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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. Good and bad news sadly, I just hope they launch it soon and make it not only competitive with the apple, but blows it out of the water.
  2. Is there no option to impot m3u files into sonicstage?
  3. Ascariss

    I WISH . . . .

    he means, song title, like artist, song name, album, etc.
  4. excuse me but bwahahahahahahahahahaha poor sound quality. the best one I've heard yet. Nothing comes close to the A1000 and A3000 in sound quality, and with EQ on, it's clearly one of the best on the market out there. Tools --> preferences --> NW-A1000 --> file formats --> bottom one, covert only unsupported content into selected format, the format is the one above this option. It should tell you what you will happen if unsupported content is encountered, ie covnerted into the options you have chosen. I never changed any options on both my players and it never converted it to atrac. As well upgrade to the newest firmware 2.01.
  5. great news, sony has delivered with CP for most users now, glad to see that people are experiencing the same use out of the program I had for at least 2-3 months now.
  6. CP is so much simpler to use though lol.
  7. Hmm, checking out the sony style UK site for sonystyle, I see only 1 HDD player, the 6 gig one. not 20 gig and as well the new NW-E005 is on sale already, shipping late april. so maybe sony will release a new 20 or 30 gig playe soon.
  8. If I recall, if you edit a playlist in CP, and connect the unit, the playlist will be changed on the unit as well to reflect the new changes.
  9. I am not sure 100% but I don't think you can, but if you could, I wouldn't recommend it.
  10. I could talk to the guys at the sony store, they know me quite well now lol.
  11. Not good at all, unless a new 20 gig or 30 gig player is coming to replace it.
  12. you're so paranoid. Like I've mentioned a lot of time, I have no problems with CP, but making a playlist in the program is a bit time consuming since I have to look through the entire library to find the songs while using a m3u file from winamp takes seconds to make. If it was for the ability to import m3u lists, I would freak since I use it all the time, and it takes around 20 seconds or so to import a list of around 200 or so songs. Transfer is instant over to the unit and if u edit the playlists in CP, they will be edited on the player as well. No harm in trying, but you're not using CP, so don't blame me if you use sonicstage and you have to reformat it.
  13. Have you asked sony if they over replacement face plates? If they find out that you are trying to screw over sony because you scratched your player with your own keys and now want sony to replace it, they may say no.
  14. If you don't have the new players why download it? CP only works with the newest players. Trust me you are not missing much by not using it.
  15. Ascariss


    I'll try to play around with this saturday afternoon, or on sunday, no time during the week sorry.
  16. Well if it still works, why worry? The volume button had to be stuck onto the unit somehow, it is only loigical that it can be removed with enough force or by sticking something under and prying it off. not happened to me.
  17. That's great new otiasj, very encouraging. Looking forward to the new release, any chance you had a look at that file i sent you, any idea why it won't download?
  18. Looking forwards to it, great work, will try this with my A3000 tomorrow.
  19. I tried it a while ago and couldn't get the program to id the unit, so maybe that was for me, no hurting in trying though if someone else wants to try it.
  20. As far as I know the new A series, at least the HDD units are not supported by mp3 file manager. One problem I foresee is that the tracks I can't download off the A1000 might cause tracks not being imported.
  21. Good news and bad news. Good news is, some tracks can be downloaded no problem, and hte program has yet to crash on me. But some tracks it says can't be downloaded for some odd reason. not sure why. almost like it is random which can be grabbed and which can't be grabbed. I can play any file off the device in winamp no problems.
  22. Only the Sony store carries stuff like this here and that is where I picked it up. let me get some pictures up.
  23. 1. yes they were using the latest version of connect, and sometimes even newer than us, but the same as is out now. 2. uhm, they did use it, and with real sony products , trust me.
  24. can only be done using a playlist sadly.
  25. there is a logical reason why the A3000 is larger
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