I've been a minidisc user for awhile now, love my mz-rh10. But I recently made a very stupid mistake and accidentally charged my rh10 with a cell phone adaptor, which fried it basically. The battery can only last a few hrs per charge now, even with a AA attached. So I decided, with MD starting to phase out, to move onto HD from sony. I love ATRAC and everything sony delivers, which is why I'm sticking with the format. I'm looking for a good deal on a NW-HD5. I really want to try and snag it new for around $200 without using ebay. I found this: http://omega-electronics.stores.yahoo.net/sonwnewa20gb.html which has it for $229 (I assume this site has it new). Everywhere else has it refurbished for under $200, but I'm not so sure buying a refurbished product would be very smart. Anyone know a link to a good deal to the NW-HD5?
  22. The M10 is the mac version of the RH910, you'll love it. I love my RH10 which is the same thing + an OLED display.
  23. Finding a song on the RH1 using just the unit is like trying to find a needle in a haystack with a disc of say 100+ tracks (I currently have 315 on my main 1GB disc). It's even annoying with the remote as well, just because the lack of a jog dial, even though the remote can display track titles which makes it a little easier.
  24. If you use your your rh1 mainly as a player then why did you pick the rh1? It's a model geared toward recording. I'd strongly recommend returning it and getting something you would really like for playback like the rh10 or dh10p.
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