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Sneaking Equipment Past Security

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It depends on . . . .

how much equipment you have (less is better)

how big it is (smaller is better)

what kind of clothes you wear to gigs

Here is my rig:

Sony MZ-NH1 + remote

Sound Professionals CMC-2 mics, mounted in 'croakie' spectacle mounts

Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-1 battery box.

And, obviously, a spare MD or 2

Basically, I spread this kit out - for instance, the MD unit itself goes in my front pocket, with car/house keys positioned on top - so for a pat down, they hit the keys.

The battery box goes front right trouser pocket, with tubes of sweets, and loose change positioned strategically for pat-downs again.

The spare MD I put in with my wallet - once again hidden in a pat down.

Other alternatives:

Do you wear big boots? You can hide microphones / other small gear in your boots. A hat? Perhaps you can put some stuff in your hat?

Do you smoke? Actually, it doesn't matter whether you do or not - but somewhere I read about someone who took a packet of ciggies, cut the filter tips off, and then glued the filter tips to a piece of card. You then put, e.g. spare mds, something lightweight into the packet, and put the filters on the card back in. A casual opening of the packet reveals cigarrettes.

Microphones are hidden in spectacle mounts - with the cable running down my back and into an interior jacket pocket.

Also, I have a 'money belt'. This goes underneath my trousers, and could hold microphones / remote / blanks.

If you are a woman, or a man who has a handbag / similar, then you have more choices.

Other people 'crotch' their stuff I believe. Basically, I've gone for the disguise route. In a pat down, anyone will hit my car keys / wallet / sweets / loose change I hope (haven't been in a pat down yet).

Luckily in the UK, I've never seen metal detectors at gigs.

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One advantage with MD, at least in the United States, is that nobody knows what they are. At a metal-detector show, I told security people it was my mp3 player--not strictly speaking a lie--and they waved me in. Inside a concert, everyone thinks it's a camera/pager/Blackberry/phone. Given how Sony is making them more and more plastic anyway, we may not have to worry about metal detectors in a generation or two.

The real hurdle is hiding the mics. That's why I like little binaurals rather than bigger handhelds--you can slip them down your shirt, behind the buttons, where no one ever pats you down anyway.

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One advantage with MD, at least in the United States, is that nobody knows what they are. At a metal-detector show, I  told security people it was my mp3 player--not strictly speaking a lie--and they waved me in. Inside a concert, everyone thinks it's a camera/pager/Blackberry/phone. Given how Sony is making them more and more plastic anyway, we may not have to worry about metal detectors in a generation or two.

The real hurdle is hiding the mics. That's why I like little binaurals rather than bigger handhelds--you can slip them down your shirt, behind the buttons, where no one ever pats you down anyway.


I know it is illegal to record concerts, but does it really matter if you arn't going to distribute the recording to anyone? And just keep it for yourself?

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I recorded a show in Belgium (actually the recording ended up real bad, but that's completely beside the point sad.gif ) but I was frisked on entry and I hadn't really tried to hide my material... the security guy asks what this 'thingy' is, I tell him 'my walkman' (not lying at all) he asks if he can see it, holds it right up to his face, the rec button is simply staring at him... he says, ok, it's not a camera!?! and I could pass

just to say, don't buy the camera-himd combo if you want to go stealth!

btw, what actually happens on detection? anyone ever lost their equipment or anything?

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It depends on . . . .

how much equipment you have (less is better)

how big it is (smaller is better)

what kind of clothes you wear to gigs

Here is my rig:

Sony MZ-NH1 + remote

Sound Professionals CMC-2 mics, mounted in 'croakie' spectacle mounts

Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-1 battery box.

And, obviously, a spare MD or 2

Basically, I spread this kit out - for instance, the MD unit itself goes in my front pocket, with car/house keys positioned on top - so for a pat down, they hit the keys.

The battery box goes front right trouser pocket, with tubes of sweets, and loose change positioned strategically for pat-downs again.

The spare MD I put in with my wallet - once again hidden in a pat down.

Other alternatives:

Do you wear big boots?  You can hide microphones / other small gear in your boots.  A hat?  Perhaps you can put some stuff in your hat?

Do you smoke?  Actually, it doesn't matter whether you do or not - but somewhere I read about someone who took a packet of ciggies, cut the filter tips off, and then glued the filter tips to a piece of card.  You then put, e.g. spare mds, something lightweight into the packet, and put the filters on the card back in.  A casual opening of the packet reveals cigarrettes.

Microphones are hidden in spectacle mounts - with the cable running down my back and into an interior jacket pocket.

Also, I have a 'money belt'.  This goes underneath my trousers, and could hold microphones / remote / blanks.

If you are a woman, or a man who has a handbag / similar, then you have more choices.

Other people 'crotch' their stuff I believe.  Basically, I've gone for the disguise route.  In a pat down, anyone will hit my car keys / wallet / sweets / loose change I hope (haven't been in a pat down yet).

Luckily in the UK, I've never seen metal detectors at gigs.

I'll have to disagree with this method at least for taping in US venues. Many of the shows I attend...(hard rock, punk, metal) security has you empty your pockets and then they search you. That's why gear must be croutched. I wear a pair of tightie whities over my boxer shorts. I put my gear in a zippered leather bag and posistion between the boxers and the tightie whities. I usually wear baggy jeans held up with a metal studded belt. This way the gear is not obviously bulging out and if there are metal detectors or wands, they think this is why the detectors went off. Hope this helps.

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Do you smoke?  Actually, it doesn't matter whether you do or not - but somewhere I read about someone who took a packet of ciggies, cut the filter tips off, and then glued the filter tips to a piece of card.  You then put, e.g. spare mds, something lightweight into the packet, and put the filters on the card back in.  A casual opening of the packet reveals cigarrettes.

That one's GOLD! laugh.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

That one's GOLD!  laugh.gif

Try this for extreem stealth: Get a light weight sling, like for a broken arm,

wrap your arm in a ace bandage with the mics under the ace

bandage. If they ask tell them you got burned real bad.

Crotch the MD recorder and battery pak. Fore extra protection

ware a pair of Depends adult diapers with safty pins. if the pat you down and feel the Depends tell them your some time have bladder accidents, not

many will go any futher. Once in go to the bathroom room toilet stall and put the MD in your shirt pocket on the sid e with the sling and the battery pak tucked in the sling attached to the mic. Have a small hole cut in the

sling and in in your shirt pocket, run the mic plug thro the holes and into the MD.

Finding a good place to clip the mics can be tricky, if you are some what in the open mount one up on the hand end of the sling and the

other at the elbo end. Since your arm is"hurt" you won't be expected to move it much just try to keep the mics in the open some what and don't move your arm.

If the sling is one of those this light mesh king you can clip the mics to the ace banadge inside the sling, poined towards the sound, where they will be hidden. This is just the basic idea you can modfiy it to your liken.

Also I'm working on a neck brace with the mics mounted in it and the MD hidden inside too.

Crazy like a Fox, right. HhehehehHa ph34r.gif

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Try this for extreem stealth: Get a light weight sling, like for a broken arm,

wrap your arm in a ace bandage with the mics under the ace

bandage. If they ask tell them you got burned real bad.

Crotch the MD recorder and battery pak. Fore extra protection

ware a pair of Depends adult diapers with safty pins. if the pat you down and feel the Depends tell them your some time have bladder accidents, not

many will go any futher. Once in go to the bathroom room toilet stall  and put the MD in your shirt pocket on the sid e with the sling and the battery pak tucked in the sling attached to the mic. Have a small hole cut in the

sling and in in your shirt pocket, run the mic plug thro the holes and into the MD.

Finding a good place to clip the mics can be tricky, if you are some what in the open mount one up on the hand end of the sling and the

other at the elbo end. Since your arm is"hurt" you won't be expected to move it much just try to keep the mics in the open some what and don't move your arm.

If the sling is one of those this light mesh king you can clip the mics to the ace banadge inside the sling, poined towards the sound, where they will be hidden. This is just the basic idea you can modfiy it to your liken.

Also I'm working on a neck brace with the mics mounted in it and the MD hidden inside too.

Crazy like a Fox, right. HhehehehHa ph34r.gif

That is great! seriously!

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Wow, anyone who wears Depends in order to sneak in equipment is a dedicated taper!

I hope to attempt my first recording later this week at a classical show, so I dont think I will have too much security/searches to worry about (hopefully, I'll make a thread on that afterwards).

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  • 2 weeks later...

have posted my idea for stealth mics here

yes, sleep.gif I know I've posted it already (and also a refence to it in another thread), but this thread is so funny, I'd like it to come back to life with a new post...so sorry for the double posting, but it serves a good cause tongue.gif

greetings, Volta

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Bogarts in Cinncinnati uses metal detector wands, but don't check your lower leg area. I have a Sony armstrap minidisc case and strap it to my calf under cargo pants near my ankle. My mic and cable I loop around my neck under my shirt.

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  • 5 months later...

I recorded a show in Belgium (actually the recording ended up real bad, but that's completely beside the point :( ) but I was frisked on entry and I hadn't really tried to hide my material... the security guy asks what this 'thingy' is, I tell him 'my walkman' (not lying at all) he asks if he can see it, holds it right up to his face, the rec button is simply staring at him... he says, ok, it's not a camera!?! and I could pass

just to say, don't buy the camera-himd combo if you want to go stealth!

btw, what actually happens on detection? anyone ever lost their equipment or anything?

I've recorded every concert I've been to since 1985 and been detected twice. Both times the gear was held by security for pickup when I left the venue. Both times the tape or disc was returned un-erased. Both times they were very nice to me.

Not all security behaves professionally - there are some real thug/goons out there so be cool (as always!).


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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i've had my fair run in with security at gigs... first was at a small pub gig for spiderbait at the punters club, during the last song a woman comes up to me saying she will have to take the disc off me, i tell her it's the bands' decision and that they are ok with tapers, she then replies that she's the bands' manager....well it's normally worth a try. Had a friend with me and was able to slip her a blank instead, but asked her to check with the band if it was ok, to my surprise she came back 5 mins later with the disc for me!

Then at the BDO melbourne in 2001 i was pushed way to close to the front for silverchair, and in the first song security saw me and asked for my gear, i said no way, then they said it's either you or the gear. I yelled, will i get it back? to which he promised yes, so i gave him my gear (both mic and MD) and asked for it afterwards and he had lost it, never to be found.

so then a few years later i got a Hi-MD, was taping pj harvey at the forum in melbourne, and during the encore security come up to me and grab me by the shoulder and drag me out, literally, demand the disc and that i cloak the gear, and let me in again just as she is walking off stage.

Then at Billy Corgan at the tivoli in brisbane about 9 songs in a security guy grabs me really roughly, pushes and drags me down the stairs and to the foyer, grabs the mic and is fighting with me tug-of-war style trying to pry it off me, during which the cable got damaged, and the remote cable got damaged, and was threatening $150,000 fines and calling the police and that i would get charged if i didn't give him my gear. same as at pj harvey, ever since the BDO i am NEVER giving my gear to anyone again, they can kick me out, call police, but i'm not giving up my gear, i said i'd give them the tape, but he wasn't happy with that and continued to fight me and pull my gear off me. Finally after pleadeding to another security guy who was watching to help me for the last 5 mins, he does, and talks him into being ok with just getting the disc and me cloaking my gear, including my mobile phone (wtf?) and then let me go back in to the gig.

i have always used the ecm907 mic, which is fairly easily visible and i usually get cocky and hold it around shoulder height, trying to hide behind quiet crowds. I think a lot of my problems could be fixed if i get some good small bud mics to clip to my shoulders or something, but i have no cash for that yet.

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i have always used the ecm907 mic, which is fairly easily visible and i usually get cocky and hold it around shoulder height

You're standing there holding that giant mic expecting not to be seen? No wonder security nabs you.

Please, get something stealthy. It's a lot better than getting pushed downstairs, and a lot cheaper than having to replace your unit. If you can't find anything locally, try this:


or even something like this:


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You're standing there holding that giant mic expecting not to be seen? No wonder security nabs you.

Not the 957, the 907, it's only the size of a mobile phone, if that. I am of course planning to get some small mics, but haven't had time to research it enough yet.

And those incidents are only 4 out of 100's, it really isn't often that i get noticed at all. I tape a lot of shows :) usually 1 or 2 a week.

But thanks for the suggestions, i want to make sure i get something really decent with a good EQ curve, i don't want to bother with an attenuator or bass roll-off if i can help it, i want to keep the kit compact. I also want to make sure i get some with a really high SPL, off plug in power if possible.

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yeah i've had my fair run in with security at gigs... first was at a small pub gig for spiderbait at the punters club, during the last song a woman comes up to me saying she will have to take the disc off me, i tell her it's the bands' decision and that they are ok with tapers, she then replies that she's the bands' manager....well it's normally worth a try. Had a friend with me and was able to slip her a blank instead, but asked her to check with the band if it was ok, to my surprise she came back 5 mins later with the disc for me!

Then at the BDO melbourne in 2001 i was pushed way to close to the front for silverchair, and in the first song security saw me and asked for my gear, i said no way, then they said it's either you or the gear. I yelled, will i get it back? to which he promised yes, so i gave him my gear (both mic and MD) and asked for it afterwards and he had lost it, never to be found.

so then a few years later i got a Hi-MD, was taping pj harvey at the forum in melbourne, and during the encore security come up to me and grab me by the shoulder and drag me out, literally, demand the disc and that i cloak the gear, and let me in again just as she is walking off stage.

Then at Billy Corgan at the tivoli in brisbane about 9 songs in a security guy grabs me really roughly, pushes and drags me down the stairs and to the foyer, grabs the mic and is fighting with me tug-of-war style trying to pry it off me, during which the cable got damaged, and the remote cable got damaged, and was threatening $150,000 fines and calling the police and that i would get charged if i didn't give him my gear. same as at pj harvey, ever since the BDO i am NEVER giving my gear to anyone again, they can kick me out, call police, but i'm not giving up my gear, i said i'd give them the tape, but he wasn't happy with that and continued to fight me and pull my gear off me. Finally after pleadeding to another security guy who was watching to help me for the last 5 mins, he does, and talks him into being ok with just getting the disc and me cloaking my gear, including my mobile phone (wtf?) and then let me go back in to the gig.

i have always used the ecm907 mic, which is fairly easily visible and i usually get cocky and hold it around shoulder height, trying to hide behind quiet crowds. I think a lot of my problems could be fixed if i get some good small bud mics to clip to my shoulders or something, but i have no cash for that yet.

too funny ...

but your point is well taken. i will not give up my gear either. i'll leave (and then try and get back in ;) )

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i want to make sure i get something really decent with a good EQ curve, i don't want to bother with an attenuator or bass roll-off

The frequency response of your 907 is 100-15,000 Hz. That's not bass rolloff, that's bass cutoff--it's just not picking it up. A mic with better fidelity, which goes 20-20000 Hz, will, yes, pick up enough bass to overload your preamp. But if you use little clip-on omni mics with an attenuator through mic-in or, if you're really worried about high SPL, a little 2" x 1" battery module like this one through line-in


your kit will be more compact and easier to hide than what you're carrying now and your recordings will sound so much better you'll be astonished. Separating the mics gives you better stereo, full frequency range gives you richer music. And you won't be holding a mic in your hand begging to get caught.

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The frequency response of your 907 is 100-15,000 Hz. That's not bass rolloff, that's bass cutoff--it's just not picking it up. A mic with better fidelity, which goes 20-20000 Hz, will, yes, pick up enough bass to overload your preamp. But if you use little clip-on omni mics with an attenuator through mic-in or, if you're really worried about high SPL, a little 2" x 1" battery module like this one through line-in


your kit will be more compact and easier to hide than what you're carrying now and your recordings will sound so much better you'll be astonished. Separating the mics gives you better stereo, full frequency range gives you richer music. And you won't be holding a mic in your hand begging to get caught.

I am now using the MM-HLSO-MICRO(20-20000 Hz)

"Sennheiser Driven" mke line Omni mics,

into a sound-pro SPSB-6 battery then to my MZ-NH900 MD. I mount the

mics in my glasses holders (Croakies)run the cables

througn a small hole in my shirt pocket and tie the wires

in a nice bundle, with a twisty tie, at my midsection.

With the MD in my shirt pocket I can get at

very easy to start recording. With so many cell phone around these

days, if any sees you messing with the MD they assume your just checking

you phone. I try and respect everyones right to enjoy the show,

drawing attention to yourself and getting kicked out or

causing a disturbence is not 'Cool".


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A top stealth outfit?

I bought this from a smart gents outfitters in Savile Row, London and have found it most useful for stealth recording. OK so it cost less than £10 from H&M. But it has a few key modifications that make it a must-wear item for all musical outings! Can you spot the mics?

Nope? Neither do the security gorillaz!

IPB Image

A closer view:

IPB Image

The inner workings:

IPB Image

The mics are handcrafted by the mighty gm (see signature) and all I did was to cut a small hole in the fabric on the inside of each collar, and a hole where you can see the safety pin. (The pin was put in initially to secure the wire with the intention of adding a few holding stitches later - but I never got round to it.) The mics were then fed through the first hole so they go into the hollow collar at the nape of the neck and through to each side. The collar is elasticated but a few stitches hold the capsules in place.

The wire goes down the inside of the jacket and into the pocket with the battery box/MD unit


no hassle recording as detection is most unlikely - even with the jacket open, collars down and the mics on top, which is how I do the taping.

no need to keep as still as when wearing croakie mounted mics

most comfortable setup


Sound quality is not as good as with croakie mounted mics because they are lower, mounted against the chest cavity and there's no physical seperation between left and right.

Nevertheless, I won't go back to croakies now because I always felt too restricted and conspicuous!

Any suggestions for improvements are welcome. I'll add some recordings to the gallery later - check for edits here.


PS for getting in I put the minidisc unit and BB in each sock. Spare discs and remote go to the bottom of my fiance's handbag!

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Thats a simple yet effective set-up. Do you pick up a lot more of the crowd cheering/clapping/talking with the mics placed that low? And do you really need to hide the minidisc player when entering concerts as It's just a 'mp3' player to the security guys?

Thanks for taking the time to photograph your set-up.

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here's a link to an older thread on stealth taping... the first post has a couple of pics of my setup

I really prefer the "mics on glasses" setup, as the stereo effect and cleanness of sound are so much better than with other setups, even shoulderheight fastened mics...

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As far as I can tell there's no difference in the type of sound picked up between shoulder-mounted and croakie-mounted mics - although if you are quite short, croakies would be best. I try not to stand behind really tall people/obstructions that may block/muffle the sound. If you are standing next to a bunch of people that talk/sing all the way through you are stuffed either way and it's always a good idea to refrain from clapping yourself!

The Low Volta is right though, it's a cleaner sound if you use croakies and for summer festivals I'll revert to this using sunglasses. I just feel more comfortable using the jacket at gigs as I can move around more freely and feel much less conspicuous. I suppose that it's a trade-off between enjoying the gig and capturing the best quality recording. I'd rather enjoy the gig and have a lower quality recording but I don't trade so it doesn't matter as much to me.

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You could solve the conspiciousness problem with a headband like this and a high sleeve and/or long hair to cover the cable - you put the whole thing around the back of your head under your hair - no mics or croakies visible - depending on how much hair you put over the mics, they could act as a windscreen at the same time. The restricted movement problem would remain though. I'm using this for a while now and like it much better than having to wear glasses. I can enjoy the show now without feeling conspicious at all. The mics sit just above the ears in an ideal position.



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i've got my rig in past metal detectors more than once.

all good tips here.

one thing i'd add: mics are super easy to get in.

i sometimes wrap my mics around me, under my clothes. eg - around my waist like a belt, around my arms (shoulder and armpit), use a safteypin inside my pants near the waist line and let the mics run the length of my leg and tuck rest in my socks.

my rig:



DAT hat (2 slits in the top of the hat where i stick my mics through)

battery power for mics (level settings tapped to the MD)

AA battery extension for the MD

mic clips

2 blank MD

ear plugs

keychain light to see my MD display

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Rarely I have to hide my equipt. Most security is uninformed what a MD recorder is in the first place. But at times I place all my equipt under a hat, with wire tuck into the brim and MD on top of my head. Most of the time I wear a sportcoat and put the MD player in to the inside cigarette pocket and the mic and battery case in the change pocket. I've been doing this for years and haven't got caught yet.

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