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Yes, in labels you need to put && to display represent a single &.

The & in windows forms is used to identify the character which shall be underlined for keybord shortcuts...

for instance:

&File = File

Bla && Bla = Bla & Bla

Thanks vovo! :ol_biggrin:

I forget to correct that issue, and the label in the status bar is truncated sometimes.


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Hi, I would be very thankful to anyone who can solve my problem with GYM program. The problem is next: when I start KeyWizard it always pops up the message:FAILED TO LOAD RESURCES FROM RESOURCE FILE. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SETUP. Now, I have everything needed: NET framework 1.1, GYM 1.12, MP3 File Manager... I really don't know what's the problem. Again,  thanks a lot to anyone who can help me.

Can anyone help dejan with his tech issue?

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Note What i`m saying

If you don`t have many song then i will recommend you to delete all the Songs .Then Again transfer Mp3`s via Mp3 file Manager 2.0..tHEN AGAIN TRY TO USE GYM KEYWIZARD ..

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Wonderful work to both of you! It really, really gives me value to my player as there were two things that really annoyed me about the device: Not being able to transfer songs back and on-the-go playlists (the bookmarks are a joke). Only one to go to make it the perfect player :)

Now, I'm very interested in this project and it would be great if you could upload and organize songs so that we can get rid of SonicStage once and for all (can't edit track order in MP3FM afaik). I have one questions however...both MP3FM and SonicStage require power-user priviligies to use the device (haven't tried GYM without yet). Is there any specific reason why it would do that or is it bad coding? I know it's kind of off-topic, but I'm just interested in what I could expect from GYM in this regard when/if upload capabilites are implemented. Not that important for everyone perhaps, I was just curious.

Is there anywhere I can find info about the findings so far regarding the structure on the NW-HD? I have figured out that 03GINF01.DAT is for album covers and that 04CNTINF.DAT is for songs on the device. But where is the "filename on device" info stored?

Thanks again for a brilliant program


Never mind that filename info. Figured it out easily enough...

Can't see editing the info being a problem at all though. Is there something complicated I've overlooked? Any encryption anywhere on the song list info?

Hmm...looking again it seems to store it in numerous of files. To speed things up on the device I guess. Kinda makes it more work, but shouldn't be impossible. Too bad I don't know C, so this is kinda useless commenting from me, sorry ;)

Anyhow, I know you can decrypt the mp3s, so I assume encrypting them wouldn't be a problem either? Anyway, enough babbling from my part, I'm just so curious ;)

Edited by SveinT
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With this version you get errors for music transferred with MP3FM because it searches for the album covers that aren't transferred, I had to "make" dummy covers for this version to work properly, now all works fine.

It's not necessary you just have to put <display_covers>no</display_covers>

in GYM.xml.


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Note What i`m saying

If you don`t have many song then i will recommend you to delete all the Songs .Then Again transfer Mp3`s via Mp3 file Manager 2.0..tHEN AGAIN TRY TO USE GYM KEYWIZARD ..

Ouch...... Is that the only way posible??? Because I got a a lot of songs, about 600. If it's the only way, I'll do it. Thanks for this help. If you could answer me, it would be great.

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Downloaded GYM. It's awesome. Just one thing I'd like to check... can GYM only play mp3's and transfer mp3's back to pc but not songs in the atrac format. Although it displays all my tracks the atrac ones don't play and i can't transfer them. I guess the answer is perhaps obvious but i'm just hoping there is a way around this as i've jusst got a new pc and don't want to burn all my cd's again like i had to when i got rid of my (1 hour battery life) ipod.

Cheers (and sorry if this question has already been answered somewhere and i missed it).

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Ouch...... Is that the only way posible??? Because I got a a lot of songs, about 600. If it's the only way, I'll do it. Thanks for this help. If you could answer me, it would be great.

I`m sorry that i didn`t answer to your query I`m not sure whether it is going to solve your problem or not .bUt before deleting all the files I will recommened you to back up all you data that you have on your A608 to your PC

Delete eveything that you have via Player.Then Again Put some songs via Connect or SS not to forget to install Mp3file manager ..Then Use GYM again..If the problem still persists..Then i will recommed you to again copy your backed up files from PC to A608 (You will see all your songs in A608 again)

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Downloaded GYM. It's awesome. Just one thing I'd like to check... can GYM only play mp3's and transfer mp3's back to pc but not songs in the atrac format. Although it displays all my tracks the atrac ones don't play and i can't transfer them. I guess the answer is perhaps obvious but i'm just hoping there is a way around this as i've jusst got a new pc and don't want to burn all my cd's again like i had to when i got rid of my (1 hour battery life) ipod.

Cheers (and sorry if this question has already been answered somewhere and i missed it).


Welcome to "AtracLife"

Yes you are right GYM only works with Mp3 files ..GYM shows Atrac files on your Network walkman you wont be able to play it ..I fyou want to use GYm then i will recommend you ripp your tracks in Mp3 instead of Atrac

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I`m sorry that i didn`t answer to your query I`m not sure whether it is going to solve your problem or not  .bUt before deleting all the files I will recommened you to back up all you data that you have on your A608 to your PC

Delete eveything that you have via Player.Then Again Put some songs via Connect or SS not to forget to install Mp3file manager ..Then Use GYM again..If the problem still persists..Then i will recommed you to again copy your backed up files from PC to A608 (You will see all your songs in A608 again)

Thnaks a lot for this. I hope it will help. But, how do I back up my music. I've never done it before. I went on Backup, selected the disk F(that's my MP3 player drive when I conetck it to PC)??? Is that right way?? AJust so you know, my SS is broken down, that's why I am desperate for GYM. Once again, thaks a lot. You really are Valuable Contributor!

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Backing up files doesn't involve the player at all. You backup your mp3 files on your other hard drive, not the unit itself.

Either find a dvd or cd and burn your mp3s from your pc to the discs and then the cd/dvd can be used as a backup if you ever loose your mp3s. I am not sure if GYM works with the flash players, as far as I know it was designed for the hard drive units only.

I've yet to get it to work on my pc, but gym isn't able to rip the music of my A1000. or A3000 yet. The files are now shown as mp3, but the folders of the ripped file are empty.

Granted i don't have SS or mp3 manager install since I have no use for then. And stuge, he doesn't have a new A608, but an E507 according to his profile.

So your only course of action is this, backup your mp3 files onto disc and then once you have done that, then you can safely delete the music of your flash player and then using mp3 manager 2.0, retransfer the music to it again.

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Ascariss ,

I think there is some confusion,

Dejan follow the steps :

1.) Back up your music Using "Connect Backup Tool" Follow the on-scREEN instructions carefully .

Remember to put the back files either on your Cd/Dvd write using CD/Dvd writer or Anthor Hard Disk or Partitioned Hard Disk of your PC

Note:Remember ,If your Windows crashes .So this backup will help you in Restoring your Files(music ) on your Computer. (See Help File of your Connect player)

Now what I was saying ,Please Note:

1.) Click on "My Computer ".You will see you A608 as Removable Disk.


2.Now Right Click on "Removable Disk" then click on Copy .

3.)Now paste those copy contents to to the folder in your Pc hard Disk (where you like )

Note : Don`t copy the contents onto the Your A608 player

4.) After doing all this Format your Player .

5.)After doing Format.Tranfer Some files (songs ) to your A608 through Connect .

6.) Not to forget to install mp3 files manager .

7.Then Use GM keywizard.

8.)If you are successful this time then delete those old A608 files that we have copied to the Hard Disk .If you are not successful then I will adivece you to again copy all the contents to A608(Files that we have saved on the computer).

Dejan Don`t delete your music from Your Connect player ..

Also I don`t have E507 & I have E505

I hope you understand what i mean.

Note :I fyou are unable to undersatnd then don`t follow these steps

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Hey guys! I have a question born: Gym still don't work on my computer - but if it did what do i have to do to copy some tracks to another comouter without gym installed on it?

Emm i mean could i run gym right from the player? Would it work, оr Would I have to generate those keys on that computer?

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Hey guys! I have a question born: Gym still don't work on my computer - but if it did what do i have to do to copy some tracks to another comouter without gym installed on it?

Emm i mean could i run gym right from the player? Would it work, оr Would I have to generate those keys on that computer?

Sent you PM about this.

Hope to hear from you soon :ol_smile:

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Great program xipse! I need to ask a few questions but I'll email you or something as it doesn't really fit into this topic. I'm having a bit of a problem regarding MP3 File Manager though, when I run the wizard for it and it searches for my device the list is empty. I click Rescan and still nothing, is this because I'm using a NW-A3000?

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Great program xipse! I need to ask a few questions but I'll email you or something as it doesn't really fit into this topic. I'm having a bit of a problem regarding MP3 File Manager though, when I run the wizard for it and it searches for my device the list is empty. I click Rescan and still nothing, is this because I'm using a NW-A3000?

For your information, ltMayonnaise has created a tutorial to explain how to use Gym with the nwa1000/3000 series GYM with nwa1000

But I fear it means starting with a blank nwa1000, this is why I haven't tried. If you want to have a go, I'm very interested by your experience

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Hello! :)

As there are a lot of users with the new A series of walkmans, i'm trying to fix the keywizard so that is possible to use sonicstage or connect player for the key generation process.

This means that this will help people a lot, as they won't have to fake that there is a MP3 File Manager installed and stuff like that..

What we have is a player without any database (no OMGAUDIO, since the original was renamed) and all the crack.mp3 tracks inside the tmp folder. What we need is simply write this files into the walkman, so that the wizard can look for the keys. So, now we are supposed to do this with MP3 File Manager, Sonicstage or Connect. In the case of MP3 File Manager, the scenario is simple.. just drag the files. As for Sonicstage or Connect it is necessary to add the files into the library, and then transfer them as is. (and remove them from the library, not to keep all that trash...)

My question is that... for the new A players, why can't we use connect directly ?

I saw in Ltmayonnaise instructions that:

"This whole GYM installation process will only work using Sonic Stage, but before you scream… Ohhhh but I wont be able to use my artist link! I was able to get it working with Connect Player after getting GYM installed."



I am thinking on a much more simpler process:


Transfer MP3 Files with Sonicstage or Connect Player

1. Import all the files in the tmp folder and subfolders to your library;

2. Transfer all the files to the player (AS IS, without converting them into ATRAC);

3. Delete from your library all the tracks added in step 1.

4. Close Sonicstage / Connect Player


Isn't this enough ?

Does the OMGAUDIO directory structure created in Connect is different than the one created with Sonicstage ?


are there any concrete plans to support the management of atrac files within the program?

Not at this time.

But! for next release we will have bookmark edition and playlist creation / edition!

It works! B)

err... these icons look very japanese :sad::wave::unsure::mellow:B)

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First, nice work to everyone involved into this project!

I have a potential enhancement, useful at least from my side. I have Sony Vaio MP3 HDD VGF-AP1. The GYM works nice for me. But when extracting the MP3 files, I would like to have a folder structure not based on Album + Artist name, but based on the Group names I created on my own. In SonicStage, you can move files from groups to other groups, and structure your songs in a more "nice" way. In other words: "groups" and "albums" does not need to be always the same thing.

Somehow, the "group" info is inside the 03GINF01.DAT, but I don't know how to link that info to the real song file (04CNTINF.DAT), but I don't know the details.

Thus, my whishes:

- Incorporate in the GUI the "Group" category

- Configuration via the GUI or the GYM.XML file of the output folders for the MP3 files: in that way, the user may decide whether the output folders will have "Artist + Album" name, or "Artist + Genre" name, or one folder per Genre, or one folder per Group, for example.

Thanks indeed to take this into consideration, and Best Regards

Edited by gabiramos
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!Great Job!

i can't wait to try it.

But when i tried version 1.12, i still got some problem.

When i click the save buttom, the browse for folder window show up but there isn't any folder list in it.

like this:


My OS is windows xp simplified chinese edition with sp2 and Framework 2.0 chinese edition.

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