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Hi! thanks for the suggestion!

I've fixed the problem with the tmp files that remain in the directory.

So, during the weekend....

- I'll try to make the gaps between tracks much more smaller, by imploying a more advanced pre-read system.

- Include some of the other suggestions such as:

-- Context menus

-- Tray icon

-- Some others pending on this thread.

And hope to have the homepage finished! :D

And Vovo, special thanks to you with all your help in answering here in the forum and for spreading the word on GYM! :) You really like GYMnastics!

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Xispe, we're all rooting for you here! Keep up the good work!

Can I suggest that a big priority would be to develop ADD/DELETE functionality to your great player? This would mean we would have a complete file transfer solution, rather than using mp3manager as well.

Then...editing attributes of the files once they are on the device would be amazingly helpful.

If you managed all that...well you would have something to be really proud of! :ol_cool:

I know that all of this will swallow up your weekends, so can I be the first to thank you for giving up your social life for this "cause".

Don't forget to set up that Paypal account we can donate to!



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I'm not giving up on my social life. Today I'm going to the disco! lol


Regarding the ADD / DELETE functionality:

I think DELETE is the most simple... (just delete the OMG file, and it will be wiped out of the listings by the player)

Now... ADD is more complicated...

1st. I need to study the internals of all index files in the player.

2nd. Changing a value can kill the database on the player... (if a backup is not kept)

In fact... last weekend i was messing around with the files, trying to know how does the player saves playlists, I changed a value in one file, and the Database was trashed! :( I Had to reinitialize the database and reload everything again. Hopefully with GYM I extracted all the files first, with the ID3 Tags :), and then dragged them into MP3 File Manager. Uff... all my tracks were back again!

Thanks for the comments.

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I'm not giving up on my social life. Today I'm going to the disco! lol


Regarding the ADD / DELETE functionality:

I think DELETE is the most simple... (just delete the OMG file, and it will be wiped out of the listings by the player)

Now... ADD is more complicated...

1st. I need to study the internals of all index files in the player.

2nd. Changing a value can kill the database on the player... (if a backup is not kept)

In fact... last weekend i was messing around with the files, trying to know how does the player saves playlists, I changed a value in one file, and the Database was trashed! :( I Had to reinitialize the database and reload everything again. Hopefully with GYM I extracted all the files first, with the ID3 Tags :), and then dragged them into MP3 File Manager. Uff... all my tracks were back again!

Thanks for the comments.

I installed the mp3 filemanager but it won't recognize my HD3 player. Does it not support it? Any suggestions if i'm doing something wrong.

Thanks very much

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And Vovo, special thanks to you with all your help in answering here in the forum and for spreading the word on GYM! :) You really like GYMnastics!

Thanks Xispe

And yes i really like ears GYMnastics :ol_exclaim:

GYM is one of the soft i'll take on a deserted island (with PC, HD5, power generator...)

GYM deserve to be celebrated all around the world (my god i become a missionary man)


For hemingway

It seems that many users are using GYM with HD3,

is there any OMGAUDIO directory on your HD3, with .dat files ?

MP3FileManager is installed on your player ?


And a litlle thing AUTORUN.INF to put on the HD5 (with icon)

right click on the player to start GYM on the context menu.



shell\start=Start GYM


label=Network Walkman NW-HD5

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Thanks very much for the reply. I have tried installing mp3 file manger 2 on the HD3 from my computer hard drive and even from the player. Whenever it seemed like it installed it still wouldn't recognize that i have a player connected.

To answer your questions i do have .dat files in the omg directory. What do you have in mind?

thanks and any help would be appreciated.

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What is the middle of the key generation ?

Before you drag the files into MP3 File Manager ?

I am talking about the final part. All files are moved to the player and than it says that keys are generated - the program never finishes this final part.

Now I have an idea - I have mp3 and atrac data on my player, can this be the reason?

Keep on the good work.



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Xispe, when you released the first version, that didn't allow importing tracks yet, I tested it with my all-Atrac HD1 and it showed all tracks in the browser, plus showed the specific name the files took inside the player. I could then locate the file using Windows Explorer and copy it and play it back on my PC. All tag information was there. I was wondering if it's not possible to try something in that line for the Atrac files. Just a method of renaming the files and removing them from the player, without further modification. Does that make sense?

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GYM v1.11 is out!


Well.. nothing big in here, just lots of bug fixes and some new features:

Fixed bugs:

- Status bar not updated after stopping the file.

- Track list count was incorrect.

- Volume control track bar now starts with the current volume ;)

- Temp files actually get deleted now!

- Temp files are on the windows temp directory now <- !

- Advanced to the next track before the track really ended (a few miliseconds sometimes)

New stuff:

- Almost gapless transitions between tracks!

- Better responsive UI!

- More navigation. (right click the playing artist and album and see what happens)

- More ways of playing back tracks. Double click a genre, an artist or an album to try it out :)

- New column, now displays the type of track (MP3/ATRAC)

- ATRAC tracks are displayed as blue, MP3 tracks as black.

- Warning displayed when playing a list containing ATRAC tracks

Damn... still no homepage.

I'll soon release the source code for other people to start working on this also. This is killing all my free time :ol_cry:

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Xispe, when you released the first version, that didn't allow importing tracks yet, I tested it with my all-Atrac HD1 and it showed all tracks in the browser, plus showed the specific name the files took inside the player. I could then locate the file using Windows Explorer and copy it and play it back on my PC. All tag information was there. I was wondering if it's not possible to try something in that line for the Atrac files. Just a method of renaming the files and removing them from the player, without further modification. Does that make sense?

Yes, of course it makes sense. I'll try to work on that.

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GYM 1.11 little review

- Status bar not updated after stopping the file. OK

- Track list count was incorrect. OK

- Volume control track bar now starts with the current volume ;) OK

- Temp files actually get deleted now! OK

- Temp files are on the windows temp directory now <- ! OK (good idea)

- Advanced to the next track before the track really ended (a few miliseconds sometimes) YES (updatable by user will be great)

New stuff : cool :ol_love:

If i understand the right click on the playing artist and album, it place artist in

all genres not only his own (left click) and album in all artists and all genres.

- A crash!

System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.

at csSoundProj.csSound.Play()

at GYM.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

-Play an album with double click,

-Right click on the playing artist (playing panel)

-Left click on a different genre -> you've got artists but no albums

-Click next -> playing buffered track

-Click next, pause, play -> CRASH


- Strange : the focus is not set on tracks while playing on shuffle mode, but it's set

when playing next track with >>. (Why not, it will be bothering to change the list

with no user actions)

- Initialisation is fastest. (even on USB 1.1)

Sometimes the splash screen stay on screen after GYM is loaded.

DESIDERATA (only suggestions bla bla bla...) :

- A mark on the column header to indicate the sort order (asc/desc)

- A mark on the Genre/Artist/album playing.

- More columns : #track number/time/bitrate

- Putting GYM in tray icon when it's minimised

and showing the playing infos (Artist/Album/Title) on mouse over

- Possibility to save ATRAC files (not to remove them from HD5)

- An option to include/exclude ATRAC files.

For Version 2 and more :ol_cool:

- Add remove files without MP3FileManager

- Playlists

- Play in winamp

- Database...

Conclusion : another sunday brilliant version :ol_lol:

I'm impatient to see the homepage!

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Thanks Xispe for your weekender, and thanks Vovo for your usual help in identifying the good stuff and the bugs in GYM.

Xispe - I think you've discovered how much hunger there is out there for a decent app to run with Sony devices. What with SS and the current fiasco with the CP, people are desperate more than ever to have something decent to interface with their players.

Vovo has correctly identified a load of requirements for your software, but this must be getting scary for you... this will take a LOT of time.

My advice is get a space over on sourceforge or something and get an official open source project going. That way you can assign different aspects of the project to willing helpers and have a central place where people can donate, contribute feature requests, bug reports etc.

You'll go mad unless you get some help...especially as the world learns about this software, and this thread goes CRAZY! :ol_shocked:

All the best


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You'll go mad unless you get some help...especially as the world learns about this software, and this thread goes CRAZY!  :ol_shocked:

I think you're right,

i hope there will be a forum on the upcoming GYM homepage !

(Sorry for atraclife but this thread is going to be unreadable)


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:ol_cry: I cant use that version i have some bugs when i start it...

************** Texte de l'exception **************

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: La longueur ne peut pas être inférieure à zéro.

Nom du paramètre : length

at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)

at GYM.Classes.AllTracks.ReadTrackTag(BinaryReader r)

at GYM.Classes.AllTracks.ReadTracks(String sourceFilename)

at GYM.Classes.AllTracks..ctor(String driveLetter)


Could somebody help me plz?

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My DREAM addition to GYM would be this:


I don't understand why it's so hard - since you can make 5 playlists on the vaio pocket itself for example (on the fly which is a pain)...there must be something which is created in the files/folders to reflect the 5 playlists...so can't it theoretically be accessed and increased?

Edited by bongocanuck
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<french mode>

Mais but alors you are french ?

Tu as regardé pour le framework .net ?

</french mode>

Maybe you should look after installing .net framework...

Usually it solves this kind of errors


XML french junkies around here. I would make an XSLT for translating that into Portuguese ;):ol_biggrin:

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My DREAM addition to GYM would be this:


I don't understand why it's so hard - since you can make 5 playlists on the vaio pocket itself for example (on the fly which is a pain)...there must be something which is created in the files/folders to reflect the 5 playlists...so can't it theoretically be accessed and increased?

Sure it is simple. It's a matter of time to figure out the internal file structures. Only time is needed :ol_smile: , that's why I'll put today the source code of GYM online so that more people can help me!

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GYM v1.11 source code is available in:


I've added the GYM project to sourceforge.net... still pending review from top sourceforge.net authorities :ol_glance: ...

Project Created on Business days in queue Status

GYM (gym) 2005-11-28 10:57 0 Pending Review

I will be very very happy if someone would setup a CSV server for the community to work in GYM.

I used TortoiseSVN and it is nice!



Many thanks for all your support!

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wow.. i just tried the program! sweet stuff! unfortunatly, i didn't pay attention to what it DOES hahaha.. yeah.. i read a bit too fast.. i thought it was a program where you can transfer your mp3 and it will encode it into oma format.. but i then realized it does the other way AROUND! that will teach me to read too fast :P

Now, i was wondering, since you can DECODE a oma file, is it possible to ENCODE an mp3 to an oma format? like reverse engineer what you did. 'cause if you can do that, then you got yourself a sonic stage replacement!

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Just tried it with a brand new NW-A1000 and it was a no go.

The problem is that the mp3filemanager v2 is not installed or used by the NW-A1000 by default, and when I downloaded and tried to install the mp3filemanager it said that no compatible device was found and the install failed. Nothing was installed/updated on my A1000.

The mp3filemanager I tried to install was found here: http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/Downlo...&f=MP3FM20&l=en

So... I found the cache where the installer dumped mp3filemanager.exe and its supporting files and manually copied them to a newly created MP3FM folder in the root directory of my A1000.

Now I tried running the GYM installer which found my A1000 and said mp3filemanager was installed. Yay I thought! I went through the process outlined in the original forum post and got to the point where I was supposed to use the mp3filemanager to copy the generated keys from the GYM tmp folder to the A1000. This failed, saying the transfer was interrupted. I think the problem here is that although GYM could detect the mp3filemanager on the A1000, the mp3filemanager does not actually work with the device.

So, unless there is another way to copy these GYM generated keys to the A1000, I think A1000 and maybe A3000 users are out of luck right now.

One thing, can somebody who has gotten this running tell me where the mp3filemanager actually copies files to on there player? Like what is the folder where the copied keys end up.

Hope this helps out!


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Sorry completely forgot about this thread, indeed, it does work for me as well.

CP works fine though for me, so I can cope with that. :ol_lol:

So you got it to work with your A3000? How did you get it going? Every time I try to install the mp3filemanager it doesnt find my A1000... Where can I download the installer for the mp3filemanager that you used that worked?



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So you got it to work with your A3000? How did you get it going? Every time I try to install the mp3filemanager it doesnt find my A1000... Where can I download the installer for the mp3filemanager that you used that worked?



I said it doesn't work, I also tried the mp3 manager but no device was found, I use CP, the connect player, which works fine for me.

I only have the A1000 now, A3000 should be in next week.

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