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Everything posted by ROMBUSTERS

  1. do a search on the forums on how to 'properly' unistall SS2.3 once uninstalled run a virus scanner and adware remover (this should all be mentioned in the uninstall thread) after this reinstall sonicstage and see if it makes a difference
  2. very true im optimistic or foolishly hopeful that they'd at least do something but i dunno anymore, im trying not to hold my breathe too long
  3. no the plastic on any CD will warp in direct sunlight
  4. can you post your system specs please
  5. we've just established that any netMD with SonicStage will transfer an Atrac105 file to any netMD recorder
  6. the data errors on an MD disc are usually next to nothing: while the discs may physically become damaged and thus not work (same with CD-Rs or HDD) MD players make sure the data is written correctly, this is also the reason it is somewhat slow. In fact MO media can write at least 3x faster than it currently does. This is because MO discs, including MD, write in a 3 phase apporach: -heat disc with laser -write to disc with magnetic head -verify data and move on even if you stripped out the verification (something you wouldn't necessarily want to do) you would notice a speed increase in the writing abilities. However it is also this verification that protects agains lots of errors
  7. i just bookmarked about 100 tracks on my HiMD heres my report: the process is simple, easy and it works however it is slightly slow. you must hold down enter for 2 seconds to bookmark it. once all of your tracks are bookmarked (the ones u want anyways), you just press NAVI and select bookmark. you can then choose shuffle or whatever just like normal play. If you have DiscMemory on, ejecting the disc and putting it back in will preserve your bookmarks so you dont have to do it again. To remove a bookmark you select the song and hold enter for another 2 seconds and its gone ONE BIG PROBLEM THOUGH: if you edit any track via sonicstage you will loose all of your bookmarks. I assume this is because it checks the dates of creation for the TOC as well as its name in order to distinguish between different discs (sony claims about 64 or something in the manual for disc memory). However on the go its relatively fine
  8. Ah! right! bookmarked tracks! Select the songs you wish to book mark by holding enter for 2secs, you should notice a mark next to it. Then run the player in Bookmark mode.
  9. yes as long as Win98SE is a fresh instal and not an upgrade
  10. im pretty sure this can be done on any model with some limitations -you can scroll through your entire listing of tracks while the current song is playing -if you select a new track it begins to play -there is no way to preselect a track while the current one is playing unless it falls under the normal/shuffle/group/artist/etc play mode
  11. much easier but with some units with the jog wheel its also pretty much a breeze when you're on the go
  12. to my understanding when it transfers SP it basically just sends the audio data and it is recorded via the portables recorder instead of being transfered 100% digitally like the other modes, but i could be wrong. On netMD models 105 is transfered as 132 with no file converstion but rather just a wrapping. This goes back to the size of the sector on a standard 60/74/80min MD [WARNING THIS IS NOT ACTUAL FACT BUT MORE OF A SIMPLIFICATION FOR THOSE THAT DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE COMPLEX NATURE OF DISC STORAGE] For example, sony made the orginial MDs for use with Atrac 292kbps therefore you can think of each sector at approx that size. 292/2 = 146kbps ~ 132kbps; bit loss = 14 292/4 = 73 ~ 66kbps; bit loss = 7 however: 292/3 = 97.3kbps which would be around 105kbps except this is impractical because it is not enough to store even 3 second of audio (i.e. the division rate). 292/105 = 2.8 meaning you cant fit 3 seconds so your basically stuck with 2 seconds. But then again thats what you get with 132kbps as well; 292/132 = 2.2 and with less waste. This is the probably reason sony left out LP3 for netMD's. Anyways back to the beginning 105 is sent to the recorder wrapped in 132 tags and this works without converstion because they basically take up the same amount of data per sector so storing it as 132 makes no difference. By the by if your curious 292/66 = 4.4
  13. you cannot transfer tracks from the MD to the computer if the MD already has music on it (i.e. its prerecorded) u cannot record to it. if the MD is full of music you may not be able to fit anymore onto it
  14. it sounds like the optical pick up might be damaged or dirty, try using a different disc and see if it makes any difference
  15. Formatting will erase all of the data including audio on the disc
  16. Under windows you have the option to format in both FAT(default) and FAT32 i assume FAT is short for FAT16 so even with a disc that has audio its showing FAT16 as the default. This could either be a Windows defaulting type or the fact that the virtual drive is actually partitioned in FAT16
  17. well seeing as 2GB is the only possibilitiy within the FAT limitations, i'd gladly go for a 1.5 or 2GB disc. Just enough without being too much
  18. not necessarily, a HiMD disc is multi-layer and has at least 3 different curie points. Check out the FAQ for more info
  19. I'd say the HiMD can transfer an LP2 song in about 3-5 seconds so a HiSP in probably 6-15 is my guess
  20. I use it for both. Audio when Im not near my source of music Data when Im transferring files from school to home or place to place
  21. the point is who is going to have a spinning magnet in their pocket with their USB jumpdrive? the answer is no one not on crack. You shouldnt have to worry about them period.
  22. glad you waited for what? 1GB disc is still the largest available
  23. now all we need a a big clown named Ronald who is of Scottish decent who can market MD via a happy meal
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