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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. This 96kHz means that the audio signal is cuted 96000 times per second. This is "oversampling" vs 44,1kHz.. Nothing to do with the usual "20Hz-20kHz" you can also find in any specifications and which is supposed to cover human earing capacity (with loss of high frequencies with age), Stephen (sfbp), Azureal or MDietrich are more competent than me about this subject. Before comparing any CD/DVD/Blu Ray/MD/etc... units together, just think that you just can correct your audio tracks before the MD recording, in particular the "brillance" : the goal is to enhance the loss of high frequencies with MP3 compression or old magnetic bands. The audio DSP plugin DFX audio enhancer (5 corrections) do that but it could be too agressive and even not acceptable with very good audio sound cards (or more generally with lossless tracks). With foobar2000, try also the "noise sharpening" plugin.A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) make a more accurate work.
  2. PhilippeC

    HI-MD 1gb

    Just use any standard MD in Hi-Md mode. Even in PCM mode, you will get around 30' of music, like each side of the good oldies LP.
  3. Maybe an external DAC with an optical in and an optical out will solve the problem.
  4. I doubt that your Sony flash recorder accept to copy sound from your Sony deck, except in an analog connection. Direct digital copy is not allowed by Sony, specially between Sony devices.
  5. I would like to add my own honest assessment. There are too few minidisc users. I would also allow the download of audiobooks. Sure that you have already think that the minidisc format can protect your work but you can limit the download quality to 64kbps.
  6. I also think that only illness explain that.
  7. Even analog or ampliifiers with bad DACs, as you can buy cheap-but-good or high-end external DACs. But I don't have a real experience about that as I don't have the need of an USB + optical external DAC. When somebody - maybe MDietrich with his Creative USB HD DAC - will write a topic about the use of a DAC (MD optical to DAC optical) between the MD deck and the analog amplifier, I will be happy. And more, about the discussion between current or hybrid pulse DAC inside our MD decks. I am convinced that the most important thing is to get a recording in the highest audiophile sound quality possible. If you change your standard PC soundcard for a high (even high-end) one and afterwards connected optical out to your MD deck (use as a DAC) then an analog amplifier, the sound will be clearly much better - I think - than a simple replacement between a hybrid pulse deck to a current pulse deck (using the first PC soundcard).
  8. bluecrab has joined the "Vote for 930" club created by punkrockaddict
  9. Price is not really an issue. As you know most of us are hunters of good opportunities. Why pay 180 or 250$, common prices when people ask for an estimation - if with some luck there will be somebody who has the same deck at half or even at quarter price (I got the JB980 for 65 euros + shipping). That is my philosophy and that is why everyday I check eBay worldwide and in France leboncoin.fr.
  10. PhilippeC


    I have no problem in Vietnam. My "AC/DC stabilizer" has 220V / 110V / 100V and I have to transformer 220V ---> 110V / 100 V
  11. Arrrrggghhh ! Vietnam is not quoted. I know however that I cannot comptete with Japan.
  12. maybe Sergio still have some of them http://forums.sonyinsider.com/user/118374-sescoscuba/ I already bought him around 200 MD blanks
  13. Alcoolique... d'ailleurs en parlant de magnum c'est le nouvel an vietnamien dans une demi heure ce 30/1/2014. That is the advantage to be french l2ob, cases of wine and corks are useful for MD storage.
  14. PhilippeC


    Maybe I could be interested , we will talk about these items again just before summer
  15. http://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/product/MDS-JB980/specifications : hybrid pulse, OK As Stephen just said, the presence of an optical output allow any MD deck to be connected with a modern DAC. For example the good - correct the jitter very well - and not to expensive (less than 100$) Creative USB HD card (24nit-192kHz) which have USB + optical in + analog out. Those configurations are possible (with the MD deck): PC 24bit-48kHz max -----> MD for listening (DAC) or recording PC -----> Creative card 24bit-48kHz max -------> MD for recording MD (analog, optical) -------> Creative card (analog, optical) -------> amplifier for listening MD (analog, optical) -------> amplifier for listening MD (analog, optical) -------> Creative card (analog, optical) -------> PC for listening and recording MD (analog, optical, Net-MD) -------> PC for listening and recording Personnaly, the low cost for the best audiophile quality to select a deck choice is my first criteria. I got my JB980 for less than 80 euros, shipping include. But I am happy it has everything, specially the Net-Md and beeing MDLP type-S.
  16. The JB980 is also current pulse + type R (as a type S), therefore it is the best one
  17. I'm looking for MiniDisc display ideas My minidisc rack 320
  18. ? http://minidisc.org/part_Decks_Sony.html Ctrl + current pulse = 10 decks Ctrl + type R = 11 decks so it is more than 1 for current pulse and type-R
  19. This list is the french pre-recorded minidiscs.
  20. http://laserdiscplaza.fr/site_Mini_Disc/MDBBD.html
  21. You can also print a list with the freeware "Directory Lister" for the names of folders / subfolders. Then find a way to use a picture editor (picasa, Irfanview, etc) to print a PDF file for all the front covers sort by folders / gender/ ...
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