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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. This is so sad you need a KMS-210A : but let me check with phamcu (maybe not free but not expensive anyway, will be around 10-15$ I think) shipping : I will be in France next summer so standard french postage(some euros)
  2. ---------- KMS-260B ---------- MDS-JE530 MDS-JE630 MDS-JB730 MDS-JB930 MDS-JA555ES MDS-S50 MDS-JE440 MDS-JE640 MDS-JB940 MDS-JA333ES MDS-JE470 MDS-JE770 MDS-JE480 MDS-JE780 MDS-JB980 MDS-PC2 MDS-PC3 ---------- KMS-260E ---------- MDS-JE470 MDS-JE770 MDS-JE480 MDS-JE780 MDS-JB980 --------- KMS-262 --------- MDS-NT1 MDS-S500 MXD-D3 EUR MXD-D3 JAP/US MXD-D4 MXD-D5C MXD-D40 EUR MXD-D40 JAP/US MXD-D400
  3. members who want the complete collection just need to ask it to me or to jimma.
  4. Could you post pictures just here for everybody ?
  5. You need to check the Akiba Gadgets MD pictures collection witch is no more on the web but some of us still have them (thanks to Jimma). Create a dropbox account and PM me your Dropbox e-mail, you will be able to download all the pictures.
  6. You can contact jonathanpotato, he will help your friend to repair it, step by step. http://jonathan.dupre.free.fr/articles/articles.php?id=50&cat=17 Dépannage MD
  7. Huuuum remember me something... my first RH1 (grey) repaired last year by Jim Hoggarth. --------------------------------------------------- my Sony MZ-RH1 grey (bought around 130$ in Vietnam) --------------------------------------------------- For the repair of your Sony MZ-RH1 minidisc unit, serial number 5037952: Replace display block flexible connector (cracked) Reformed bent hinge pin on upper slot metalwork Remove label residue from upper slot metalwork Glue lid lock strike plate back into position Replace battery compartment (cracked into two pieces) Strip and clean all control switch contacts Replace several missing screws
  8. The previous owner did not sold me a clean unit and that was the only one I have ever found in Vietnam.
  9. Mine have much more aesthetic problems but no functionnality problem (thanks to Jim Hoggarth) Its Marsupilami period :
  10. 1st : download any torrent files with Flac audio files (bitsnoop.com + Bittorent) 2d :after some tagging and converting (Wav, if you use Sonic Stage) then transfer your music to your MDs in whatever audio quality you want, with a Net-Md unit or - my preference - in real time (PC +/- external DAC optical out). My PC : - Winamp / foobar2000 - Asio4all or Kernel Streaming or Wasapi as Audio DSP output (to record 16bit-44,1kHz to 24bit-96khz tracks) - Wincue for Winamp Post Track Silence for foobar2000 to get blanks between tracks - digital output (RCA digital ouput to RCA digital input of my Sony minidisc deck MDS-JB980) - MP3 sound enhancing : you can use the shareware DFX audio enhancer plugin (free version is quite enough) www.fxsound.com, I do not recommend it anymore with Flac files - record level : I decided to use everytime the ReplayGain component with foobar2000 during my recording (JB980 recording level fixed at +0.00db once for all) and to forget DFX if I use a lossless source during recording.
  11. Tapeheads also make resistance http://www.tapeheads.net/forumdisplay.php?f=140 For me the most impressive audiostation MD topic about printing labels was the "The MD label artwork thread v2.0". Does somebody has a back up ? On Sony Insiders we have a similar topic with "Glossy Minidiscs - labeling made EASY - finally!" here :
  12. But maybe you have a better french so send a MP to jonathanpotato here or contact him on Laserdisc Plaza : http://www.laserdiscplaza.fr/forumld/viewforum.php?f=73&sid=7366375439475170c2a3f86e4c925f2b (jonathanpatate) or on his own web site :http://jonathan.dupre.free.fr/ he will help you yo find a solution
  13. PhilippeC


    AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) is there to control the volume, so to protect your hearing. Maybe you record in a MDLP mode with your new player, then try to listen on your old "SP only" player ?
  14. Maybe you are searching for a pre-recorded disc, but why don't you just download a torrent Flac file ?
  15. Alas I don't buy any more for others - except some old members - in Vietnam (the unit could have some problems, shiping could be expensive except shipping inside Europe) Very common in Vietnam : first the customer MUST be hooked.
  16. http://www.5giay.vn/may-nghe-nhac-hd-player/6775662-ban-tivi-bo-tui-radio-professional-ghi-am-cd-vcd-mp3-mp4-md-net-hi-md-dvd.html 1.000.000 VND = 1T http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ MZ-RH1 = 292 us$
  17. PhilippeC


    just search for "LIP battery" and "gumstick" in the forums
  18. Maybe our first declared as so brazilian member. Thai will be cheaper for you if you can find help in - whole - america.
  19. PhilippeC

    spare parts

  20. Nevermind. This is not an understanding error, this is my poor english. First I wrote upscaling, then upsampling, then oversampling...
  21. First use short size cables, Second stop recording in a factory heavily equiped in electronics with the coaxial cable . http://www.audioholics.com/frequent-questions/optical-vs-coaxial-digital-connections
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