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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. But is there any risk of losing some information IF the speed copy is more than real time, typically with CD/MD combo and bookshelves ?
  2. macaddict77 il est plus probable qu'à une certaine époque les vietnamiens se sont débarrassés de leurs MDs pour passer au MP3. Je soupçonne un vendeur de produits audio d'avoir recupéré pour pas cher les MD que ses collêgues transformaiemt en MP3 pour leurs clients. youanglosaxonrascalls That kind of stock in Vietnam look like exactly like a MD boomboxes wind stock so common in Vietnam. I suppose that a guy just collected MDs (from the shops behind too) years ago after copying the music to MP3 for his customers. But that could be imagination from me, so when I will meet phamcu, I will ask him how a vietnamese can get so much MDs in Vietnam.
  3. It was on sale two years ago and phamcu (vietnamese member here) writed to me that "He (the seller) then sold the old disk used" so I suppose that the stock has been sold mainly to phamcu. link : http://www.5giay.vn/am-thanh-audio/4058638-ban-dia-mini-disc-md-japan.html
  4. dirty as well... 1,1 euro each MD !
  5. I have somebody else interested in your purple unit: the owner of this house (video) http://fr.news.yahoo.com/video/une-maison-enti%C3%A8rement-violette-133250238.html
  6. 1. How old were you when you first 'bought into' the format? 39 2. Do you still regularly use your very first player? No (stolen) 3. Do you regularly 'use' your items, or are some purely of interest as a 'collector'? Yes, or Yes 4. Do you listen to 'new' music on your discs, or prefer to keep the format for music 'of the era'? No, I live in the past for that question 5. Do you own more items than you can 'practically use'? Yes 6. Did you 'go away' from MiniDisc', only to return to it at a later date? Yes 7. Do you associate use of your player with 'fond memories', or is it a purely 'practical' consideration? Yes & No Next member : PhilippeD
  7. I helped a french guy to sell his crazy MD decks collection
  8. I just bought this cable for 300.000 VNd (14 US$) just because Son Ha audio in Saigon sell it also (for 470.000 VND). http://audiosonha.com/index.vip As they sell only high-end Hi-Fi products (that I can't afford ), I suppose the cable is good enough ! Litton audiophile "Audio/Video Cable with Silver Design USA".. made in China
  9. Look like your JA50ES is the BEST deal I have seen here. I got a JA555ES for free (except shipping) but I had to make some work (helping a french guy to sell his 100 MD decks collection on MD fans forum like this one!).
  10. For your penitence to just join now, read (once again?) all the minidisc.org FAQs : http://minidisc.org/faq_index.html And try if your ears are not to much sensitive to no-DSP-within-my-Hi-Fi-sound-chain the DFX audio enhancer : http://www.fxsound.com/ with Sonic Stage any audio player (I use foobar 2000). My settings 5 to 8 - 0 - 3 - 3 - 3. You can listen to your MDs inside your RH1 connected to your computer, using DFX as a sound card with Sonic Stage. Maybe your internal or external sound card will have some problems using Wasapi or Asio4all drivers while you are using DFX, I have noticed less problems with the DS driver. I use it for my MD recordings (except with tracks originaly recorded in studio with too much dynamics, DFX can make some distorsion). Sadly the Replaygain plugin to normalize all your music collection is not available for Sonic Stage but you can use it with foobar2000. As a MD trick for your future recordings, I would remind you not to use Sonic Stage to transfer audio tracks in SP mode to your MDs. Instead, any player (like foobar2000 or Winamp) which have a plugin to create one 2 second silence between tracks (creating small tracks that yoy can erase with any Net-MD unit like your RH1). SS create a false SP, looking like SP for beeing more a LP2 quality.
  11. http://www.ebay.fr/itm/TASCAM-MD-301-MKII-Professional-MiniDisc-Deck-Player-Recorder-Mini-Disc-MD-/121219306695?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_MiniDisc_Players_Recorders&hash=item1c393bd4c7 incredible price if the deck is working well
  12. You are correct, very basic cables are short. These cables are also much more flexible, a "plus" when you travel or even if you use a laptop at home.
  13. It is important to drink and to eat something while you are listening to your MD music...
  14. I never noticed a sound quality difference with so-called high-end optical (toslink) cables.
  15. I will be glad you do so listening / recording tests as I have a JB980 too. Pham Cu has one MDX-D400 to sell, I still think to take it one day but I have others priorities.
  16. Mak Ko Li + Pa Jeon and my favourite Korean food, the Korean Kim Chi
  17. http://picasaweb.google.com/minidisc.channel sescoscuba https://picasaweb.google.com/101390078097751447444/1ForSale https://sites.google.com/site/crazyforminidisc/
  18. You REALLY love to dissassemble all MD blanks AND units !
  19. I drunk a corean drink last week in Vietnam, was white with 6% alcool inside, white like fermented milk.... Your MD blanks designs are so strange (asiatic) and as your previous work look like as if it were real commercial pre-recorded albums. I must show that work to my 15 years old son (maybe that will stimulate him as he his a gamer). I am not sure to be able (or to have the courage) to do what you do. But for sure, you will be famous one day (if not in your life, for sure in the MD fan paradise) if MD format make a come back. photo paper and some styrofoam boards with sticker paper. plus a plastic case around for the storage ? or perhaps you intend to fix your MDs on a board on a wall ?
  20. With my desktop with a Creative X-Fi* Platinum soundcard, I used to record in real time from my digital coaxial output to my Sony MDS-JB980 deck. The recording level of the deck was always fixed at 0.00db for all recordings after I decided to use with my player foobar2000 the "replaygain" plugin to normalize all my tracks (by albums). My JB980 is able to change the gain of a track but I never use it. I used the Replaygain ("89dB SPL") default configuration. See here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReplayGain, and there : http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=ReplayGain_1.0_specification This plugin (replaygain) has been plainly useful when I started to record MDs digitally with 24bit-96kHz audio files as source. Instead, it would have been terrible to check recording level as the sound was sometimes very dynamic (too high). I think this is not come from a 24-96 quality but from the studio master recording level itself. Replaygain saved me from any splitting hairs recording level problems. (*) X-Fi crystallizer set at minimum 75% most of the time
  21. Akytarus forum MD francophone : http://www.laserdiscplaza.fr/forumld/viewforum.php?f=73
  22. RH10 www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-M100+RH10.html
  23. contact Jim Hoggart (here)
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