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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. exactly what I want to buy today in the electronic Nhat Tao area in Saigon, a digital multimeter.
  2. contact jonathanpotato http://jonathan.dupre.free.fr/articles/articles.php?cat=17 and this could help also : How to unstuck a MD from your deck (video : JB980 , JE470)
  3. I have the true record low price : Just need to add Jim Hoggarth small fee for his work :
  4. à consommer avec modération
  5. see also here I don't have any problem of storage solution in Vietnam as we got many japanese home style shops. I am about to buy those little shelves very soon to hold my MD plastic and wooden storage boxes: http://uma.vn/default/living-room/loka.html (40 or 80 x 12 cm)
  6. I am also interested by any answer about that "little" problem
  7. Have you tried - http://forums.sonyinsider.com/files/category/5-drivers/ -
  8. punkrockaddict, I send you several PMs but you did not answer me yet. I need your answer as swiftly as you can.
  9. How to unstuck a MD from your deck (video : JB980 , JE470)
  10. more information (in french) here : http://jonathan.dupre.free.fr/articles/articles.php?id=50&cat=17 Thanks to jonathanpotato
  11. The members list for the 6 free lenses is closed. Azureal (USA), netmduser (Canada), punkrockaddict (German), jonathanpotato (French), macaddict77 (French), PhilippeC (Vietnam ) Sorry to brainsmartman, Losio and mervyn but I also had to consider simple MD experience seniority.
  12. I bought my NH900 as new in thailand in 2005-2006. I used after some years a chinese external multi-purpose charger - "Winstar NA-10" - that I fixed to an output DC 3V - 1000mA. I have tested to small 500mA brother of this charger and I did not work as well as the 1000mA charger. http://www.tradetuber.com/golden-edge/product-40022/Winstar---Linear-Adaptor-NA10.htm Please note that my NH900 got problems after some years but I don't know if it was because of a bad output amperage of the charger. Work done last year by Jim Hoggarth "For the repair of your Sony MZ-NH900 minidisc unit, serial number 5050284: Replace motor assembly (intermittent speed problem) Replace optical pickup assembly (low laser output) Clean jog dial and key switch contacts Polish battery terminals Remove label residue from disc slot metalwork Test battery charge capacity Adjust laser power settings Full service and extensive test Guaranteed for six months"
  13. That will be a good idea to get it fixed by Jim (as Stephen said in another topic, he is back). Then if Jim need a spare part, eventualy re-contact me and phamcu before I leave Vietnam for holidays in France (midlle of July) so i will be able to send it to you or to Jim in UK.
  14. Hey Stephen, Jim is really back ?
  15. MP3 dowload is only available with 2d genetation Hi-MD units, or even only with the RH1. MZ-Nh600D is a 1rst generation Hi-MD unit.
  16. Nice little unit but it is not in a good aesthetic condition so I don't think you will sell it at your by it now price..
  17. 1. phamcu does not answer yet. If he have the spare part, that will cost around 5 to 10 euros (common price for a lens). Shiping to UK will cost few euros. 2. I agree with sfbp-Stephen, this is not a ES or even a QS unit witch are all valued more than 100 euros. This 1997's JE510 deck is SP only, not even type-R. That mean you will be able to find a deck with the same quality (Atrac 4.0) around 30 to 50 euros. Time could be for you to find a MDLP type S unit, even a Net-MD unit if you are lucky. Alternative is to have at least a portable Net-MD unit for an easy PC transfer. But as you have I guess only MDs in SP mode, you can stay in that recording and listening quality (many members do that, one album one MD) so be quite happy with "vintage" SP only deck.
  18. As you found the exact reference, I can ask now to phamcu in Vietnam if he has it. If yes, I can send it to you in UK once I will be in France at the end of july. Just wait. phamcu : http://www.5giay.vn/am-thanh-audio/3360572-ban-dau-md-desk-thu-phat-hoac-lam-da-va-cac-dich-vu-lien-quan-toi-minidisc.html
  19. Hum hum Azureal... mdmc is talking about a MDS-JE510 deck not a portable unit. But I agree with you, a new deck will be cheaper than asking a repair (except with Jim Hoggarth who ask reasonnable money for working on portable units, so sorry that Jim is not now able to do any MD job).
  20. Has anybody an experience with B&W headphones ?
  21. So sad you cannot have them opened
  22. PhilippeC

    HI-MD 1gb

    Same same... Real time recording for ever.
  23. In case of a mechanic or an electronic problem of an unit in very good aesthetic condition, think of buying the same unit "for spare parts" just in case. I think prices will grow up with time, so this is not a bad idea to search for such units from now. The fact that 3D printing exist nowadays, is also good news.
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