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The New Look

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it's a drastic change. At the moment I'm not too keen :angry:

As I've said, you can go to the lower left and change your skin accordingly. You do not have to use this skin.

Yep, I got it - I just have to get used to it, but for the rest, nice skin wink.gif

If there is anything else you come across as troublesome pleae report it here, no matter how small it may be to you. Thanks

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I don't know if this is the same for anyone else, but Refault 2 has really grown on me -- the message content immediately on the left is nice for quick browsing, and the avatars on the right make more sense if you think about it. This makes avatars more important in regards to identification of each poster. My periphial vision seemingly helps me know who each post is by before even reading that info!

This is the most advanced Invision skin on the Internet, and the CSS is truly amazing. I feel very privledged to even employ it, I really hope that others will find something in it too.

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No worries -- I think everyone should try it for a few days before shunning it. I want there to be a choice for everyone, hence the multiple skins available. I will be purchasing more skins soon (a darker skin for sure, and others), and possibly removing the regular Default altogether.

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Don't beat me up about it, but I think I really like the new skin. Sure the user pics on the right take some getting used to, but in some ways its good, the thread conversations seem to flow more.

I like the style - it could probably use some tweaking in some parts I would imagine, but at the moment I'm just enjoying and getting used to the new look.

Give it a shot, the new Refault grows on you. It's nicer than the default IPB skin. Nice choice, chris.

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When they complete the olive skin for this new version of Invision I will purchase it accordingly.

As for ATRACLife, yes, it has alot of work to be done on it, but it has grown well and things will be adjusted in time..

I had forgotten about the olive skin. But the new "refault" whilst taking a little while to adjust to is actually pretty nice as far as I'm concerned. I really like the font used for the titles of threads and the usernames.

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I quite like the avatars on the the right as it means when I'm at work I can drag them off of the sreen to the right. Not that I don't like looking at all the pretty pictures but it is a bit obvious I'm browsing a forum (even though I only do this on my lunch break) With the original skin I could drag to the left, but when you hit "back" to go to search results all of the text is off the screen.

I know there is a lo-fi version, but I find it difficult to get to grips with.

So my verdict is I like the new skin.



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Like CrazyIvan I've been keeping it on to get used to it.

It is actually starting to grow on me. We've been using boards for sooo many years that look exactly alike. Curious if it started out this way instead of the "normal" look that the "normal" look would actually get on our nerves. :D

The flow I believe is actually better on portable devices if you ask me. Especially if you turn graphics off. It reads better then the default skin on a Hiptop or Sidekick anyhow.

One thing I find though, this new skin is a lot brighter overall. It might benefit from some darker shades.

BasicX is ok, doesn't play nice with horizontal stretching though :mellow:

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