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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. macaddict77 Second reservation, macaddict77 (from France) one KMS260b for his JA555ES (beloved by phamcu)
  2. Sergio, just let new members discover themselves minidisc.org !
  3. Degradation if the opticla signal is downgraded from 16bit - 44,1kHz. I don't think so.
  4. to enhance your CD player or your MD (with optical out of course) a spreadsheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkurI9Y66dXNdDB4aFVDX1hOVWZYVUVySkFLNHF4WXc&hl=fr
  5. Beyer MCE72 Stereo Condenser Microphone http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar06/articles/beyermce72.htm If you're looking to record high-quality audio to your portable Minidisc or MP3 recorder, then this small battery-powered stereo mic could be just what you're looking for. What can I do to improve my stereo recording setup? http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may04/articles/qa0504-3.htm Minidisc Copying http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/sep00/articles/questions.htm Will copying digitally between Minidiscs reduce the sound quality? Sony MDS JE520 Minidisc Recorder http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/oct98/articles/sonyminidisc.html Yes, it's a Minidisc machine and it's not even a multitrack, just a stereo recorder. Why on earth could you possibly want one in the studio? DAVE SHAPTON explains... Yamaha MD8 Multitrack Minidisc Recorder http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr98/articles/yamahamd8.html If you liked the look of last year's Minidisc-based digital 4-track machines, but need more tracks, look no further. The Yamaha MD8 manages 8-track recording and playback, but is still priced at just under a thousand pounds. MARTIN WALKER suddenly finds less need to bounce.
  6. Hey Sergio, 500$ or less, that is pessimistic ?
  7. Here (just make a Wanted topic in classifieds section) and on the same common web sites than you. But don't focus on expensive units. They is a lot of units & accessories under 20-40 $ or less, specially non Net-MD & non Hi-MD.
  8. If so, what are those discs called? Hi-MD blank disc Where can they be found? on eBay ! Are they very expensive? more than 10$ for a sealed blank Hi-MD disc 200$ or much more for a RH1 Can the RH1 play my old discs? Yes and also record them with your olds SP & LPs formats and new Hi-MD ones Maybe you can stick on a Net-MD new unit to save your money, or thinking of other Hi-MD units less expensive.
  9. As I choose to come back to a clean configuration (restore the computer + only basics sofwares, for the audio and the video foobar2000, VLC and the last Realteck High Definition driver). I confirm that DFX 11 has conflict with the Wasapi audio output foobar2000 plugin. No problem with Directsound. If my ears don't like the sound of DFX, it just have a big button to click (the bigger the button, the better I like the skin). Or I get down from 8,0,0,3,3 to 5,0,0,2,2 (5 and under = free version). From an album to another, my feelings a bit different.
  10. I have spent a day testing DFX 11 with foobar2000, Mediamonkey and VSL. Everything was working OK with DFX 11 (except multiple error windows bugs when using the Wasapi audio output for foobar2000 so I used Directsound) but, I don't know why - Mediamonkey started not playing tracks (??????) - and DFX 11 opened again multiple error windows (Wasapi again ???) I restored my computer, coming back to the old DFX 9 for foobar2000 (and Wasapi), resetup from the start. I will make further tests tomorrow with DFX 11 and Mediamonkey. Maybe DFX 11 look like as he need to be used with the Windows sound tunnel, Wasapi and Asio audio output plugins are "direct" sound controlers. Perhaps due to a standard audio sound card, the Directsound audio output don't sound different to my ears than Wasapi. I will need to think about that and also about those "DS DFX speakers" and "Wasapi DFX speakers" created by DFX 11 (forcing me to use them instead of DS / Wasapi Realteck High definition speakers).
  11. I even saw a guy selling 100 empty cases on eBay long time ago
  12. Sure that any buyer will be picky. Sure also that you will find on eBay very cheap ugly MDs with beautiful cases to replace yours.
  13. I have noticed old problems with DFX 10 and superior when I was on Windows XP. So I fixed my PC audio configuration to - my 24bit-96kHz Creative X-Fi Platinum sound card - DFX audio enhancer 9 - foobar2000 + the Kernel Streaming audio output plugin No problem to listen to 24bit-96kHz Flac audio files, even using my JB980 deck (I supposed that the Creative sound card adapt itself to 24bit-48kHz) Now my desktop got problem but even if it is so easy to find a computer shop in Saigon, I transfer my listening system to my son Acer Timeline 4820T Windows 7 64bit laptop. This time, no way to listen directly with the optical out to my JB980 deck the 24bit-96kHz audio files. I started to use all the time my analog output (the sound is good enough, Realteck Hight Definition). As foobar2000 cannot be set up nor with Kernel Streaming nor Asio like Windows XP with my Creative sound card, I have tried with success the Wasapi audio output. There was still compatibility with DFX audio enhancer 9. Then I upgraded to DFX audio enhancer 11 which has a larger compatibility with Windows multimedia applications (it is loaded separately). But no way to use Wasapi with foobar2000, I must "downgrade" to DS. So I decided to test the Mediamonkey multimedia player (not Winamp, I used it a long time and some people still say it is the best for audiophile purpose, maybe they are wrong). Bingo, DFX audio enhancer 11 accept Wasapi with Mediamonkey. I like the VSL video player very much, now I use it with DFX. The only problem is that I need to be use again with this Airbus plane board like interface (police size has been increase to 150%). I already imagine the MDietrich long face .
  14. Funny, I was looking at that two digital interfaces to minutes before reading this topic, a kind of modern Xitel interface (24bit-96kHz) AUDIOPHONICS UCT27 1.04 - Module Carte Son Stéréo USB 16Bits/48KHz AIM AS302S interface USB vers SPDIF/DAC 24bit/96khz
  15. the particularity is the offer with a RM-MC40ELK remote
  16. punkrockaddict First reservation, one lens for his JB930 or his JB980
  17. http://jonathan.dupre.free.fr/repair/audio/sony/minidisc/minidisc_devices_opu.txt
  18. phamcu (who sell and repair MD decks) told me that the JB980 is much better than his JE780 (both MDLP type S).
  19. What is this strange LG thing you have on your deck ? A ventilator or a DJ unit (explaining how you get your DAW )...
  20. Me too... Jim sent them to my father. Friends making a trip will bring them to me before Xmas. I will make pictures with your... my new MD blanks.
  21. Please appreciate : - global cost around 75£, plus shipping - a day or (many) more of work on each unit << I have tested your recorders to the absolute maximum - many, many days of recording and playing back each, and both are working perfectly. >> << The Hi-MD units are a great deal more difficult to work on, and the testing takes so much longer because of all the different recording modes. Plus there always seems to be something else to do! >> --------------------------------------------------- my Sony MZ-RH1 grey (bought around 130$ in Vietnam) --------------------------------------------------- For the repair of your Sony MZ-RH1 minidisc unit, serial number 5037952: Replace display block flexible connector (cracked) Reformed bent hinge pin on upper slot metalwork Remove label residue from upper slot metalwork Glue lid lock strike plate back into position Replace battery compartment (cracked into two pieces) Strip and clean all control switch contacts Replace several missing screws ------------------------------------------------- my Sony MZ-NH900 grey (bought new ?$ around 2006) ------------------------------------------------- For the repair of your Sony MZ-NH900 minidisc unit, serial number 5050284: Replace motor assembly (intermittent speed problem) Replace optical pickup assembly (low laser output) Clean jog dial and key switch contacts Polish battery terminals Remove label residue from disc slot metalwork Test battery charge capacity Adjust laser power settings Full service and extensive test Guaranteed for six months --------------------------------------------------- my Sony MZ-MZ-RH1 black (bought 65€ in France) --------------------------------------------------- sold at that price because of Hi-MD problems For the repair of your Sony MZ-RH1 minidisc unit, serial number 5097222: Replace main circuit board (intermittent disc read errors) [11.00] Replace spindle motor (noisy, vibrating, imminent failure) [2.50] Adjust laser power settings Clean jog dial switch contacts Full service and test Guaranteed for six months ------------------------------------------------------------ RM-MC38EL (NH900 remote) ------------------------------------------------------------ For the RM-MC38EL remote control: Replace circuit board
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