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Setsudo (Mod)
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Everything posted by bobt

  1. I have made quite a few transfers in SP for my car deck, you need a new version of SS and have to be sure the MD is set to MD not Hi-MD, Good luck and have fun, Bob
  2. you'll have to do a search, it basically entails very fine wire from headhones connecting the record head to the circuit board. Not quite rocket surgery, but a few have attempted/ Use the force Luke Bob
  3. I had that problem for a while, what it was was a memory module wasn't fully seated, and the computer went bonkers. especially on a memory heavy application such as SS. Try taking your side cover off the puter, and carefully release and reinstall your memory module, you should hear it click into place. Good luck, Bob
  4. With Vista you need 4.3. Does it do it on all discs? Sounds like you are probably getting the dread record ribbon cable failure, probably time for a new unit, Bob
  5. You can use the 600 for both, you are able to transfer legacy or Hi-MD through SS, Have fun Bob
  6. go 3.4 or 4.2, I'm on Vista so 4.3 is my flavor now, but I never had problems with 3.4, what problems are you having? Bob
  7. http://www.lnt.com/product/index.jsp?produ...rMZIWRacDr0qRNA Just what we all need!!!! Bob
  8. Happy Happy Birthday BIGHMW, keep on MDing till you drop. You Rock man have a good one, Bob
  9. Have you actually done a SS transfer to your unit to see what it really sounds like? Forget the numbers, just listen and see if you like it. Bob
  10. Good article, but it really proves that you need something decent to notice the difference, the docking staion with speakers for a puddle just ain't hi-fi ttfn Bob
  11. yeah, do like the happy endings, Bob
  12. bobt

    Sharp MD-M11E

    Hi Jay, I'd think somewheres in the 50 to 100 euro range, don't know if there are any listings on ebay or amazon that you can take a cue from. It's a pretty esoteric piece of equipement, so you may have to just take what you can get for it, good luck, Bob
  13. No set price in mind, make me an offer or a trade and will see what happens, Bob
  14. This is the week of me getting things, firdt the addZest car MD deck, then yesterday afternoon I go out my front door, sit on my chair to tie my shoes, though I sat on the cat!, noticed a bag on the chair, open it up, a nice Toshiba DVD player, no idea where it came from, but will definately be an upgrade from my Emerson el-cheapo deck, then today friend came back on the island for a week, share a lot of interests, like a lot of the same music, etc, sadi he had a gift for me, usually brings me CD's or DVD's, gave me a full 80 GB IPOD, don't worry I'm not off to the other side, 7000 songs just to much to sort through, although it's been fun refinding some old gems. Now if I can figure out how to dump the springsteen, coldplay, and U2, will be a little better. Does anyone know if you need itunes to manage the thing, or can I do it from explorer or quicktime. Playing now through winamp. Let's see what I get tomorrow!! Bob
  15. bobt

    too funny

    Saw this post on tapersection, tongue in cheek ingredients of Viagra: 3% Vitamin E 2% Aspirin 2% Ibuprofen 1% Vitamin C 5% Spray Starch 87% Fix-A-Flat was in my favorite watering hole last night, heard a gentleman next to me make a remark to someone else about Viagra. I Told him that I found out what was in the little blue pill, told him the major ingredients were fix-a-flat, and starch. he thanked me for the information, told me he wondered what gave them the knick now he knew. Had the hardest time keeping a straight face, takes all kinds I guess, Bob
  16. The reality is, unless you have audiophile grade speakers, headphones, and amplificatio, you are not going to be able to hear the difference, unless you record hi demand music at ultalow bitrates. Recording CD's to MD at SP will give you incredible recordings, don't worry about things not worth worrying about, Bob
  17. bobt

    Sharp MD-M11E

    beautiful looking unit, looked to be about $450.00 in 1994, don't really know if it's a collector's item, the optical in and out is a plus. Go for what you can get, but remember it's 14 years old. Bob
  18. that's the beauty of a piece of kit like the RH1, possibilities are endless, and a lot of conjecture, easiest way to test, get a piece of music you are really familiar with, record it realtime, and through SS at a couple of bitrates, put the unit on shuffle, and see what you really hear. Enjoy your toy, Bob
  19. Hi all, got a surprise today in a Clarion car MD player. Looks very Sony, no detachable faceplate, 35 W/channel. am open to reasoneable offers or trades. Let's see what's out there, Bob
  20. Really!! I think you mean there is no unit controlled SP, but I have recorded many MD's with 4.3 that play on my car deck, and my MZ1, so the answer is yes if you want, you can record from your computer to your MD in sp, you just have to dig a bit to do it. Bob No matter which way you record the units electronics convert to digital to go on the disc. Bet you couldn't tell the difference blinfolded, or on a double blind test. If you really can, then I have some $500.00 a foot speaker cable that you will love Bob
  21. try it with another disc, but very likeky your 707 is wearing out, there is a small ribbon connctor with ver small wires that goes to the record head, and these wires may be starting to deteriorate. You have to be careful at this point, as it will randomly start erasing discs with no warning. If you have a Sony centre near you, you could have them look at it, or alternatively, think of getting up in the MD world, an NH 700 or 800, as well as being Hi-MD will give you the ability to digitally upload recordings made with it, or an RH1 or M200, will upload all your discs. Good luck, Bob
  22. From here too. happy Birthday Tommy, have a great one, Bob
  23. Just finished Pan's Labyrinth, wow, powerful, see it if you haven't Bob
  24. Definitely need the coffee, one shot, good for the whole day!!
  25. I get that complaint all the time of all my stuff, even the records and stereo I still have left in Canada. Got hell for it taking space in my son's basement, an arrangement that he suggested!! Can't wait to see the reaction when she notices that DAT deck!!I've got my minidiscs split pretty well between home and work, and a few in the car, still I want more. MDA is a good thing, Bob I got my wife a 4 GB Sansa and she loves it, haven't tried the SD card on it yet, when the unit gets full I'll explore the option. Wife likes the simplicity, I love taking and changing discs!! Have fun in your choice Bob
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